Scary movies?

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Okay, I'll admit it...I'm that one who HATES horror movies. My roommate made me watch "The Fly" (the 80s one) and it was...not too bad...but anything else freaks me out so bad! I even get scared by the ones for kids(but I like those better). My idea of a horror movie that I'd want to watch is something that would be terrifying for a 10 year old but they still love (like "Coraline"). And I'm an adult!!
I saw Sinister tonight with my niece. I seriously didn't know what the heck to think. :( I was about to barf just because it was messed up lol. I love scary movies and usually don't get too scared but this scared me haha.

And It scares me, clowns are ick. :p Same with Chucky movies; that doll creeps me out!
Ooooh, just remembered another oldie, Horror Hotel and it had Christopher Lee and Peter Cushing in it too. Like the old balck and white stuff because they relied more on story and less on effects--if the director can play on your imagination like Hitchcock did in Psycho you have something. The Haunting, with Julie Harris was pretty good too. Funny thing, watching Jaws now I ask myself why did that phony looking shark scare me so much?

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