OK, I guess I'm ready to do this...
Molly's situation quickly declined since her vet visit on Sunday. No rabbit veterinarians were open yesterday so we couldn't bring her in for more treatment. She wouldn't take her meds because the feeling of having something in her mouth made her suffocate. She didn't even notice when I administered her sub-Q fluids. By last night, she was mouth breathing (like a fish) most of the time and going through moments where she couldn't breathe and would panic and race around in circles. I had purchased a humidifier yesterday and set her up in the bathroom with it, which she seemed to enjoy for a short time, but it was no use. Molly was suffering terribly and I decided that I couldn't let her go through any more of this.
I kissed Molly goodbye and packed her into her traveller. My boyfriend left with her (I didn't want to go for this trip). Five minutes later, Rob called to tell me that Molly did not make it to the vet.
It is not so much that Molly is gone, as how she left that is so distressing. She suffered terribley and eventually drown in her sickness. I am struggling with the immense guilt of not having her euthanized sooner. Though if I had, I'm sure I'd be wondering if I had made the right choice, or if she had a chance of living. Well, hindsight is 20-20.
I can only hope that Molly's fate serves to help educate others on the signs and symptoms of pneumonia, so that other bunnies can have faster, more efficient treatment, or at least a quicker end. I am pleased to see that Pipp has added a pneumonia section to the library and I encourage all to read it.
Thank you to everyone who has responded throughout this thread with ideas and suggestions, as well as all of the encouragment, prayers, and well wishes. Thank you all for the kind words after hearing of Molly's passing. And a very special thank you to Tinysmom, who not only made the announcement here when I was not able to, but also spoke with me on the phone as I learned of Molly's passing, and joined me in tears over the loss of a truely gentle giant.