ripping her fur out!!

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Bramble Briar86 wrote:
contrary to popular misconception, you should not palpateafter the 16th day of pregnancy. you can easily harm the young, it'svery hard to palpate and be certain after then too.

Done properly, there is no harm in palpating the healthy pregnant doeat anytime during her gestation. At 14 days is the easiesttime to palpate, but I've palpated at all stages of gestation.

quite true, but i really meant it for thoseinexprienced. they could harm the doe and the would-be pups. and thosewho've done it before wouldn't really pay mind to it cause they know!lol. i don't know if you've heard but, i think my doe is pregnant.she'd be in her third week. i really don't know if she is or not. doyou know common things to look for? increase in appettite and such,pamnock?

Palpating is the most accurate way to determinepregnancy. The doe may or may not show changes in behavior,appetite or condition. She also may or may not accept a buckduring pregnancy. Some people use the "hay test" and give thedoe a little hay later in pregnancy to see if she will attempt to nestwith it. Many *but not all* does will gather up the hay intheir mouth.

Bramble Briar86 wrote:
quite true, but i really meant it for those inexprienced.they could harm the doe and the would-be pups.

We call the young "kits" or "kittens" in the US :)

nothing new yet, she's just sitting there in hernest!! she's not eating and im worried about that!! she only justnibbled at a few greens but nothing else!
luna! i was so surprised this morning. my doegave birth to her pups!(is it wrong to say pups in the US?) i didn'teven know she was that preg. i thought that if she was pregnant shewould be 15 days. she was preg. before i got her. she had seven butthey all preished in the cold night. i hope your doe's kindling goesbetter!

oh no im so sorry ellie:(!! my doe has notkindled yet, so I guess thats a good thing!! she's only eating verylittle and I noticed that her poop smells really bad and is in pastyclumps so im worried about that!!!
Max has been the same luna, she ate lotsyesterday but has hardly eaten at all today. She's been onand off her food all week, but she's usually like that anyway, the vetsays she's healthy enough and is a good weight for her size, so I don'tworry too much about it. Just keep an eye on her, as long asshe's getting enough water and hay, she should be okay. Lookslike our kits should be here from Thursday onwards! Hopeeverything goes well for you!

Also, I've had to handle Max everyday due to her getting cecotropes onher feet but I'm lifting her from the chest and under hertailvery gently then trancing her so as not tostress her out andshe seems to be fine with it. She's really trusting us alotmore just now and it's wonderful to be so close to herfinally. I alsohandled my first rabbit when she waspregnant, we didn't know she was pregnant,andall 6kits were fine. I wouldn't recommend handling continually,but if you have to do it then don't worry too much as long as yourcareful with her... which I'm sure you always are!

Baby rabbits are generally called kits Bramble Briar, pups for sealsand dogs. :D We all know what you mean though. :)

Ang xx
thanks ang, I hope things go well for you 2!!! Ihaven't been picking her up much because she doesn't like me to touchher, she silently growls sometimes if she's annoyed by noises! she'sonly due on january 7th or 8th as i counted so I don't know how longshe'll hold!!!!!! I will post updates!!!


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