yeah he's back at the vet for a necropsy to find out exactly what the cause was. hopefully with the necropsy results the shelter will do something to check the other rabbits more closely to make sure they are healthy and no one is passing fatal stuff around.
i knew his wheezing was a serious problem, but the vet had given him meds and gave me meds to do at home for him so i figured the vet was right and didn't worry too much since the vet said the meds would help him. it was a distinctive wheezing though that i heard the night my kitten passed away from his cancers so i think deep down i knew he was dying, but didn't wanna believe it.
and the teeth could definitely been a factor, but the vet just put him under to check his mouth out on monday and he said other than the bad teeth in front the rest didn't look bad so i'm sure the vet would have caught an absess or anything in the mouth since that's what he was specifically looking for, but you never know. maybe your right and it was a deep down infection in his gums or something that couldn't be seen with the naked eye. guess we'll find out when the necropsy results come back.
the shelter did offer to bury him in a peaceful place and offered me another rabbit, but i'm really leery now and really don't wanna deal with another sick rabbit if it is something he passed on to the other rabbits in that specific foster home. the other side of me says that they also need good homes though so i really don't know if i should chance it or not. i still owe the vet $300 for the last two days of treating tucker that i have to pay tomorrow so i really can't afford another sick rabbit. idk if the other two i was interested in are in the same foster home that tucker came from or not and they could be perfectly healthy so it really is a shot in the dark. idk what to do lol