RIP Beloved Tiny aka "The BunFather"

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Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2005
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, Texas, USA
[align=center]CHAPTER ONE

People have told me that I have a way of writing that makes my bunnies "come to life" for them. Trust me - if I could write this in such a way as to make Tiny come to life - I would do so in a heartbeat.

This is probably going to be one in about 3 or 4 posts because I simply can't say it all in one post......of course - I could fill the forum with thousands of messages and I would never be able to say it all.

Last week I contacted an artist about doing a portrait of Tiny and Miss Bea. I thought it would be nice to have for when the day came that Tiny were to pass away....I never thought it would be so soon. I sent him photos of the two (because I was debating on having them done together or separately) and he wrote back:

[align=center]And, if Miss Bea and Tiny are bondmates, then why not paint them in the way they actually live and love.

[/align][align=left]I thought that was so neat - he really understood how I felt about them and their relationship.

But truly - talking about Miss Bea is like picking up a good novel and reading the end before you even start the beginning. So that is where I must start...the beginning...

I have struggled with cyclical depression all of my adult life. When I finally went for counseling (and got on medication for it) I realized that out of the then 26 years I'd been married to Art (will be 29 in August)....I had a major depressive bout lasting 6 weeks or more for 13 of those years. Sometimes they were caused by external things (bad finances, etc) - many times by internal things.

During March of '05, Art came in one day (before heading out for work) and said, "There is a white rabbit outside in the road..". He left for work and Robin and I went and "rescued" it. That night he slept in our bathroom and the next morning - Art let him out when he got up from bed (he's an early riser....I'm not). Well - the rabbit came in and bounced on the bed (on top of me) and started kissing me and stuff and then continued to bounce all around the room.

I started know the very natural laughter that comes up from deep inside of you - just starts bubbling up because of watching your rabbit's antics?

Art walked into the room with a big smile and said, "I haven't heard you laugh like that in years. What's up?"

The rabbit lived with us for about 10 days...but stupid me - I put an ad in the paper and the owners heard about it and claimed him/her.

I wound up doing some research - I was so darn lonely - and on either 3/22 or 3/23 I wound up driving something like 3 hours to pick up a flemish giant rabbit. I'd done research - I wanted a rabbit that would be big enough to live with our cats and that wouldn't be afraid of the dog. I think if I remember right - I might have contacted BlueGiants at that time to see about shipping a rabbit here - but she pointed me to rabbit breeders in Texas since she didn't ship.

When I got in touch w/ the breeders - I was desperate. I missed the rabbit so much that we'd "rescued"....I needed another bunny like that. Lesson to pass on to others: Never look for a bun to have the same personality as one you loved and lost. Each rabbit is unique. Learn to appreciate them for who THEY are and they will become special in their own way.

All I knew as I drove up to pick up my rabbit is that it was a male and she thought it was black (her husband raised the flemish). Many names went through my mind..."Jack"and "Magic" and stuff like that. But our family has a weird sense of humor - and the thought of a large rabbit named "Tiny" was just too good to not use.

What I didn't plan on during the trip - was having the breeder show me two little Netherland Dwarf males....twins. They were 'pet' quality and only $10 each. (Eric happened to have $20 on him - I'd only come with the $20 for Tiny).

So we came home with Tiny - and Tio and Kyo. The breeder had assured me, "Oh - I'm sure they'll live together just fine - they've been together since birth" about Tio and Kyo. People on this forum warned me....they will fight. But how would they fight...they were brothers...right?

Here are some pictures from those early days...

To show his relationship with Tio and Kyo at that time...

Then the boys started fighting....and Tiny still cared about them both...

In the midst of all this - we still had our lighthearted moments...

Art was gone for a month and he'd bought me a magazine on rabbits and sent it home to me. In it, I read about lionheads....and started researching them.

I added GingerSpice and SugarBear and they got along so well with Tiny...

