(RIP) S'more has been sneezing/coughing and has nasal discharge.

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I went to the vet and was able to see S'more.

It didn't go as well as I would have expected.
I only got to see her for about 10 minutes....and what I saw upset me.:(

I couldn't tell if she was happy to see me or not. It was almost like she didn't recognize me at first.
After a few minutes she settled down and seem to realize that it WAS me... "Hi Daddy!"
She sniffed me over, and nudged my hand a couple of times. Then she laid down to let me pet her, and look her over.

Her nose is all crusty....and so are the insides of her front paws/legs.
Her nose is all stuffy.
She sneezed several times while I was there.
I could tell she was having a little difficulty breathing....but much improved from when I brought her in on Tuesday.
I think she's lost more weight.....however, we didn't weigh her so I can't be sure.
She looked "rough".....dull and rough coat, lack of her usual shiny eyes, etc.
Her eye sockets seemed to be a bit "sunken", and that made me concerned about her hydration.

The vet tech said she was fun to have around, and was such a good and well behaved bunny.

She was alert & active, affectionate, and still has an appetite (as per the update reports).

She doesn't seem to be in any pain and/or seriuosly suffering in any way.
But, I can tell she's uncomfortable.... both physically and emotionally.

I'm to call Dr. Cattiny tomorrow for another update.


Hi Jim
I am so sorry that you had to see her looking
"not too well" at the vet office.
I would want to discuss with the vet what his goal is with S'Mores and exactly what treatments that he is now doing.
I am sort of concerned that they are not allowing you more time with her ; it is really not in the best interests for both of you. Just this week when William , my cat was hospitalized I was allowed to visit him as often as I wished for as long as I wished. I am sure that this helped both of us.

Of course I know that you know that it is always advised for rabbits to be in their normal home environment if at all possible.
Since she is very ill I would push to get her home for the time that she has remaining. (if that is at all possible) unless the vet is looking for a lot more improvement.
and if she mustremain hospitalized for further improvement I would really inquire why you are not permitted to be with her.

I am so sorry that you are and she are going through this :hug:

Poor girl - and poor Daddy.

It's so difficult when they are hospitalised - you know they are there for treatment, but you really want them home so they can recover more quickly in familiar surroundings.

Keeping the prayers going :pray:

I'm hoping she will recover quickly and be good enough to come home so she can recover fully in your care. :pray:
I was so scared to open this thread this morning. I'm not sure what to say - I'm so happy she's home with daddy but I really hoped she'd be much improved after her hospital stay.
I wrapped her in her blankie and we sat in the rocking chair for a couple of hours last night.
We rocked and talked, and cried. She seemed comforted and rested peacefully in my arms.
I told her it was okay to go if she wanted, that we'd miss her very very much, and that we'd see her again.

This morning we rocked some more.

She's still with us, but very weak.
MrsD will be home with her all day, and will call me with updates.
Oh Jim....my heart goes out to you.

One of the hardest things for me is being able to give them permission to leave us. So often I think they try to hold on for our sakes - when they really want to leave.

I think they wait for us to be ready to accept their passing.

I'll be praying for your family & S'mores.
TinysMom wrote:
One of the hardest things for me is being able to give them permission to leave us. So often I think they try to hold on for our sakes - when they really want to leave.

I think they wait for us to be ready to accept their passing.

Maybe it's because they can sense that we really don't want them to leave us.


I've checked on S'more and she's hanging in there, but she's so very weak.
My heart is aching for her.

We'll have dinner, and I'll feed the buns. And then I'll bring her upstairs.
TinysMom wrote:
Oh Jim....my heart goes out to you.

One of the hardest things for me is being able to give them permission to leave us. So often I think they try to hold on for our sakes - when they really want to leave.

I think they wait for us to be ready to accept their passing.

I'll be praying for your family & S'mores.

Thank you, Peg. :hug:


Tell Tiny that he needs to take her right to Buck....no dawdling.
She knows Buck and he'll explained things to her.

JimD wrote:
TinysMom wrote:
Oh Jim....my heart goes out to you.

One of the hardest things for me is being able to give them permission to leave us. So often I think they try to hold on for our sakes - when they really want to leave.

I think they wait for us to be ready to accept their passing.

I'll be praying for your family & S'mores.

Thank you, Peg. :hug:


Tell Tiny that he needs to take her right to Buck....no dawdling.
She knows Buck and he'll explained things to her.
Come on Jim - you and I BOTH know Tiny is a flirt - he'll probably want to show her his favorite "hang-outs" there at the bridge before he takes her to Buck...

She's still with us.

I held her for hours last night.
I wrapped her in her blankie and brought her upstairs around 8pm, and it was well after midnight before I put her back in her pen.

Quite honestly, I didn't think she'd still be with us this morning.
I don't know what's keeping her going.
I'm struggling with the decision of letting her pass on her own....or whether I should take her to the vet so he can help her on her way.

I'm afraid that just the trip to the vet would be too stressful in it's self.
She's gone.:cry4:

I took her to the vet, and we decided that it would be best to help her move on.
At 7:35pm (EST) I held her in my arms while Dr. C helped her go to the Bridge.

Binky free little lady. We'll see you on the other side.

I am so sorry to hear you lost S'mores. I know how you felt. My rabbit Trouble, wasn't has sick as yours, but it broke my heart to see him gasping for air, and trying to walk with little balance. The doctor said to bring him in the morning (no emergent care for rabbits nearby). He made it through the night but just went to sleep before we can get dress. I was relieved and yet heart broken.