Rose Has Tank !

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We may have a connection from WI to IL or even IN. Can we connect anyone from there?

The links are coming together--you folks are something special!!!:D

So far 2 other friends have offered tohelp. One is in mid-Ohio, further south than me, and theother lives in mid- Pennsylvania. The one in PA recentlyarranged an angora rabbit rescue all the way from Hawaii toPA. Both are experienced with rabbits. I'll keepyou posted.
I am trying to figureout if I can justifybegging a ride with some of thepeople Going from NHto Convention ,and the returnride back . I was thinking IF I could hitch a ridewith my 8 yr old ShadowI could pick her up and Helpwith Gas and what ever is neededto get there and back . If we can get herto the Convention She herselfwould have a ride back to NH .Its a small price to pay for sucha generous offer to haveAnimals brought back .

I So want to Thank Everyone whois Helping and , all thewonderfull support , Ideas andgoing the extra extra miles ! Idont know If Everyoneknows how deeply Rose , Myself, and Tankowe all of you , We all ThankYou from the botom of ourhearts , I do hope in the FutureIF the need arrisesagain Someone calls on Me tohelp . I will be there with Bells on .
I got the following offer from Scott's Bunch ofBunz Rabbitry in northern Michigan. They are long time rabbitbreeders, ARBA members:

If we could set up to get her taken through the UpperPenninsula of Michigan and come down that way I could meet someone atthe Bridge and then transport down to the Ohio border... I have a showcoming up in September and it will take me half way there.. wouldn't bemuch more to go a little further to get her to the Ohio border. Let meknow what you guys figure out. Hope we can get this girl to a goodhome.

I told her I would pass along the offer and let her know thefinal arrangements. I think the show she mentions is inIonia. I'll post the offers as I get them.

Gypsy, I am PMing you my personal info in case you need it. Please feel free to share with Rose.
Thank You so MuchAnn , as I said in PmPersonal info isnt necessary we are allin this together . I appreciate all thesupport Rose and I have gotten ,If I was a teary eyed type person Iwould be drowned by now ,

I am Hoping against Hope thatWhen Rose picks Tank up tomorrow herhealth is good or better , I amso fearfull as to how well she as takencare of . Before we move her toofar She should definatelybe wormed and hard , poor girl. I have a standing Openappointment with My Vet when shegets here , I will just take herin for a thorough once twice over, she will probily stay the night there .Just to beon the safe side . I amfearfull all the changes she is goingto go thru will thow her intoStasis or worse , He willtake care of her and do what is necessary.

And Yes even though I am still Miffed athim He is the one i will betaking her too .

Oh all I can say is you guys are an amazing bunch, just when I thoughtthis place couldn't do anything else to amaze me you guys go and dothis.

I thought reading that she was alive was great and it made my day butthis has me sitting on the edge of my seat wondering what will pop upnext.

I have to get to work soon (is my morning off) but as soon as I get home I wll be checking to see what's happened.

If I was Tank I would be so ever grateful for what you are all doing.

I can not help obviously but I sure will be sending good positive thoughts to you all and especially to Tank.

Goodluck for all of you :pray:

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