The lionhead breeder told me, "If you love lionheads - you'll LOVE lops too". We wound up getting Puck flown to Ohio (from California) for Lionhead Nationals in '05 and then driven home to San Antonio where we picked him up right away.

Puck was fearless - he knew no bounds.

It was during this time that Tiny got his nickname of "The BunFather".

It happened like this....Puck had been chasing GingerSpice and she didn't like it. The next day (I've learned that lionheads have LONG memories) - she went after Puck and he went and got beside Tiny. You see -earlier in the week Tiny had stood between a cat and one of the other bunnies....and wouldn't let them fight. Now Tiny MADE GingerSpice submit (If I remember right - he pressed her head to the ground).

After that - he was known for not letting rabbits fight and became known as "The BunFather" because he would make them an offer they couldn't refuse.

I think that also became the start of his love-affair with GingerSpice - but alas...that my friends is another chapter....

Peg: I just read in the lionhead group about Tiny's passing. This puts me at a loss for words. Please know that Tiny will live forever in ours hearts as the one and only BUNFATHER. :rose:
[align=left]One of the upcoming chapters that is in my heart (as I sit here and study my baby on the floor still) is that I want to do "Tiny's First Day Across the Bridge" and Puck and Ginger and Sugar will figure heavily in it. Shortly after my boy passed (literally minutes) - the story started coming to me and I could almost picture it in my I'm going to include this chapter because so many folks loved it when I wrote it.
Chapter Two
"A Day In The Life of Puck"


[align=center]A Day In the Life of Puck[/align]
[align=center]Early Summer -2005[/align]7am - wake up to the sound of Tiny rattling his cage doors. Think about my plans for today again - I want to explore the bedrooms and behind the tv at least three times

9:15 am - Mom finally lets me out. Tiny takes me to the side and reminds me to stay in the bunny room.

9:17 am - I jump the barricade when Tiny turns his back to answer another bunny's question.

9:18 am - Mom sees me. I drink water out of the dog's bowl to make sure she thinks that is why I jumped the fence. When she walks towards me -I jump back inside the barricade. Mom tries to fix the barricade.

9:24 am - I jump the barricade and take off running for Eric's bedroom.

9:25 am - I make it to Eric's bedroom and start exploring

9:47 am - I accidentally jump on Eric

9:52 am - Eric returns me to the bunny room

10:17 am - I jump the barricade again

10:18 am - I run for Eric's room

10:22 am - Eric picks me up and puts me in my cage. Tiny lectures mefrom the floor about how to be a good bunny

11:14 am - Mom sees in my cage and says, "Puck...what did you do NOW?".I look so pitiful and sad she picks me up and puts me down on thefloor.

11:29 am - I jump the barricade

11:33 am - I hide behind the tv (which is in the fireplace)

11:47 am - Mom asks where I am

11:54 am - Robin sees me behind the tv and puts me in the bunny room

12:02 pm - I eat hay mom brings in and Tiny glares at me.

12:13 pm - I decide to show GingerSpice I'm becoming a BIG boy bunny and chase her and try to play house

12:15 pm - Tiny chases me across the room and tells me to settle down or HE'S pushing me out the barricade

12:26 pm - I chase Roary and tell him I'm bigger and badder than he is

12:42 pm - I jump the barricade 'cause Tiny's about to thrash me

12:55 pm - I accidentally run across Eric's foot as he plays XBox. He puts me back in the bunny room.

1:19 pm - Yeah, yeah, yeah - I've heard these lectures before. I flick off Tiny and jump the barricade again.

1:42 pm - Robin takes me from the bathroom and puts me back in my cage

2:16 pm - Mom brings in hay and snacks. I beg her to let me out but she says "no Puck...not now". She does give me two craisins. I nap.

2:59 pm - I shake my cage door when mom goes to let the dog out. She lets me out of my cage.

