(RIP Coco) Disgusted-Bunny mess again!!!

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I really hope that it is something else but it took me along time to put my own rabbits symptoms together in to a puzzle that made sense.

please let us know what your vet finds....
The pic of his back reminds me of a pic I've seen of fur mites. What did the vet treat him with?

I agree that a blood panel would be useful. He is getting to middle age, and at that time every vet I've been to recommends an annual blood panel to keep an eye on liver/kidney function. This skin infection/scald sounds pretty serious and it may be due to the presence of abnormal things in the urine, that are damaging to the skin, similar to what angieluv said.

Giving him more room to move about would also be good. Also, putting down towels could make other places more comfortable for him to lie on. My bf's nethies will sit in the hay/litterbox area, or a towel, but not on the hard floor. They make nests out of any cloth laying on the floor so that they don't have to lie directly on the hard floor. They even have taken over a suitcase I had out once while unpacking from a trip, and they lie on it all day. He may like softer surfaces, and that's what's keeping him in the litterbox.
Well, I got involved in helping my niece so I didn't call the vet as early as I wanted. I did call and gave them the info about 4 and they said they would pull his chart and talk to the vet. I had to leave for 45 minutes for an apt of my own and when I came back he is worse. He is not in his litter box. He was on the plastic part of the cage with his head down. He had peed and there was loose poop there. The pee has a strong order like the last time when he started getting sick. I called the vet and the service had him call. He said to wipe him off with a warm wash cloth, give him an antibiotic and make sure he will drink. I have to take him up at 8 a.m. It actually makes sense that it is his kidneys. I wiped him off trying to not stress either of us too much. I put a ton of the litter in his box and put him in there. Moved the water and food close to him. He isn't eating much so I gave him some oats and he ate them but he won't eat his regular food. I was ready to tell the vet to put him to sleep and I went out and he was washing his face with his front paws...so cute. But something is wrong, he is not happy like he used to be. So I will take him at 8 and try to get an answer and see what needs to be done.
Ahh he sounds really sick :(

I am going to move this to the infirmary as it has turned into a health issue
please let us know how Coco is doing


Ok, Thanks. I wouldn't know how to do that. If I just keep replying to this will you guys get my message in the morning??
If you look at the main board, you can see you thread in the Infirmary right now :)

However, this link will take you there too :)

Good luck to Coco and yourself tomorrow morning... bunny ears crossed at my house :pray:
Poor guy. Just keep him eating, warm, and comfy until the vet visit. I'm hoping that it's a simple bladder infection as well.
I just got back from the vet and we put him to sleep. He had lost more weight, was dehydrated and was just so sick. He said he was very sick and sad. We could treat him but the same thing would happen. He had an infection that should be easily treated. I asked if we were fighting a loosing battle and he said yes. Even if we treated he would get bad again after we stopped and I could take him to Philly but he didn't think it would have a good outcome there either. He doesn't like to put an animal down before the they are ready and he was ready. He said he could run blood work but he has seen it before and it is renal failure. He isn't fighting it and I could tell that. So he explained about the two shots and said he would know I was there petting him for the first one and I could leave if I wanted then for the second since he would not now. So I stayed and cried and petted his head till he was that far and I left.
Thanks for your information yesterday. :cry1:
Oh I am so sorry Jom for your loss - I know you did all you could for him, and that he knew he was ready to leave.
That is so hard even when we know deep down what's coming.
He had a good life with you - and know he's at peace and free from any suffering.

I agree, because I was ready to let him go since I knew how sad he was but it made it no easier to agree to and do.
Thank you.
Oh I'm so sorry you lost Coco, he was such a beautiful Bunny.

Binky Pain Free at the Rainbow Bridge :rainbow:Sweet Boy.

You will be greatly missed.

Susan :bunnyangel2:
I'm so sorry. You did the right thing for him, and it is wonderful that you were there for him at the very end. I know you gave him a lot of love and he was very lucky to have you. RIP Coco.
Thank you everyone. Now I just wish that I had done it sooner, but I guess we couldn't know he wasn't going to get better until we tried.
Thanks again.
we are so sorry you lost Coco. It's never easy losing a bunny, especially if you have to make that last vet trip. It killed me to take in Commodore Stockton but I had no choice. All he could do was roll and cry constantly. Even when it's done out of love, it's till not easy. Rest in peace little man and binky pain free at the bridge. :bunnyangel2: