Well-Known Member
Thank you Carolyn. I deeply appreciate that. Theprayers and good vibes must be working because I really feel at peaceknowing I did all I could to make my Checkie comfortable. I informedthe HRS director of her passing, and she said that Checkers lived aslong as she did with all her medical problems only because of my careand love. That gave me great comfort.
Nick is doing better, as he was acting schitzo last night - which isnormal for him! It's very obvious that he misses her, and is stillreluctant to venture into 'Checkers' spot' to lay down. She was neveraggressive, but would glare at Nick if he dare sit in 'her spot'. Andafter a minute or two, he would move and let her have it! She did havean authoritative air about her - a real Princess!
This is a pic of my Nick - also an abuse case, which explains hissometimes erratic behavior. He has come a long way, and now 'kind of'enjoys being handeled. This is good, because he is going to be snuggledalot!
Thank you all again.
Nick is doing better, as he was acting schitzo last night - which isnormal for him! It's very obvious that he misses her, and is stillreluctant to venture into 'Checkers' spot' to lay down. She was neveraggressive, but would glare at Nick if he dare sit in 'her spot'. Andafter a minute or two, he would move and let her have it! She did havean authoritative air about her - a real Princess!
This is a pic of my Nick - also an abuse case, which explains hissometimes erratic behavior. He has come a long way, and now 'kind of'enjoys being handeled. This is good, because he is going to be snuggledalot!
Thank you all again.