3:21 pm - Eric chases me out of his room and when he finally catches me(behind the tv) he puts me back in the bunny room

3:24 pm - Tiny and the other bunnies start approaching me with mean looks on their faces

3:25 pm - I jumped the barricade again - only this time - SugarBear follows.

3:37 pm - Mom sees SugarBear & I behind the tv (trying to climbthe fireplace walls). She puts us in the bunny room again.

3:38 pm - I lay down in a corner and tell Tiny I'm going to take a nap

3:47 pm - Tiny's asleep. I jump the barricade again.

4:12 pm - Eric catches me sleeping on his bed. He puts me in my cage.

5:45 pm - Mom cleans cages and lets me out to play "in the bunny room".

5:54 pm - Mom leaves the bunny room - and so do I.

6:30 pm - Mom starts rustling up our food. I hop back in the bunny room and wait for her to put it down.

7:00 pm - Mom picks me up and says "bedtime". She puts me in my cage -and I hadn't even done anything wrong! NO FAIR!

These photos come from this time era..

At that point in time - we were having an open house party and one of Art's friends liked to tease about making Tiny into stew or a I had this sign on the door..


[align=center]Chapter Three
"Tiny's First Love: GingerSpice"

[align=left]I worked really hard to win Tiny's trust and love - and I guess I can be big enough and mature enough now to admit it - I was jealous when he bonded.....not to me....but to GingerSpice.

I was the one who wanted bunnies - I wanted him to love ME....(and he eventually did)....but somehow - GingerSpice won his heart.

I'll let the photos tell the story..

Even after he had his freedom - he spent a lot of time in her cage - even if she wasn't in it...

But Tiny had a bit of a problem....he didn't know what the word "faithful" meant...

Somewhere - I have pictures of him with a couple of other does also. Basically, Tiny saw himself as an "equal opportunity lover"....he loved to snuggle with any doe who wantd attention.....and since he was um....well....lets say that he visited a vet and came home feeling like a different buck...he was "safe" for the girls to be around....

Here is a song in Tiny's blog about Ginger...

"To all the does I've loved before...
Who wandered in and out my bedroom door...
I dedicate this the only one who belonged...
From all the does I've loved before...

I may have snoozed with them a bit
But you were always my first pick...
I loved you GingerSpice
You livened up my life..

....You were the only doe I loved before.."

(Ok - so I "borrowed" it from Willie still tells about my girl!)

Chapter Four
"Tiny's Mid-Life Crisis"

Much of this comes from his blog....


Dear Diary,

Now that I'm over a year old, I thought that perhaps I should try different things to see what I want to do with the rest of my life....besides being the BunFather that is. After all - didn't the GodFather run a business or something?

Well...I tried my hand at song-writing (I'll copy it below from an earlier post I made and share it). Dad said I'm not that good.

So I thought I'd try my hand at fashion design. I picked mom's FAVORITE dress to work with because I knew it was good quality ( she said it was "dry clean only").

Mom is mad at me now. She says I can't try out for "Project Bun-way" where bunnies redesign their owners' clothes. I think she's kicking me out of my closet.'s my design...I felt like mom's skirt was too long and the pattern wasn't "bold enough" she needed more fur (skin?) to show through....

LuvaBun wrote: [/b]
. And boy, are you trying!!



You must know my mom real well! That seems to be what she says to me....but its usually used with another word...


"'re trying my patience" (followed by a big sigh)


"Tiny...are you trying to get in trouble?" (usually followed by a smile and a sigh)


"Tiny....are you trying to get on my last nerve?" (I always wait to see if she's gonna thump me off on that one - it means I'm almost in trouble).

But funny thing is - when I keep hopping in front of her as she's going to the door to let the dog out (I'm showing her where the dog wants to go - and getting in her footsteps so she can follow me) - she never says, "Thank you Tiny for TRYING to help!"....well...she did do it one time when she tripped. But it didn't sound like a happy form of "trying"...

Today I'm stuck inside...but that's ok. I've been looking at the closet walls and thinking about how I could practice some carpentry to redesign mom's closet....

