*~*Rosiez Zoo*~*

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Well - Rosie hasn't updated any pictures here - but I decided to be nice and upload Harley's video shoot from the other day...

Thank you so much, Peg!! He's such a handsome boy...:D

As far as updating...I know, I'm such a bad bun mommy about that...

Things have been SO INSANE the past month. I've been really distracted...from dealing with Drew's passing, to trying to find our new place, to trying to plan for the boys' trip home...oh man! So much going on!!

Hopefully I'll get back into the swing of things soon, though...with the money increase lately, I feel so much relief! Things are finally getting handled that have needed handling for SO LONG...:)

Hugs to all!

Hmmm for someone who recently got a bigger memory card for the cam there's not so many pics in here :p:p:pI wanna see more more more! *looks innocent* Oh and I wanna see the new gang too but I couldn't find your other blog...

Btw, I you bringing Harley home?
Oh no's...someone found me! :embarrassed:

Well, let me put the link here where I posted the pictures of the new babies:

And let me add a new picture I took of the beautiful SweetPea (a picture that is currently adorning my desktop as wallpaper):


She looks a little peeved...we just moved her to Em's room a few days ago, and she's still adjusting. Don't worry, the sweetie still gets LOADS of attention. Remember that I'm home pretty much literally 24/7, so they get more attention than most buns! :)
:disgust:Those pics are already 7 days old!!! :tongue

And did I hear correctly??? ALL your buns are sick :huhI really hope I misunderstood. :(

And your girlis beautiful as always. hehe. How is Em enjoying her new bunny?
Yep, unfortunately, they are all potentially sick right now. Teeny's brother and sister (that life with okiron) have been diagnosed with having coccidia...so I'm going to have to treat everybun (and possibly the kitties) for it, just in case (since the symptoms don't present in older buns, but the protozoa are still there...and it's contageous enough, that it's worth just treating everybun for).

Thankfully, though, it's not life-threatening in our case, so we'll be treating, cleaning everyday like mad (thoroughly cleaning each cage AND litterbox DAILY), but they'll be just fine. :)

Em's LOVING having her bun home. And Cuddles is such a sweetheart! :D

I'm going to try to do a new photoshoot of everybun and post them here just as soon as I can! I don't know how much energy I'll have with all this cleaning...but I'll try...:D


How are you doing, Sweetie?
I'm sorry to hear :(Definitely worth treating even if it's just preventative at this time. Don't worry about the pics then. I can wait :p

I'm hanging in there thank you :)
I held Velveteen last night, and we took a few photos...so I thought I would post them. :)

He's such a snuggly boy!


Look how little he is! :)


Kisses for my baby :)


And we tried to get some pics of the hints of white spots on his back, but as you can see, they didn't show anything but that beautiful black fur. :)




And the cutest one...I asked Danny to try to get the white spot on his nose...look what Velveteen was doing when he took the shot...


Now, this set of pics (and videos), I did especially for Peg...because she's been having a hard time, and I wanted to do something special for her. :)

But...I wanted to share them with you guys, too...:)

I did a photoshoot of Teeny tonight, while he ran around...the videos are uploading as I type this, but I've already uploaded the pics, so I'll at least start out by posting those. You won't want to miss the videos, though!! :D

First, a little bit of a size comparison (looked through pics long and hard to find it, too, hehe!).

This is him on the 18th:


And this is him tonight (the 29th):


Both are taken from about the same distance, with him in much the same pose. And, though you can't FULLY see my feet to compare, you can see that he's bigger. I was considering doing a "Watch the Flemmie Grow" thread. Whatcha guys think?

So, onto the pics! :D

First, I must ask your patience...he was quite active and silly tonight, so a lot of these really aren't Kodak moments...but he's so fun to be with, it's okay with me. :D

Bunny Butt!


Tryin' to say hi to Maisie:


Goin' for Daddy's shoes:


In his cage door:


Tryin' to eat my shirt...little Stinker! :D




He was hard to keep up with!


Hard to believe this big boy is still such a baby!




Look how BLUE his ears have gotten! Other pics may show this better:


Givin' me the stink eye from under his lowest level...think we'll have to enlarge his cage sooner than we thought! :shock:






Look at that sweet baby face!


His favorite pasttime: trying to eat Mama's pants! LOL!






Extreme Ear Close-up!!


Look at that little snoofy nose! :D


"I'm innocent, I SWEAR!!"


Da butt




"I's handsome, Mommy..."


More Mommy pants eating




I love that scruff behind bunnies' ears!


And there ya go! Videos to follow! :D
aaaaww.....LOVE those baby Flemmie binkies!!! :inlove:

"dooodeeedooo....think I'll just explore over here...dooodeeedooo....and over here...*SPROIOIOING*...dooodeeedooo..."

Teeny has the most beautiful ears! And to think he's going to be growin' into those very soon....:shock:
I know! Isn't he wonderful?!

And those ears...they kinda just go ALL over the place...

I tell him he has floopity ears, hehe!

And don't you love the color of them? I'm so in love, guys...my babies are so amazing!


P.S. Bassetluv...did you hear the Yofi reference in the video?? :D
Lexi and I just sat and watched the videos! Teeny is so cute! he binkies like Tony - that sort of swoop with the head and off they go!

We've decided he looks nearly identical to Tony but with an extra helping of ears!!! ;)

Do I see someone holding a bunny on here???? Kinda nice snuggling them isn't it?

I love the mini-rex to snuggle - they are so soft and when they lay down and enjoy the petting - it's so sweet!!
Oh I LOVE LOVE LOVE those videos.

Tiny didn't really binky a lot as a youngster (we got him when he was three months old I think.....) - but he did binky when he'd go outside to play.

I just adore flemmies and I will definitely have to put Teeny on my list of bunnies to kidnap.

I'd steal them all but I can only carry so much at one time...

Oh man, guys...I've been having SO MUCH FUN holding my babies and spending time with them recently. Now that stress has lowered in our house, we're back to having FUN! :D

I have had so much fun with our new babies, and have been finding new ways to have fun with our whole gang. Our house is full of fun again, and it's SO NICE!!

Peg...hehe about trying to bunnynap Teeny...I think it'd be difficult to keep a hold of him for very long...he's a slippery little boy! LOL!!
Congratulations on your new babies! (I don't think I've said that yet.) I still haven't even felt a rex.
Your pictures and videos were great! But I think it's Maisie's turn. *hint* What can I say? I have a thing for chinchilla bunnies.


Thank you, Diana!

Yeah, I have a thing for chinchilla bunnies, too...hehe!

I was actually thinking of doing a Maisie photoshoot next...she's so purty! :D



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