Luna's appointment was okay today. She is always such good girl for all of this stuff. The results are kind of the good news / bad news sort of thing...
Another x-ray was done because of the obvious pain Luna had from stones passing two weekends ago. The last x-ray had actually shown stones in her bladder, which I was not really told about, but those are the stone that passed according to today's x-ray. So the sub-q's are helping to flush some of the stones out.
The bad news is that her right kidney is starting to show more of a build-up of stones when x-rays are compared. Neither kidney is enlarged at this point, just filling with stones. The blood panel done today shows that her kidneys are functioning at this point.
Luna is still a candidate to have her dental done on April first. I guess we will have to see how tests result turn out then to see if she could, or should, have her teeth done.
I know the doctor was trying to be practical in telling me that the prognosis for kidney stones is never a good one. Decisions may have to faced at some point.... At this point, Luna says she is happy and hungry (all of the time). She is still very silly and does lots of binkies. So, the decision-bridge is not one that has to be crossed anytime soon.
Healing vibes and thoughts are still appreciated. Luna is one tough little girl. I guess, if anything, I have to keep some hope alive that she will be okay for as long as possible (I'm think a few moreyears of putting up with Patrick's hugging behavior