The BunFather

Mom says I'm in a mid-life crisis? GingerSpice says its a "soon to die" crisis if I keep it up. Me? No crisis at all...just figuring out what to do with my time besides sleep...


Finally - on 2/21/2006

Well diary, I've decided that for at least a little while - I'm just gonna be a lazy bunny.

I try my attempts at songwriting - I get laughed at.

I try fashion design.....I get in trouble.

Interior design gets dad upset with me.

Landscape design is great for bunnies - till dad fills in the holes.

Librarian is out...the books need some salt or something.

The only thing I seem to be able to do (because mom is groggy and slow) is to be her alarm know - jump her on with full force (15 pounds) because I heard a noise outside and she needs to know about it. Then I have to take off running - but at least she's awake.

Still yet - you know - the life of a lazy bun isn't too bad. I do still have to spend time practicing "the butt" and being available for the harem to groom me properly. I go in the rabbitry to remind the bucks that I am STILL the boss....

So it isn't as if I'm wasting my life away - right?

Well - its getting late and I better go wake up mom again. I'll tell her I was dreaming of craisins and wanted to see if she knew where there are any....


The ONLY (doesn't that mean the same as one?)



I've written all I can for tonight....but I hope that some of y'all enjoy reading about The BunFather...

probably only another 3-4 chapters left...

Oh...I'm crying as I write this. And I know my heartbreak isn't even a fraction of the pain you're feeling...

Peg, I must say, you've given me such a gift - Tiny has given me such a gift - in allowing me to be a part of his life. I've never been a person who could feel through others. That's not to say I'm not loving or caring, but it is to say that I sometimes struggle with allowing myself to feel emotions. Tonight, I feel...I feel sad...

I am saddened that you're going through this. And I'm sad that Tiny's lost his battle and his life. I'm feeling sad for Miss Bea, for the others, and for everyone on this forum and elsewhere who've had their hearts touched through Tiny. And, yet, I'm grateful too.

I'm grateful that you, Peg, found the key to your heart in Tiny. I'm grateful for knowing, learning, and loving. I'm grateful to have had the opportunity to meet everyone on this forum and to have shared in happiness, sadness, love, and grief. And I'm grateful that even in his passing, Tiny has provided us all with a gift. He has given us the a reminder: to love one another and our animals (family) and cherish each moment we have together. I, for one, will be taking that lesson to heart.

I have already dedicated a snuggle with each of my buns tonight to Tiny's memory. And I've shared with them (because I feel they can hear me through my words, actions, and heart) Tiny's story and what you've written so far. Tiny will live on in my heart and in my actions...and while that may not bring you comfort, Peg, I hope it can bring you strength.

Binky free, sweet Tiny. I will say a prayer that you've been reuinited with those you loved and lost and I know you'll bring comfort, love, and faith to us you've done so in life...

Peg, you're in my heart, thoughts, and prayers. I know we don't know one another well, but please know I'm here for you regardless of that fact. And, though you live quite a distance, know that we're all together in heart and spirit - and that we'll help to carry you through this time.

I'm so, so sorry for your loss. But there's an angel up there shining brightly tonight and forever more...I pray that light helps to guide you to peace.

<3 Alexah
An Intermission

[align=left]I can't make myself go to bed yet....I know when I get up....I'll have to walk into the office and find my best friend gone. Yes - I have to sleep. I keep telling myself soon...

I wrote most of a novel back in 2006 and Tiny was one of the "comic relief" characters (along with Miss Bea).

Here are some of their scenes...

[line]In this passage, Kate (main female) is going tothe pet shelter to adopt a CAT. Her grandmother's 18 year old cat,Punky, died two months earlier. Kate lives alone and realizes she'dlike some company. Stan is the one who will become her loveinterest - he has decided to adopt a dog.


