When the dentist saw Beau's abscess hefelt that it would not be able to be opened and drained easily
When he did sedate Beau and after the x-rays were done the dentist found extensive infection in the top and bottom molars on the same side as the abscess. Little bud like teeth had started to grow off some of his upper teeth and were penetrating his cheek . he also had a small puncture wound in his tongue.
IfBeau only had the abscess we could have worked with new medications, however he would have had to go through another round of massive removal of teeth..some of which were not loose.
Both the dentist and I believed that the best thing for Beau was to PTS
I really believe that this was the right thing to do but I believe me I am going to miss him :cry2
:tears2: I've just found Beau's case here now. :rip:
I'm very sorry. May he rest in piece, brave bunny. And you are very brave too, fighting for him and still found time to help others. Beau must be having special treatment in heaven.