Well-Known Member
I'm praying for you ray:. Stay with us Tiny!
Sis again. Tiny is feeling a bit warmer. Mom doesn't know whether to give sub-cutaneous fluids or not. He has been observably eating and drinking normally today - up until just a bit ago. -and he just peed.
No - it was definitely where he had chewed himself - I showed a picture to a breeder (Blue Giants) and we discussed whether this could have caused his sore hocks or whether it was caused by his sore hocks and how he was sitting differently.Could the tiny red spot have been a spider bite?
Parasites, toxins and many other things are listed as possible causes of seizures, yes.I wonder, is it possible that he has worms and hasn't been getting the nutrition he needs even tho he's eating?
Possible toxins as Bo stated...definately could be onto something there.