Kate walked into the shelterand was overcome by the smell. Yes, this was definitely a place whereanimals lived. Still yet, she would be able to get a cat or maybe akitten and give it a good home. Perhaps she'd find an older cat no one else wanted. Then again, a kitten would be fun too. Either way, she wasn't going home without a cat and she had Punky's cat carrier with her.
A young woman approached herwith a smile. "Hi, I'm Abby. It looks like you came prepared to adoptsomeone. Can I help you?"
Kate smiled, "Yes, thanks. Iwant to adopt a cat. My cat died two months ago and I'm very lonely."
Abby beckoned to a door andsaid, "Right this way. We keep the cats and other small animals on thisside of the building so they aren't bothered by dogs."
The women chatted as they walked through the door. Kate explained how Punky had passed away in his sleep and Abby expressed her sympathies. They talked about Punky's personality and relationship with Kate as Abby tried to get a sense ofwhat Kate was looking for in a pet.
Kate was shocked when they walked into the pet room. They were surrounded by cages on three sides.The animals were stacked three and four high. Some of them ducked to the back of the cage when they heard people enter, while others raced to the door for pets and possibly a treat.
There were cats of all colors and sizes. Black cats, calico cats, brown cats and more. There were Maine Coon Cats, tabby cats and even a litter of Manx. How was she going to decide? She almost wanted them all.
As she wandered around the room, a tall black pile of fur in the largest cage stood and stretched. She looked at those ears as they stood tall. This was no cat. It looked like a rabbit but it was the size of a monster. She backed away from the cage.
Watching her reaction, Abby laughed and said, "Don't mind him. That's Tiny."
"Tiny? He must weigh 25 pounds!"
"Actually, he weighed 17pounds when he came in here three weeks ago but he's down to a littleover 14 pounds. His owner passed away and he's still grieving for her.He will eat and drink some but he's very unhappy."
Hearing his name, Tiny stood and pressed himself against the door with all of his weight. Kate backed away a couple more steps. Still yet, she found him fascinating.
Abby had a keen awareness about people and she sensed that Kate might be the right owner forTiny. Tiny had not acted this lively since he came in and he really seemed to be fascinated by Kate's voice. Perhaps she reminded him of his former owner. Abby had to find a way for the two to interact.
"Would you like to meet Tiny?He's a flemish giant and he's very gentle. In fact, this breed ofrabbit is bred specifically for their gentleness."
"Will he bite me?"
"He's really very gentle.He's actually pretty affectionate and tame for a rabbit too. Why don'tyou let me bring him out of the cage. He's too big for the playpen, so I'll just shut the door and let him run around the room so you can see him."
Kate hesitantly agreed. She had always wanted a rabbit but a little rabbit, not some monster rabbit. Still yet, his eyes seemed to plead with her to at least give him a chance to get to meet her.
Abby opened the cage and Tiny sniffed the door and then bounded out onto the floor. He hopped aroundthe room for a moment or two and sniffed their feet and then rubbed his chin on his cage. Abby explained that he was marking his cage with his scent so others would know it was his.
"Come, sit on the floor withTiny. I have a few yogurt chips you can give him when he comes to you."
At the word "yogurt', Tinycame running over to Abby and started pawing at her clothes. She laughed and said, "Busted. I sneak in here to give Tiny a chance to get some exercise and get some treats. I've been worried about him."
