Today, my little best friend will stop suffering. Her name is Chloe and she was born on February 4, 2005. Over 3 months ago, she was diagnosed with incurable lymphoma. I have been giving her antibiotics to prevent infections and steroids to help keep the tumors small, and she has been a very happy little bunny, just like she always has been her whole life. The tumors were located on her skin only so there was no internal havoc, until recently. She's been slowing down this week, and she can't hop straight anymore. It's the hardest decision I have ever had to make, but I know it's the right thing to do for her. I am 26 years old, and my baby is over 9 and a half years old. She has been in my life since I was a teenager. She's gone to college with me, she lived with me in my first apartment (and my second and third) and just this summer before her diagnosis, she moved into my very first house. She's been with me for high school and college graduation, every relationship and breakup. She has always been there for every major life event and I am so sad that I have to say goodbye to my buddy. You'll always be my little Chogirl and I'll always love you little luvbun. Rest in peace Chloe.