Scabies and continuous eye boogers

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May 1, 2019
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Hey All...

We recently adopted a 1 year old male bunny about 1.5months ago. We have a spayed doe at home, still living in separate area..

We got the male bunny neutered 2 weeks after... then later on we found him got scabies. Not really sure if he was infected in the farm before coming here, or at the vet clinic 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️

so then he got injection treatment for the scabies... it seems to be very itchy as he scratches his mouth and eyes often.

his eyes have runny eye boogers and stick on his eyelids... runny eyes don't seem to stop. Here are some pictures this morning. We got eyedrop (gentamicin) today and gave him 1 drop per eye... i hope it helps him...

I'm monitoring the situation and will bring him to vet if his condition is not getting any better in next few days.

Has any of you experienced this matter of continuous runny eye boogers? Would you know what this could mean? Any tips or advices are welcome.

thank you!


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He does appear to have an eye infection. I can see some white discharge at the bottom of the eye in some of the photos, and sticky white discharge means there a bacterial infection. And with the swelling there appears to be around the eye, your rabbit probably has conjunctivitis. How long has he been having sticky eye discharge? How long are the eye drops prescribed to be given, and are you putting drops in at least twice a day?

What signs were there of your rabbit having scabies? What medication did the vet inject, and was it only one injection so far, and how long ago? And is your rabbit still itchy and still having symptoms of scabies, and is it not clearing up?
His nose looks pink and irritated too. My rabbit had this when we rescued her. She had scratched her cornea because it was so itchy. We had to give her antibiotic drops twice a day and kept her on Revolution for a couple of months to make sure that the mites were gone. I hope he gets well soon.🙏💕


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Hey All...

We recently adopted a 1 year old male bunny about 1.5months ago. We have a spayed doe at home, still living in separate area..

We got the male bunny neutered 2 weeks after... then later on we found him got scabies. Not really sure if he was infected in the farm before coming here, or at the vet clinic 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️

so then he got injection treatment for the scabies... it seems to be very itchy as he scratches his mouth and eyes often.

his eyes have runny eye boogers and stick on his eyelids... runny eyes don't seem to stop. Here are some pictures this morning. We got eyedrop (gentamicin) today and gave him 1 drop per eye... i hope it helps him...

I'm monitoring the situation and will bring him to vet if his condition is not getting any better in next few days.

Has any of you experienced this matter of continuous runny eye boogers? Would you know what this could mean? Any tips or advices are welcome.

thank you!
Oh no! That looks itchy and painful. I hope it gets better quickly.
Hi all

Bubu has scabies.. i can see the cracking and infected skin in his face/top of his nose, eyelids, and feet. He's also got eye infection with heavy discharge since he's got this scabies.

so we have got him injected with wormectin as prescribed..he's got 3x already in past 3.5weeks (7-9days in between of course).

He was recently prescribed gentamicin eyedrop last Thursfay. So it's now Day 3 he's got eyedrop treatment too.

for scabs, we got prescribed Cavia M as the ointment to help reducing itches of his skin.. we apply it since Friday.. so it's Day 3 now of using it..

here are some photos of him today, which i find him getting better vs Friday.. 3days..

the hypothesis is that he's got scabies from the farm, and not yet fully healed yet at the time we adopted him. And thus the scabs got easily appeared, which is now.

i've been advised that the recovery will take more time since it could be a recurring scabies issue since he was in the farm.. not fully treated yet so it can keep coming back.

Any further advice/tips? Thanks


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Hi! Bubu is beautiful and looks like he’s better! We were told during recovery process to wash our bunny’s linens frequently and dry on high heat, and to make sure to wipe everything down every few days with diluted bleach solution (allowing to dry before use) to prevent reinfection as the mites’ egg-life cycle lasts about 3 months. Also we were told by vet to keep used bowls and toys changed for clean/new ones. Hope he’s free and clear soon : ))
Hi all...

Bubu still has scabies as of today. Vet said the scabies is very persistent and these days it is also difficult to get rabbits fully heal from scabies.

We will continue cleaning this skin that has scabs and apply scabimite ointment as advised by the vet.

By any chance that any of you has experience of super lengthy scabies issue like this? It's been 2.5months now that Bubu got scabies that we know of. Basically we just adopted him, got him neutered 1 week after, then boom, scabies.
Hi all

Bubu has scabies.. i can see the cracking and infected skin in his face/top of his nose, eyelids, and feet. He's also got eye infection with heavy discharge since he's got this scabies.

so we have got him injected with wormectin as prescribed..he's got 3x already in past 3.5weeks (7-9days in between of course).

He was recently prescribed gentamicin eyedrop last Thursfay. So it's now Day 3 he's got eyedrop treatment too.

for scabs, we got prescribed Cavia M as the ointment to help reducing itches of his skin.. we apply it since Friday.. so it's Day 3 now of using it..

here are some photos of him today, which i find him getting better vs Friday.. 3days..

the hypothesis is that he's got scabies from the farm, and not yet fully healed yet at the time we adopted him. And thus the scabs got easily appeared, which is now.

i've been advised that the recovery will take more time since it could be a recurring scabies issue since he was in the farm.. not fully treated yet so it can keep coming back.

Any further advice/tips? Thanks
He looks so much better already. And, by the way, extremely adorable.
Did the vet confirm scabies with a skin scrape and seeing the mites under the microscope? Is it only affecting the head or is it anywhere else on his body(you mentioned the feet)? If it wasn't confirmed as being scabies with a skin scrape and only the head is being affected, there's another rabbit disease that can cause similar symptoms and only affects the nose, mouth, eyes, and/or genitals, but would take a different medication to clear it up.