Kate and Abby sat on the floor together. Tiny crawled on Abby's lap and started hunting for his treats. She gave him one and then handed the rest to Kate. Before Kate knew it, Tiny was in HER lap and nudging her with his nose. When she didn't immediately offer a treat, he went looking for them in her handand tried to paw at it.
"I'm scared. He'll bite me."
Abby replied, "Just open yourhand and let him pick it out of your hand. He won't hurt you."
Kate held out her hand with the yogurt chip in the middle of it. Tiny sniffed it and then grabbed the treat and hopped away. He almost seemed as scared of her as she was of him.
Abby and Kate watched as Tiny ran around the room a bit more and then suddenly made a mad dash for his cage. Kate asked, "What is he doing? I thought he wanted the exercise."
After watching Tiny for amoment, Abby replied, "He ran for his litter box. He realized he had togo to the bathroom and that is where he knows to go."
"You mean he's litter box trained? Like a cat?"
"Yes. If I didn't already have five rabbits, I'd take him myself. I've never seen a rabbit so tame and well-trained come into the shelter. But I'm worried that if he doesn't stop grieving, we'll lose him."
"Well, I don't think I can take him. He's just too big and I really did come for a cat."
Abby sighed softly and said, "Ok" as she shut Tiny's door. Together the two women turned to the cats when a loud sound filled the room. Turning to his cage, Abby said,"Tiny, stop it." She explained to Kate that Tiny was thumping his back feet to get their attention. He continued thumping while Kate looked at a kitten. She put the kitten back in the cage and was looking at a tabby when a rattling noise filled the room. Both women turned to see Tiny rattling his cage doors with his teeth. "He's never done that before. He's having a temper tantrum."
Abby walked over to Tiny andtalked to him quietly, "We'll find you a home buddy. I promise. But youhave to behave."
"I'll take him." Kate spoke up.
Abby paused a moment and smiled at the big rabbit. She knew Kate was the right person for Tiny but she wanted to make sure that Kate knew she was the right person. She needed to press her just a little bit and make Kate realize that she wanted Tiny and wasn't just taking him out of pity.
"Kate, I don't think you understand. You can't just take Tiny because you feel sorry for him or because he's having a temper tantrum. He's going to be a big responsibility for you. Not only will he need to be fed and have hislitter box changed, he's going to need time outside in the sun sometimes. At least I find that my rabbits thrive with outside time.But what he really needs is love. He's lost a beloved mistress and was found next to her body from when she collapsed. Can you give him love and wait for him to grieve before he can love you back?"
Kate walked over to Tiny's cage and stared at him. He'd laid back down and was in the back corner of his cage now. He stared back at her and twitched his ears. He was scary looking. He was huge. She knew nothing about rabbits. But reflected in his eyes was the loneliness she felt in her heart. She whispered his name softly and he came over to the door and tried to nudge her hand through the bars. She whispered his name again and realized that they needed each other.
"Can I give him love? I don't know. He's huge and he scares me. I know nothing about rabbits eventhough I always wanted one as a kid. But I know that he needs me and I need him. We've both lost people we love and we can help each other through the pain. I want him. I know I'll grow to love him once I learn to trust him."
Abby smiled because she knew that Kate had made the commitment in her heart to Tiny and she would not abandon him. She loved it when she was able to match up an animalwith the right person. It gave her a feeling of peace.
"I have one problem though, "Kate said. "Will he fit in my cat carrier?"
"We'll make him fit." Abby said.


