Rusty's Corner (number 2)

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so i work at carlton cards. and today a customer was talking to me about rabbits. and he was absolutely wonderful. well hm and his wife. they were an older couple. they said they have a rabbit and he chews a lot of things, and they dont know the breed. lol. he said when he let him out or watever, by accident one day he left the tv remote out and the rabbit ate all the buttons! it was so funny. and he was asking me questions about how to get them to stop chewing and stuff and if i let him out and what breed he was and all sorts of stuff. they were saying that they absolutely loved mini rexes and such.

it was just so refreshing to talk to a customer about rabbits and just make that persons day by relating to him instead of just trying to sell him things so it definitely made my day as well.

well just thought id share a little bit of my joy today.

also on another note, the other dayi sat on th floor and read with my bunny. it was so funny. he tried to nibble my book real quick so i said i told him no and moved his nose a little. then he tries it agian and i do the same thing. then he waits a little longer and tries it again ( at this point i had just stopped reading and watched him be goofy) and i tell him no. then he stops for a couple more seconds and just moves his face closer but very slowly and tries to chewthe book again. so im trying not to laugh while i discipline him which of course is extremely difficult. then he waits like 15 seconds, has his mouth open, and moves even slower to the book. i couldnt stop laughing and i just had to push his bum away cuz he obviously wasnt listening to mom. then he leaves so i continue reading my book. ( im sort of sitting with my back against my bed with my knees up and slightly apart resting the book.) he circles the room so i dont see him and i just happen to look at the bottom of my book and all i see is an open rabbits mouth moving slowly and gently wrapping his teeth around the bottom lol.

he was absolutel ridiculous!!! ijustcouldnt discipline him anymore i waslaughing too hard so i had tofinish reading on the bed. lol. he was just sofunny and adorablecuz he tried so hard to get that book lol.

anyways just had totell you guys that. have youre guysever done something so funny that you had to stop what you were doing and just laugh?

haha i had taken out my camera and the batteries were dead. im going to go take him outside for some play time and ill be back with a video and pictures. sorry for my excuses and delay!!! forgive me!!







Awesome! It seems as though Rusty really likes the dog. In that pic where he had his ears down and the dog was behind him, cute. The dog really seems to enjoy him as well. Great pics! That should hold me for a day or two:p.
haha thanks!

um i think he tolerates the dog. shes a little too rough with him so he learned to not run away since she chases him. instead he lays down and stops moving lol.

i guess ill have to take more pictures soon to satisfy your need of rusty. i know, i cant get enough of him either haha.

so last night i was so tired that right after work i went straight to bed. as imjust about to fall asleep guess who leaps on my chest and then thumps his foot? man i was so tired but couldnt resist his gentle way of telling me " get started on my massage woman!" so yeahi definitely petted him for 15 minutes and then i fell asleep and he bit my hand and woke me up again. he's so demanding!!
so im going camping today. for 9 days. im so sad. i miss my rusty all ready and i saw him yesterday lol.

anyways yesterday i was trying to pluck out that stupid fur he's shedding. he looks like he has a toupee on and he looks so weird all the time. anyways i was trying to pluck that out and he got mad at me and moved away from my hand and thumped at me!!! oh man i think he's getting his attitude from mom!!! ahhhh!! lol.

so this will be the last post for a while since i wont have a computer or anything so ill update the day i get to see him and i'll let you guys know how he's doing.

I hope you will have fun camping. Rusty will miss you, I bed you will get lots of lovins when you get back.
haha thanks guys.

i just got back from camping last night but i stopped at my friends house, the one i was camping with. we still have to unload the car and stuff. im so excited to go home today and see him :D

hes definitely going to get some treats when i see him!!!
so im back at home now. i missed him so much. the first thing i did was run into my room to see my soulmate!! he came out and looked at me and then went back into his hut thing :( oh well. and i checked my bed and he left all his fur on my new bed spread. every where!!! lol my bed was blue now its brown. lol. i guess i have work to do in my room lol.

hopefully he'll be a little happier tonight when im sleeping in the room. maybe we'll cuddle :inlove:
so last night we definitely cuddled while i was reading my book. to be honest it was the best cuddle i ever had. and when he ran i away i stopped paying attention to him he hopped on my tummy whilei was reading and had his butt in my face so i couldnt read. it was so funny. he's never really jumped on me like that unless i was sleeping. but i guess when he wants attention he knows how to get it lol.

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