Runny tummy - please help!

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Mar 6, 2013
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Hi Everyone,

About a month ago I notice that Ice (8 month old dwarf) had a bit of a messy bum, cleaned it, took away all fresh fruit and veg and only gave hay and tea! Went fine for about two days and it started again and I took him to the vet. Gave him anti-biotics for five days aswell as something to ease the colon and tabs to clear the virus.

Been going fine although up and down with the loose poo balls and not giving him as much fruit and veg as usual.

The last week every morning the poo is struck to the bottom of his tail in one big lump and also not smelling very well.

As the anti biotics is not good for rabbits due their digestive system I don't know what more to do.

Please help us!

What is his diet like? I would try either really limiting or just taking away pellets for a few days and really pushing a grass hay (e.g. timothy).
Is he overweight? Bunnies that are too fat can't reach their own butts to clean themselves and can't eat their cecals properly.
Why are you giving him tea and hat are these tabs he got to "clear the virus"?
I have a few questions. What antibiotic was given, what was given for the colon, and what are the tabs given for a virus? What virus is this supposed to be? Did you also give probiotics when you were giving antibiotics? When you first took away veggies and fruit, and the soft poop stopped then started again, had you started giving veggies and fruit again? Do you feed pellets and what kind are they and are you feeding them to your rabbit now, and what kind of hay do you feed? Do you feed your rabbit any other foods or treats? Are you feeding veggies and/or fruit now? Did the vet do a fecal float test to check for parasites and bacteria?
Yes, Probios are a good idea with antibiotics. It'd help to know what tabs and antiobiotics he's on as well as the tea.

I'd limit anything else not normal and don't make any quick changes in the diet. According to Oxbow, 75% of the diet should be hay, 20% pellets, and 5% they say should be greens. I know there are alot of oppinions on this, and so bunnies do with with more greens, but especially for the sensitive ones it is good to keep the greens down in really small portions and if they're having real troubles like right now, then no greens/veggies/fruits.

It would be good to have the vet do a fecal test. It is an inexpensive way to be absolutely sure your bunny doesn't have a parasite that could be causing all these issues.

One other ideas, is all the poop just mushy and a mess or are a bunch formed like normal? He could be having issues with cecotropes (the dropping they normally eat) and therefore those can get pretty caked on their bottom and smelly. Alot of young rabbits will just not eat the cecals well like they should especially when they're on a rich diet.
Hi Everyone,

About a month ago I notice that Ice (8 month old dwarf) had a bit of a messy bum, cleaned it, took away all fresh fruit and veg and only gave hay and tea! Went fine for about two days and it started again and I took him to the vet. Gave him anti-biotics for five days aswell as something to ease the colon and tabs to clear the virus.

Been going fine although up and down with the loose poo balls and not giving him as much fruit and veg as usual.

The last week every morning the poo is struck to the bottom of his tail in one big lump and also not smelling very well.

As the anti biotics is not good for rabbits due their digestive system I don't know what more to do.

Please help us!

---when in dought -we tend to trust our neighborhood veterinarian,,--lots of questions here about the issue, perhaps it would be best to study a link --sounds like coccidiosis,or diarrhea---possible adjustment to diet requiring more hay ie.timothy/orchard grasses,,supplemented by a small handful of quality pellets--lots of water,,--when giving antbiotics we must also give probotics (-which can be purchased from a farm supply outlet-)--please let us know what happens,,--sincerely james waller--:bunny16
Thanks for all the advise!

In South Africa (based on info from the Vet) we don't really have meds available for rabbits.
I must apologize as I have no idea what the name of the anti-biotics can be. But yes, pro-botica was given and I still give it to him. I can't see him being overweight as he only weight is 1.2 kg - is this overweight for a dwarf rabbit?

I read about the tea (rooibos tea) that can be given when bunny has a runny tummy on some website on rabbit health.

The tablet that was given in case it is a parrasite - sorry I don't have the name.
The meds for the colon is called Pro Kolin.

The hay we buy at the local pet store - How would I know the type of hay? Again in SA we are limited to rabbit supplies. Unless I use the wrong pet store?

The pellets I give is called Versela Laga and he does drink allot of water.

I read allot regarding the different tummy problems and it's basically just in the morning that his tail is messy during the day if he runs around in the house the poop is balls, and for the last two days I only gave him hay, pellets and some oats. Seems like the problem is the carrots (too much carbs) that I give a small amount of twice a week.
I totally cut on the fresh fruit and veg as well as the greens.

This morning he had poop stuck to his tail again, but the grape type.

Seems like he is getting better.

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