This is Kate's first morning w/ Tiny...

Kate woke up at daybreak on Sunday morning. She didn't want to wake up that early but it is hard to stay asleep when a 14 pound bunny lands on your belly as he leaps on the bed. The leap was only the start of his fun though as he ran laps around the room at a pace that made her dizzy. How could something that large move so fast? By the third leap on the bed, she'd learned to moveout of his way. She had observed that with every other lap of the roomhe took a shortcut across the bed for the other side.
What Kate didn't understandwas what Tiny was doing in her room. She'd made him a bed last nightout of a cardboard box and an old towel of her grandmother's. He was supposed to be sleeping in the kitchen.
She tried to make sense of his presence in her room but she couldn't help falling back to sleep once he stopped running around. She wasn't worried about him getting into trouble because he jumped up on the bed and settled down by her feetfor a nap. She could live with a pet like this.
When the alarm woke Kate three hours later, Tiny was still by her feet. He appeared to be asleep but as she snuck out of bed, she noticed him sit up and yawn. Man, he was a big rabbit. She still was scared of him but so far he had been very gentle and kept out of trouble.
Kate walked out to the kitchen with a bit of trepidation. Had Tiny destroyed the carpet? Had he used his litter box? What had he done all night?
She learned the answer as she entered the kitchen. Tiny had used the litter box alright. Almost everything was in it although you could see where he must have had his rear end over the corner once when he used it. She made a mental note to buy him a larger litter box when she went to the store next time. The rest of the kitchen seemed fine, except for his box and towel. The stinker had knocked over his box, chewed on the towel enough to put multiple holes in it and then chewed on the box too. It looked like she better add some sort of chew toy to her shopping list.
Kate made herself some tea and grabbed a banana while she thought about what to have for breakfast. As she peeled the banana, she heard the thwump thwump of Tiny running from the living room into the kitchen. She got out of his way in case he needed to use the litter box again. Her eyes opened wide as he headed straight for her instead of the litter box. He was supposed to be gentle but she could see the headlines flash before her eyes, "Mysteryshopper killed by giant angry rabbit". Then Tiny braked to a halt directly in front of her and stood up on his hind legs. He pulled on her right shirt sleeve and tried to lower her arm. She moved the banana to her left hand and he let go of her right shirt sleeve and grabbed the left one. He became frantic to pull her arm down and as she lowered her arm, he knocked the top half of the banana onto the floor and started eating it.
"Thief!" she yelled, without even thinking. At her loud voice, Tiny grabbed the banana and retreated around the corner into the living room. She didn't mean to scare him but he'd startled her and then stolen her breakfast. It looked like she better add bananas to her shopping list also.
She snuck into the living room and stretched out her hand to Tiny. It held the last of the banana and was a peace offering. He looked at her and twitched his nose and then grabbed the banana and headed for her bedroom. Perhaps they would learn to trust each other soon. Until then, she got another banana and started writing out her shopping list.

(I wrote this before Amy came for a visit - and Tiny once went running (thwumping?) into her room pretty darn fast when he smelled a banana. I'll never forget watching her try to "shoo" him out. You never "shooed" picked him up and moved him...).
TinysMom wrote:
(I wrote this before Amy came for a visit - and Tiny once went running (thwumping?) into her room pretty darn fast when he smelled a banana. I'll never forget watching her try to "shoo" him out. You never "shooed" picked him up and moved him...).

I have to say, I was quite scared. I thought it was the doggie trotting along, but then I looked down the hall to see a massive 14 pound black banana eating machine charging towards me. I mean, what do you do when you see a 14 pound rabbit romping in your direction? I froze.

I am still amazed as to how he smelled that darn banana from across the house within seconds of opening it.

Even thought I tried to shoo him out of the room, he still got his way and left with a mouthful of banana.

p.s....I am not sure I will sleep much tonight either. I keep bringing myself back to your house in my memory, Peg....trying to remember everything that I can about Tiny.

I've never been so gutted over a bun I never met.

Peg, you are in my thoughts so much. I'm very glad you are currently putting your energy into Tiny's story because that's a beautiful way to honour his memory. Think about everything he has done for you, the legacys he has left you, and all those rabbits you have too (not Tiny's relatives but I'm sure inspired by him and the way he loves you).

Draw comfort from them, draw comfort from Miss Bea, cuddle and cuddle and cuddle them. They won't lessen the pain but they can ease the total loneliness.

He may have physically gone, but he will always be with you, you will always be his mum, you will always have his memories, his funny stories, his love. Maybe, if you believe in that, he will pop back and see you every now and then. The Invisible Bunny poem (in the thread for those we have loved and lost, that is stickied at the top of the forum) explains it perfectly. I didn't want to post it here incase you didn't want that.

Just imagine what the Bunfather is now doing up in Rainbow Bridge. I bet, as well as whatever you know he is doing with your crew up there, he is also organising everyone else and sorting them out. I wish him good luck with my Moon *nods*.

I love his story and will keep reading about him as and when you post more. It's a lovely tribute.

