(RIP) I think Cooper is dying - HELP

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Oh Laura, I dont know what to say. I am just seeing this now.

Susan and I were just talking about you last night and how it just wasnt fair howmuch loss you have suffered lately. I had no clue about the lumps, its likely it was spreading throughout him then. Please dont blame yourself. You are amazing and have been wonderful for him through everything.

Sometimes its just not fair and theres nothing we can do to save them. I look at you, Jess, Michaela, Cheryl and other RO members- so many knowledgable and devoted bunny moms who have lost so much recently. Its just not right. :cry4:

Binky free sweet Cooper. You were one of the special ones :bunnyangel:

We're here for you, Laura. :bunnyhug:
Okay, third time 'round for this post. I originally posted in the thread soon after Laura started it, but the only advice I could offer was to hug him. I changed it when he passed, but I guess neither post was sent, and I couldn't face looking here to check. So sorry.

Laura, you of all people shouldn't have to go through this. :tears2:

I do hope, however, that we all remember the joy our little charges have brought us in their often way-too-short lives, and also think of the joy that we have brought our bunnies, and weigh that against the pain.

We need to keep going. We need to remember the joy.

:rip: RIP Cooper, you received the best life a bunny could ask for.

And thank you for that, Laura. :hug1

sas :sad:

Snuggys Mom wrote:
ra7751 wrote:
And I would not give Metacam if there is any hint of dehydration. That drug should always be used with a properly hydrated animal (even humans) and we always supplement hydration when using it.
Did I kill him by giving him the Metacam?

No, Laura, you gave him LIFE by loving him. You did all that was humanly possible to extend his life and to be certain that what he had was quality of life. What more could any of us (animal or human) ask for from our loved onesthan to know we are cherished and to cross the bridge while being held and loved by the one we are closest to?

I am touched to tears thinking of how beautiful it must have been for Cooper to have you holding him in his last moments. He KNEW how strongly you loved him...and though he couldn't show it at the time, I am most certain he was loving you back just as much.

You are in my thoughts and prayers.

-Mary Ellen
Our vetjust called with the results of Cooper's necropsy.

It was lung cancer that killed him. That explains the "hiccups" I described.

Dr. Pope said Cooper had no functioning lung tissue left.He said it was a miraclethathe made it through the surgery six weeks ago.

He saidall his other organs were normal. His stomach was still full and he couldn't believe Cooper had been eating right up until the day he died.

Myboy was such a brave little trooper.
Oh wow. I'm sorry Laura. He was a brave, strongboy. See? You did nothing wrong and there was nothing you could have done more than what you were already doing;).

Sending you hugs.:hug:
I am so sorry. He was alittle fighter. Can not help but love bunnies like him.
Snuggys Mom wrote:
It was lung cancer that killed him.

My heart just hit the floor when I read that.:( I'm sorry Laura - but at least you now know that it wasn't your fault.You saved him, and kept him happy and healthy much longer than anyone could have guessed for.

Hugs to you honey.:hug:
when i first joined RO, cooper was JUST going through his surgery. i remember thinking how adorable he was missing part of that ear. i am smiling just thinking of it. nemo is my first and only bun, so seeing all these bun pictures online...it was all brand new, let alone a special, beautiful bun like cooper.

reading this thread through makes me feel sick inside. i am so, so sorry for your loss laura. i cannot believe he had no functioning lung tissue left....and still made it so long. what a brave little trooper. he fought and fought, and he never gave up. it took the very very most to take him down. poor little boy.

he is up there...at the bridge. <3.

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