Runny nose, but not Snuffles?

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yeah, injections are supposed to be less harmful to the bacteria in the gut. Since your bun is so young, that may be why.
Wow, that was awesome!!!! Thank you so much!

I do have another question though, and maybe I'm second it possible for my bunny to be allergic to aspenshavings? His discharge seemed to be yellow, but now I can'ttell....
Im not sure, but I would think about gettingsomething less dusty for him, especially since hes having theseproblems. I use Yesterdays News for my boys with chronicrhinits/sinusitis. I find its a lot less dusty for him, which helps hisbreathing.

You can buy the big cats bags of it (unscented) for a reasonable price at most pet stores.
Yeah, I doubt its causing his problems, but it will help to have something less dusty.

You can also shake out his hay and food if its dusty at all, which will helpa little.
I did it! I gave him hismedicine! :) He was really good about it - I putsome hay in my lap and he munched on it. The first time Ididn't get it in (there was a wet spot on his fur). Idefinitely learned my lesson! It worked the secondtime. I hope I don't run out of meds because I messed up atfirst.
Somethng went wrong!

I gave him his injection today, and afterward he was acting really scared, and it was hard to calm him down.

I looked at the spot where I injected him, and it was purplish-pink andlooked like it was bleeding underneath the skin. I took himto the vet, who doesn't work today, but he is coming in to seehim. I dropped him off and they said he would call me.

I don't know if I hit a muscle or what, but now I'm really scared!
The vet said I didn't do anythingwrong. He most likely is allergic to the medicine, so the vettold me to stop giving it to him. The vet is hoping thatbecause he got some doses of the antibiotic that he will get better.