Scariest Movie

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I loved the house of wax! How can you not!

I saw the first ever Haunted hill , it was almost black andwhite. And this women got pushed into like a pit of tar andthen a skeleton bobbed up. And I remember this goast or women floatingdown the stairs LOL it made me laugh.

The Blob was the first ever scary movie I saw. I think I wasabout 13. And then I saw The Tremors. That is alsogood! I agree the oldies are the best! Just like music is.

Also sequils (sp)are never as good as the first ones. Tremors 2 was rubbish.
Omg I saw the War of the Worlds the first oneand thought the second one was much better! The monster onthe first one looked just like it was made from a hoover chube:?

Bassetluv wrote:
Another scariest movie:

"Howard The Duck" :shock:

Good thing they didn't make a Teletubbie movie....I don't think I would ever recover from that.

"Uh oh!"

Although the bunnies on their show are really cute.....that is someone told me they were cute......ya,that!
Spring wrote:
Wrong Turns a good movie and Cabin Fever was kind of creepy

Cabin Fever was just GROSS. Especially when they left her in that shedand when they went back in she was like half a skull. :shock:

I havn't seen a good scary film for so long. I shall have to rent out some others soon.
maherwoman wrote:
Yeah, I agree...anything like that scares the pakookies outof me, too! Lol!!

JimD wrote:
"Barney's Great Adventure" ......scared the heck out of me. :scared:

Barney!..Barney! mean that big.. purple.. looking.. dinosaur thing?:shock: *ahhhh i'm outta here* lol

cheryl13 wrote:
maherwoman wrote:
Yeah, Iagree...anything like that scares the pakookies out of me,too! Lol!!

JimD wrote:
"Barney's Great Adventure" ......scared the heck out of me. :scared:

Barney!..Barney! mean that big.. purple.. looking.. dinosaur thing?:shock: *ahhhh i'm outta here* lol

<------- Scariest thing on earth. Rightthere. Eeep! I must hide!
The Others with Nicole Kidman - not so much the scariest, but there was some great suspense and I loved the ending.

I consider myself a sensitive and empathicperson.....why do I LOVE horror movies? Not blood and gore but reallyscary scary movies like "The Shining"" TheBelievers" (with Martin Sheen) "The Exorcist " (original one)"Rosemary's Baby" "Salem's Lot" "The Ring "the Ring II" andit could go on and on and on....I have seen many. It has something todo with taking my mind off everything!
There are no scary movies. My heart istoo cold or something. If someone gets his head squished Ilaugh. Someone burns alive I laugh some more. Ijust can't take horror films seriously at all.