i personally wouldn't have moved her, it can cause cannibalism when the babies are born. y? idk, but, it's true.
you need to be extremely quite around the nest. do not let anyanimal near her and her nest. also, disturb her as little as possible,it's believed stress causes cannibalism too. please try to leave heralone as much as possible. but check the nest box two to three times aday to see if she's kindled.
when/if the pups are born safely make sure that when she's done, youcheck the pups and put any living pups back within the nest if they aremisplaced, the doe will not do this herself.
did you pick the doe up a lot during the second half of the pregnancy?
if so, you might have caused some damage. ultimatly causing a miscarriage. this might be that miscarriage.
Ellie, hope all goes well