Well-Known Member
So I've finally got around to making a Topic about my wee bundle of joy!
I'll start at the beginning...
When i decided to get a bunny i began to think about what breed and sexi wanted. I decided a small one was best for me as i still live at homewith my parents and they weren't overly keen on me getting one, but letme get one anyway. So i came to the decision to get a Netherland Dwarf.
Next i had to find a breeder. After searching the internet i found one,emailed then and arranged a time to go and see his rabbits. He told mehe had 3 boys, 2 black and 1 sable which would be ready in a week whenthey were 8 weeks old.
In the mean time i bought an outside hutch, carrier, bowls, hay etc.
My boyfriend (Iain) and i set off to the tiny village of Letham onApril 22nd '05. Letham is near the town of Forfar and is a couple ofours drive from my home near Glasgow:
The breeder had loads of bunnies. Some were out in the garden in pensand the rest were in their cages. The baby Netherland Dwarfs were in acage with their mummy, and their daddy was below them. the were socute. I couldn't decide which one to take... it felt to cruel to pick.Iain said he liked the sable coloured one. The breeder took the weefella out so we could have a proper look. He was so tiny...justadorable.I have this thing where after i pick teddy's up and can't putthem back and choose another one...i hate chosing one over another. Sowe decided to go for the sable one. The breeder went away to get ussome of the food he was brought up on, while we had a look at all hisother bunnies. He had so giant one (can't remember whatbreed it was though).
The rabbit looked so scared on the car journey home...i felt guilty for taking him away from his mummy.
When we got home we put him straight in his new house and left him to settle in.
I'll start at the beginning...
When i decided to get a bunny i began to think about what breed and sexi wanted. I decided a small one was best for me as i still live at homewith my parents and they weren't overly keen on me getting one, but letme get one anyway. So i came to the decision to get a Netherland Dwarf.
Next i had to find a breeder. After searching the internet i found one,emailed then and arranged a time to go and see his rabbits. He told mehe had 3 boys, 2 black and 1 sable which would be ready in a week whenthey were 8 weeks old.
In the mean time i bought an outside hutch, carrier, bowls, hay etc.
My boyfriend (Iain) and i set off to the tiny village of Letham onApril 22nd '05. Letham is near the town of Forfar and is a couple ofours drive from my home near Glasgow:
The breeder had loads of bunnies. Some were out in the garden in pensand the rest were in their cages. The baby Netherland Dwarfs were in acage with their mummy, and their daddy was below them. the were socute. I couldn't decide which one to take... it felt to cruel to pick.Iain said he liked the sable coloured one. The breeder took the weefella out so we could have a proper look. He was so tiny...justadorable.I have this thing where after i pick teddy's up and can't putthem back and choose another one...i hate chosing one over another. Sowe decided to go for the sable one. The breeder went away to get ussome of the food he was brought up on, while we had a look at all hisother bunnies. He had so giant one (can't remember whatbreed it was though).
The rabbit looked so scared on the car journey home...i felt guilty for taking him away from his mummy.
When we got home we put him straight in his new house and left him to settle in.