Sampson has a post-neuter infection

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Well-Known Member
May 12, 2005
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Durham, England, , United Kingdom
As some of you may know, my foster bunny Sampson was neutered on Monday the 1st of September. He went back to the vets after 3 days to be checked and they said he was fine, however yesterday he went in for another post-op check and they said he has developed an infection.:?Unfortunately I wasn't actually at the vets so don't know the exact details however the vet doesn't seem too worried.She just prescribed antibiotics and (if possible) daily wound cleans.(However, I am pretty mad at myself for not going. I always go to the vets but had a driving lesson yesterday and thought as it was just a routine check I wouldn't be needed.:?)

The vet has prescribed him 0.7ml of marbocyl once a day for 6 days. Now, marbocyl isn't an antibiotic that I rate particularly highly, however being no medical expert I'll give the vet the benefit of the doubt for now and see how things go. Hopefully it'll heal up right away, but if not I'll request he is put on a stronger antibiotic.

I was just wondering if anybody had any experience with this particular type of infection before and if so how did they handle it?:)For now I'm not *too* worried, however I've had some pretty bad experiences in the past with infections and sick bunnies so I'm really hoping this remains a fairly minor issue and doesn't develop into anything for serious. I really cannot handle any more sickness with those I love in my life right now.:(
I had to look up this drug because I never heard of it. There is a drug called marbofloxine on medi-rabbit that is considered a safe drug.

I still wonder why that particular drug was chosen over another??

I also don't quite understand the infection.

I bring our shelter spay/neuters home from the vet after surgery. We are instructed to check the site daily for redness or swelling. occasionally a testicular sac will become very red and swollen and the rabbit will go back for a recheck. Since I believe that surgical glue is used after the surgery on the testicles occasioanly the area needs to be reglued and usually an antibiotic is given.
We have never been instructed to clean the surgical site but only to observe it.
Why wasn't the infection caught before now and what exactly is the infection?
Jess, just seeing this. How is Sampson responding to the meds? Is he still eating, pooping etc? And, as a side note, any luck in changing your Dad's mind about keeping him?

Thinking of you

Sorry that I haven't updated this sooner guys, things have been so busy I haven't really had time to pop on and post lately.

*Touch wood* it seems that Sampson is responding well to his meds. The site of his neuter is noticeably less swollen and red and he seems fine within himself (causing havoc in our house as usual!:p). He is back at the vets on Friday so we'll see what they say then, however I am feeling more positive about it.:)

Unfortunately no more progress with my dad Jan.:(I have a few options about his future that I am considering right now but time will tellI guess. Howeveruntil his future issorted he will be here with us in good care so don't worry.:)Feel free to pm if you want to know, I just don't really feel right postingit on the internet as it has to do with other people's personal lives.:)

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