RO Trivia challenge :-D

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i havent gotten this in awhile.

[size="+2"]Questions correct: 9 / 10
You took 79 seconds to complete this quiz.
Total score: 821[/size]
Just as a note so folks don't feel so bad - mydaughter and I saved our questions and answers after we took the quizand emailed them to each other.

We didn't have the same quiz...

So I wouldn't feel too bad folks as we're not all having the same quiz....

Oh! I thought we changed it soeveryone is having the same questions? Is there a way to makeit all the same for everyone? That seems a little more fair.
mambo101 wrote:
I'm never gonna get first place again. I just cant read that fast.:shock:
I found a trick to getting faster. Play some of the othertrivia games on the site - maybe 4-5 a day from the generalcategory. It really helps build speed and of course you learnall kinds of fun facts. My favorite was the toilet triviaquiz.

Another thing I found is that after a while, the questions appear a 2ndand 3rd time. I embarass myself when I continue to get themwrong.
I have been doing really bad lately :headsmack[size="+2"]

Questions correct: 7 / 10
You took 61 seconds to complete this quiz.
Total score: 639
HoneyPot wrote:
Oh! I thought we changed it so everyone is havingthe same questions? Is there a way to make it all the samefor everyone? That seems a little more fair.

"It is easy for players to cheat if all players getidentical questions each day. They can simply by use multiple accountsor share answers with friends. Our cheat prevention works by giving allplayers playing in a day slightly different questions. Over time, allplayers will get the same questions, keeping competitionfair."

That's taken from Admin settings. They used to be the same every daybut the whole thing was changed recently (nothing to do with me).

My husband set one up for us to play and we getthe same questions every day. Now who would cheat, this is agame to have fun, if you can't be honest and play without cheating thenin my opinion you shouldn't be playing.


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