ripping her fur out!!

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Well-Known Member
Sep 22, 2004
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St Catharines , Ontario, Canada
Cinabun has just started to rip her fur out, whatdoes this mean?? is she getting close to kindling ?? its because she'sout of her cage most of the time, should she be in her cage if she'sdoing this???????? she's due in January!!!!! Help what do I do???
luna, could they have gotten together before youthought? Can you feel the babies when you palpate hertummy? I would cage her until she's settled down and you getsome answers from the breeders here.

Put her in her cage. More than likely she'll kindle soon.gather up the fur she has pulled already and put it in the cage withher along with lots of hay so she can build a nest. (ifshehasnt already) Do you have a nest box? If not....a smallcardboard box on it's side will work for now. Let us know what happens.

she is in her carrrier on my bedroom floor andrefuses to come out because she already made her nest there!!!! so Iguess I will try to move her, I will let u guys know what happens
she's in her cage now and she's finishing hernest!!!! she hasn't moved from that one spot!! Im really worriedbecause she's 2 early, they were together on the 7th of december she'snot due till the 10th of january!! Is this maybe a false pregnancy??because I saw them mate, she lifted her tail and looked relaxed thenafter they mated she did the bunny flop and let him lick her tummy!! soi don't know if it was a succesful mate??? I need advice fromsome breeders in the forum! I don't really think its a false pregnancyshe's really goten rather large in the last few weeks
Are you positive the only time the pair mated was on December 7th? If so, she would be due on January 7th.

She may be experiencing a false pregnancy or may simply be nestingearly. It's difficult to to make a guess without actuallypalpating to determine if she's actually pregnant. Some doesmay miscarry at this point in their pregnancy, but it is uncommon.

Hormonal problems or uterine tumors can also cause false pregnancies in a doe.


She is pulling hair from her chest becuase she is pregnat and when theydo that you don't touch it at all becuase the baby's should be comingin about a week. When the baby's are born don't touch them at all. Ifthis is her first birthing period well than they could show up a weekbefore. I have a New Zealend White Rabbits I hadtried tobread one that didn't bread she had a miscarge and had eaten thebaby's. So my best thing to tell you is don't touch her because shemight become territoral because of herbaby'scomingso just try to work with her and DON'T TAKE HER OUT OF THE CARRIER I amnot trying to seem rude if she has already made a nest in the carrierjust leave her there put her in a quite area so she dosen't get scaredor have any problems.

With best regard,

I just read somewhere that if the doe startsripping her fur out before 17 days after she mated that it could be afalse pregnancy! Its been 20 days since she mated so i guess this couldbe the real thing;):DI really hope so!

I have bred quite a few bunsand had 14 babies here recently. I still have 11. I havent lost any todeath, thank God. So far, all the kits (babies) nad their moms havedone very well.

Drawing from that knowledgeand experience, I can tell you that you can certainly touch the mom andkits. Not only can you, but after their born you SHOULD check the kitsand make sure theyre all live. Remove any dead babies and put the kitsback in the nest. I wouldnt "play" with them, but definitely check onthem everyday.

If she has made a nest in thecarrier you can leave her in there. If youve already moved her to thecage and she seems content, by all means, leave her in the cage. Theimportant thing to do for now is to allow the mom lots of peace andquiet. I wouldnt handle her or bother her until after the kits areborn. The object is to provide as stressfree of an environment aspossible.

Best of luck.


All does are different. I have one doe that pulled fur while she waskindling, one that pulled fur a week prior to kindling. Generally whenthey pulled fur they kindled within a few days.

If she's only 20 days pregnant, then lets hope she waits another 10days! At least. All of does have had their babies between day 30 andday 32. I've read that anything prior to day 28 usually ends badly. Idont know how true that is though.

i personally wouldn't have moved her, it can cause cannibalism when the babies are born. y? idk, but, it's true.

you need to be extremely quite around the nest. do not let anyanimal near her and her nest. also, disturb her as little as possible,it's believed stress causes cannibalism too. please try to leave heralone as much as possible. but check the nest box two to three times aday to see if she's kindled.

when/if the pups are born safely make sure that when she's done, youcheck the pups and put any living pups back within the nest if they aremisplaced, the doe will not do this herself.

did you pick the doe up a lot during the second half of the pregnancy?

if so, you might have caused some damage. ultimatly causing a miscarriage. this might be that miscarriage.

Ellie, hope all goes well


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