Hello to All. I am new to the list and I am writing to you from Acapulco, Mexico. Mr. Bun came to me 2 years ago after having been abandoned on Christmas Eve on the steps of a local veterinary clinic. He is a beautiful, soft, VERY WELL-BEHAVED New Zealand White, and having known NOTHING about rabbits until he arrived in our home, I am now a hopeless bunny lover. Mr. Bun had been very healthy until about 2 weeks ago when I noticed he was eating less and "producing" less. We have no rabbit-savvy vets in Acapulco but I took him to someone that I trust with my other animals. He suggested we put him on .3ml of Shotopen (Bicillin?) every 48 hours with 3 drops of Metacam each day for the pain. He seemed to do well for the first 48 hours and then he tapered off. I have been syringe feeding him softened pellets and pureed greens. But he seems very uncomfortable today and the jaw bone feels very swollen to me. He weighed 2.67kg at the beginning of the treatment. He weighs 2.5kg now. I am confused as to whether I should go to the protocol of daily injections as I haven't seen any results with injections every 48 hours. Also, Shotopen is administered I.M. in dogs and cats here, so the vet prescribed I.M. injections for Mr. Bun, but I'm noticing Marcy Moore's protocol is for subcutaneous injections. Any words of help you can pass along would be greatly appreciated. I miss Bunny's binky dancing! : (