Thank You so MuchAnn , as I said in PmPersonal info isnt necessary we are allin this together . I appreciate all thesupport Rose and I have gotten ,If I was a teary eyed type person Iwould be drowned by now ,
I am Hoping against Hope thatWhen Rose picks Tank up tomorrow herhealth is good or better , I amso fearfull as to how well she as takencare of . Before we move her toofar She should definatelybe wormed and hard , poor girl. I have a standing Openappointment with My Vet when shegets here , I will just take herin for a thorough once twice over, she will probily stay the night there .Just to beon the safe side . I amfearfull all the changes she is goingto go thru will thow her intoStasis or worse , He willtake care of her and do what is necessary.
And Yes even though I am still Miffed athim He is the one i will betaking her too .