Ronnelle wrote:
Did he/she do a culture for it??Lissa, the vet hasn't ruled out pasteurella, unfortunately.
Did he/she do a culture for it??Lissa, the vet hasn't ruled out pasteurella, unfortunately.
I don't know Jim. Both bunnies are sneezing. :?It's the hay..yes..yes..
I certainly will, thanks! I'll tell them the parsleyis from you, although, I get the distinct impression that don't listento anything I say to them.Thank you for giving us an update on their condition. Givethose sweetie pies a hug, a pet, and a treat from their AuntieBunnyMommy! ...![]()
I understand your skepticism. But,their symptoms cleared up with the removal of the hay. Thatcan't be a coincidence, can it? Also, their discharge wasclear; doesn't pasteurella cause colored discharge?Soit's mere coincidence that both bunnies have allergies tohay? :?
Lissa wrote:I understand your skepticism. But, their symptomscleared up with the removal of the hay. That can't be acoincidence, can it? Also, their discharge was clear; doesn'tpasteurella cause colored discharge?So it's merecoincidence that both bunnies have allergies to hay?:?
Left to go on long enough without relief the constant flow of mucus inthe membrances could indeed harbor bacterial growth that could resultin infection; however, generally it is easy tovisually note signs of the infection as the mucus would take on athick, first white and then yellow cast. Your babies' mucusremained clear throughout this ordeal.BunnyMommy,
Could allergies cause an infection? If their nasal passagesare irritated enough, could that be a trigger? Just athought.