Please know I'm about if you want to chat or anything.

Take care of yourself


RIP Bunfather, this world has lost a great, but the next world has gained a great.

From Tiny's blog:


Middle Aged?

I'm 14 months old...uh..young!

I work out daily in my takes time to go around every day and mark all my favorite places.:run: Then I have to do some digging in my make sure the dog hasn't closed it up.

Once that is done - I have rose bushes to water (check on) and a tree to sit under while I take my "checking my eyes for light leak break" (mom calls it a "nap" for brevity). :sleep:


The big boy loves to be outside....even in this heat. He goes in and out fairly often and we try to bring him in during the daytime - only to have him sulk and beg to go back outside. He has three or four favorite places where he stays cool when it is hot out (like a hole he's dug in one garden patch).


Dear Diary,

BunDate: 1 March 2007
Time: Who cares?

Well, this is my third night outside in the back yard. I am currentlyplaying the role of "Explorer Bun". I've thought about making it a fiveyear mission - but let's face it - it can get pretty darn hot here inSW Texas in the summer. I think this will be a limited run of "ExplorerBun". In fact, in spite of the fact that I keep finding nuggets ofrabbit food on the porch....I'm seriously considering turning myself into BunMother....maybe.

But first - to tell my tale.

I have been outside for THREE days now. Mom and Dad feel its safe forme to be in the back yard....I have several hiding places and the wholeyard is fenced in and has cement under the fencing.

At first, mom put me outside for just the day. She made me promise I'dcome inside that night - but she didn't know I'd crossed my back pawsunder my tummy and twitched my tail too. Ha.....and she thought sheknew a lot about rabbits.

So the first night came and I didn't want to come in. Yes...I heard thesupper call. Yes, I heard the bribes of "but I'll give you a banana...".

But I was exploring "strange new terrigtory". I was seeking out newlife and new civiilzations of ant colonies, etc. that I hadn't noticedbefore.

I also had a full stomach from eating grass.

So I thumped her off and went in my hidey hole that the dog and I share. ( smelled like dog).


I shared all that to say that Art asked me tonight if it would be ok for him to bury Tiny in his hole that he loved so much.

I guess Art is going to cover it up really well and then put some bricks or something on it so the dog won't be digging in that area again.

Tiny loved his hole so much......I was so touched that Art thought to bury him there.


That's a lovely place for him to be buried :) He will forever be in a place he loved.
Right now I can't even bring myself to read what you wrote about Tiny, Peg...I will do so later today, when the emotions have settled down.

The world has lost a precious soul, and Rainbow Bridge is now shining even brighter.

Sweet dreams to you Tiny, and binky free, sweet one...

Love from Di, and Yofi and Anna...and Raph

It's justsuch a terrible shame that you've lost such a special bunny...

I know I haven't been on the forum for very long, therefore I don't know you or Tiny very well, but I've always seen him as one of the 'main bunnies' of RO. If I think of this site, he's one of the buns I think of first. He seemed like such a character and a joy to have around, and I'm sorry to think that I will not get to hear more stories about him. I can tell that he was a very much loved and well cared for bun, and that you are a fantastic bun mum.

Your tribute to Tiny, sad as it is, is very beautiful and touching, and has brought me to tears several times already. I look forward to reading the rest of the chapters as you write them.

You and your family, and Miss Bea are in my thoughts today.

Binky free Tiny, with all the bananas you can eat! :rainbow:

Lots of love, Jen xxx
:sad:Oh God....:in tears:I'm in tears, Peg. I can't even read this story. I'm too broken up. Tiny was such a good baby. God, what a horrible thing to come to the room to see.

This day is just the worst. I hate hate Hate it!:(
I am so sorry to hear about Tiny... My heart is breaking.. it feels like loosing a close friend even though we never met. I loved reading about him. I am keeping you and your family in my thoughts...

Rip Tiny ... you will be missed greatly:pink iris:

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