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Thanks for the poke in the belly button,lol, next time poke harder :p lol. I am proud to admit that i still have a belly button it isnt completely flat or poping out like they do sometimes,lol.

I am still home , we did go food shopping and i walked there, but it was too rainy here today so i couldnt go out. We did just get done making choc chip cookies,lol, i figured if i made something that i RRRREEEEEAAAAAALLLLLLYYYYY want my water would break the instant i wanted to eat them,lol!!!!!!!!!!! I am so impatient and hate waiting,lol. But i am starting to get that "oh my god i am having a baby" realisation,lol.
Luvmyzoocrew wrote:
Thanks for the poke in the belly button,lol, next time poke harder :p lol. I am proud to admit that i still have a belly button it isnt completely flat or poping out like they do sometimes,lol.
Maybe that's the problem! Your "baby timer" (like those turkey ones) is telling you that baby isn't ready to come out of the oven, yet!

Go get yourself one of those mini-trampolines lol
kherrmann3 wrote:
Luvmyzoocrew wrote:
Thanks for the poke in the belly button,lol, next time poke harder :p lol. I am proud to admit that i still have a belly button it isnt completely flat or poping out like they do sometimes,lol.
Maybe that's the problem! Your "baby timer" (like those turkey ones) is telling you that baby isn't ready to come out of the oven, yet!

Go get yourself one of those mini-trampolines lol
Oh, duuude,it makes me hurt think about jumping on a trampoline at nine months pregnant!LOL It's been almost nine months since I had my youngest, and well do I remember how bad it hurt even to walk at the last! I hope you go on your own, Luvmyzoocrew, it's a lot easier on you that way. I'll be keeping you in my thoughts/prayers until I see the news you have delivered, lots of luck and a great big epidural to you! :biggrin2:
had a dribble and am waiting for the doc office to call me back to see if they want to see me to see if my water has broken and is leaking. So this could be a false alarm and the only reason why i am calling them is becasue this was different then what i have been experiencing lately so we will see what happens. I am h oping my water did break or even has a slow leak,lol!!!!!!!!!!! and i have the baby today.

how is this for an update i am home!!!!!!!!!!!! lol. I went in and got monitored, and checked, it wasnt my water, but then i started contracting. They had me walk which made the contractions worse,lol, but there was little change. They monitoreed me and the baby , my bp was high so they wanted to make sure that it went down. Then after i got back in bed the contractions were not as strong so they sent me on my way. I am still scheduled for thursday if i make it two more day,lol. I am getting ready to go to bed and lay down.
Those darn babies. It's like they know there are a bunch of people waiting to see them... Shy little things.

*shouts at your tummy* Make your debut already!

kherrmann3 wrote:
Those darn babies. It's like they know there are a bunch of people waiting to see them... Shy little things.

*shouts at your tummy* Make your debut already!


ha ha ha ha ha ha, lol!!!!!!!!!

I have tons of things to do today and i am praying that the induction doesnt get canceled for tommorrow, and if it does could they please calle me before i get up at 530 am to get ready :biggrin2:
for your sake i hope the water breaks today with a nice and quick delivery-----ok not too quick b/c you need time to get the my mom had my sister victoria she was in labor for 30 minutes from start to finish. she literally just made it to the hospital....barely. and she had back and front labor. i was only 8 at the time and all i remember was standing in line to hand in my 15 cents for my milk money in Ms. carlson's 2nd grade class when on the loud speaker they called my name to the office and i got to cut the milk money line and i just KNEW that my baby sister was born. 23 years ago and i remember it like it was
purplepeacock wrote:
for your sake i hope the water breaks today with a nice and quick delivery-----ok not too quick b/c you need time to get the my mom had my sister victoria she was in labor for 30 minutes from start to finish. she literally just made it to the hospital....barely. and she had back and front labor. i was only 8 at the time and all i remember was standing in line to hand in my 15 cents for my milk money in Ms. carlson's 2nd grade class when on the loud speaker they called my name to the office and i got to cut the milk money line and i just KNEW that my baby sister was born. 23 years ago and i remember it like it was
15 cent milk!!!!!!!!!!!! lol i had a flash back of the cartons of iced tea and mild , and the pretzels we would get at recess,lol.
:( I was the only kid in the elementary school who had to have Tang orange "drink" instead of milk. Darn lactosintolerance... I hate Tang. I can drink milk now, though.
fran--you and i are almost the same age which is why we remember 15 cent milk!'m sure it's more than that now. my elementary school didn't have a caf so we always had to pack our lunches but tuesday was hot dog day and we could buy a hot dog for 50 cents and chips for 25. what were those chips that were kinda of like a corn chip but they were folded like little fans?? does anyone remember?
slavetoabunny wrote:
purplepeacock wrote:
what were those chips that were kinda of like a corn chip but they were folded like little fans?? does anyone remember?
Fritos?? Oh, and I remember 5 cent milk.
hmmm.....they weren't called fritos. fritos were smooth and had a curve to them. these were like little squares that they folded into a little fan---only they didn't pinch the one side they you do with a fan so it was still square but the fan part made a ripple like thing. now it's driving me nuts trying to remember. i'll have to ask doug tonight---he's the king of chips and junk for the milk...i don't remember it ever being 5 cents but then again i'm originally from NY so maybe milk was just more money
purplepeacock wrote:
as for the milk...i don't remember it ever being 5 cents but then again i'm originally from NY so maybe milk was just more money
I think it's just that I'm a lot older than you! I'm originally from NY too.
Just checking in because I've been following this thread but don't think I've actually posted in it yet...

Fran! How are you? I hope you made it to the hospital- I'm thinking of you today!!!! :hug:

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