If scabies was confirmed with a skin scrape, are you able to get Revolution(selamectin) there? It can also come under the name Stronghold(selamectin). It's another med that can treat scabies and may prove more effective.
Did the vet confirm scabies with a skin scrape and seeing the mites under the microscope? Is it only affecting the head or is it anywhere else on his body(you mentioned the feet)? If it wasn't confirmed as being scabies with a skin scrape and only the head is being affected, there's another rabbit disease that can cause similar symptoms and only affects the nose, mouth, eyes, and/or genitals, but would take a different medication to clear it up.

If scabies was confirmed with a skin scrape, are you able to get Revolution(selamectin) there? It can also come under the name Stronghold(selamectin). It's another med that can treat scabies and may prove more effective.

The vet confirmed it's scabies on head and feet. Yes so the Vet also said he will give different medication when the scabies still persists after 2 weeks.. we'll go to the Vet next week for the checkup, and possibly skin scrap.

as of today, Bubu's head is clearer vs last week!!! His feet still has scabies and developed sorehocks tho.

we clean him everyday with chlorhexidine and apply scabimite cream from vet.

hoping that next week the scabs are gone 🤞🏻
Sooo after 2 weeks of treatment & cleaning post Vet visit, the scabies seems to be 75% gone. There are still some spots on Bubu's head. The Vet performed skin scrap today to check the scabies underneath the skin.


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The skin scrap result is here!! Wow so fast. The result said there's no more scabies!!! YEAAAAAYYY!! So happy!!
The vet suggests to still continue the treatment for next 3days to ensure it's super clear. I'm so thankful of this huge improvement!!! ❤️
Hello all,

apparently the storm has not passed yet! Despite that scabies is gone (we did 2x skin scrap), there are still skin crust on top of Bubu's head. And now we see it also underneath his jaw! Vet confirmed it is fungal infection and gave fungal topical cream.

oh dear, I feel so so sad for Bubu. He keeps experiencing the skin issues since he arrived home in end of May'21!

can someone advise tips on healing fungal infection totally? Can it be healed? I really want Bubu to enjoy life and bond with ohr female bunny too.

Please please share your tips on managing and healing fungal infection.

thank you very much

Bubu's crust is thicking up.. not gone yet.. we still clean him everyday with gauze and chlorhexidine..

I searched thru and found that Bubu's symptoms are totally similar like rabbit physilis!!! MediRabbit

checking with vet and our local bunny community for the treatment now.

any chance any of you experience rabbit syphilis before? Please help sharing recovery process and advice for fully heal.

thanks so much!!
Syphilis could be a possibility, but I've never heard of it affecting their feet or the forehead like that. With syphilis it usually affects their genitals, around the nose, eyes, and mouth. Treatment is with penicillin injections, azithromycin can also be used.

Usually for a skin condition to affect the feet and other parts of the body, it's going to be fungal or mites. Maybe the mites are resistant to the antiparasitic that has been used so far. If treating for syphilis doesn't work, you may want to try a different antiparasitic like Revolution/Stronghold(selamectin). Since your vet found evidence of mites to begin with, that would still be the most likely explanation of it resurging now.

Other possibilities are the fungal infection or an inflammatory skin condition(eg. from allergies). There's also something called sebaceous adenitis that can cause a crustiness and fur loss similar to the skin condition caused by mites.

I had an older rabbit that was having scaly skin, dandruff, and fur loss. He was treated with ivermectin for mites, and it seemed to clear up. But it soon came back, so he was retreated again, but it just would never go away. Then I noticed he was also starting to lose weight and have heavier and faster breathing on a regular basis. I took him in for chest xrays and it showed a likely thymoma. So what looked like mites causing his skin condition, was actually sebaceous adenitis due to the thymoma.

If you can't get this cleared up with other treatments, it may come down to your vet needing to do a skin biopsy to really figure out what's going on, or you may even need xrays done like I did, especially if you notice any symptoms like protruding third eyelids on a regular basis, increased and labored breathing, or weight loss.

Medirabbit: sebaceous adenitis
Syphilis could be a possibility, but I've never heard of it affecting their feet or the forehead like that. With syphilis it usually affects their genitals, around the nose, eyes, and mouth. Treatment is with penicillin injections, azithromycin can also be used.

Usually for a skin condition to affect the feet and other parts of the body, it's going to be fungal or mites. Maybe the mites are resistant to the antiparasitic that has been used so far. If treating for syphilis doesn't work, you may want to try a different antiparasitic like Revolution/Stronghold(selamectin). Since your vet found evidence of mites to begin with, that would still be the most likely explanation of it resurging now.

Other possibilities are the fungal infection or an inflammatory skin condition(eg. from allergies). There's also something called sebaceous adenitis that can cause a crustiness and fur loss similar to the skin condition caused by mites.

I had an older rabbit that was having scaly skin, dandruff, and fur loss. He was treated with ivermectin for mites, and it seemed to clear up. But it soon came back, so he was retreated again, but it just would never go away. Then I noticed he was also starting to lose weight and have heavier and faster breathing on a regular basis. I took him in for chest xrays and it showed a likely thymoma. So what looked like mites causing his skin condition, was actually sebaceous adenitis due to the thymoma.

If you can't get this cleared up with other treatments, it may come down to your vet needing to do a skin biopsy to really figure out what's going on, or you may even need xrays done like I did, especially if you notice any symptoms like protruding third eyelids on a regular basis, increased and labored breathing, or weight loss.

Medirabbit: sebaceous adenitis

Thanks for the advice!

We treated him for scabies, now it's gone. But the thick crust appears again around his head, nose, mouth. His anus has had crust/ulcer and it comes and goes. The vet prescribed fungal meds then, and now after 2 weeks they're just the same.

we're getting him treated with pennicilin and i hope it works this time.

will update again.