RIP Angel - I think she's dying...

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Not fair...I'm so sorry Crystal. :tears2:

And I'm sorry I wasn't here for you when you most needed help too. :(

Binky free beautiful Angel, now you really are an Angel. :rainbow:I hope you've found Bundo, and Berri and Pebble - they will love you.
Thank you Cheryl and Michaela:hug:.

Today was bad. If I wouldn't have had to go to work, I so wouldn't have.:( I was very depressed and almost got sick twice:?. It's so awful. I talked to Michelle, who helped me a bit. She said this is normal and gets worse before it gets better. Thank you Chelle:hug:.

I had to bowl tonight and after arriving, I slowly started to feel better. The friends, the beer:shock:. Sorry, hee hee. That helps. It's just so hard:(. I miss her so much.
You guys, I am beating myself up.

I'm starting to feel I didn't get her to the vet soon enough. I didn't act quickly enough. I should have left work the minute my husband told me something wasn't right. Then I think, no, it wouldn't have mattered. Instead, I thought it was just gas, I'd get home, treat it and all would be good. Is this normal? Or should I be blaming myself for not taking action much faster than I did?:sad:
AngelnSnuffy wrote:
You guys, I am beating myself up.

I'm starting to feel I didn't get her to the vet soon enough. I didn't act quickly enough. I should have left work the minute my husband told me something wasn't right. Then I think, no, it wouldn't have mattered. Instead, I thought it was just gas, I'd get home, treat it and all would be good. Is this normal? Or should I be blaming myself for not taking action much faster than I did?:sad:

Crystal - you told me what symptoms Angel was showing while you were still at work, and from what you told me I'd have done the exact same as you. You weren't to know how serious it really was Crystal, I don't think anybody could have really knows. Don't blame yourself, ok?:hug:

I hope you are doing ok, I've been thinking of you lately- and of Angel.:cry4:
Bunnys_rule63 wrote:
AngelnSnuffy wrote:
You guys, I am beating myself up.

I'm starting to feel I didn't get her to the vet soon enough. I didn't act quickly enough. I should have left work the minute my husband told me something wasn't right. Then I think, no, it wouldn't have mattered. Instead, I thought it was just gas, I'd get home, treat it and all would be good. Is this normal? Or should I be blaming myself for not taking action much faster than I did?:sad:

Crystal - you told me what symptoms Angel was showing while you were still at work, and from what you told me I'd have done the exact same as you. You weren't to know how serious it really was Crystal, I don't think anybody could have really knows. Don't blame yourself, ok?:hug:

I hope you are doing ok, I've been thinking of you lately- and of Angel.:cry4:
Thank you Jess:hug:. I just spoke to Rosie on msn, she did a wonderful job of talking me through that awful moment and helped me to see just that. Thank you Rosie. I'll try not to blame myself, I think it's all part of the grieving process.:(
I can't stop thinking about her. I can't stop thinking of every moment. I wish I could turn back time. I know this is all part of the process, the what if's and all that.

I wrote her rainbow bridge last night, I still want to go through some older pics that are on disc that I can only check at work, and load onto Photobucket. I want it to be perfect.

I love you baby girl Mee. Missy. Minnie Minners. I miss you. I love you...:sad:
:tears2:It's so hard. It makes me think of the time when I will lose mine - especially my little Bo. He's my buddy. My heart hurts knowing just a bit of the pain you must feel all the time right now. :hug:
Bo B Bunny wrote:
:tears2:It's so hard. It makes me think of the time when I will lose mine - especially my little Bo. He's my buddy. My heart hurts knowing just a bit of the pain you must feel all the time right now. :hug:

Thanks Pennie. If I don't keep talking on msn to someone, I won't be well:(. Maybe another day or so, I'll be pretty okay, at least, I hope I will be. This pain is awful.:?

Thanks for thinking of me. It's just so hard...:(
I know. It's a wonderful feeling to know we love them and they really do love us too. The pain of losing them is horrible tho.

You'll be ok but it's the hard part now.
I can't believe it guys, tomorrow night it will be a WEEK that my baby girl has been gone:(. I can't believe it.

I did a bit better today, well this afternoon anyway. This morning I woke up with anxiety and nausea, again:(. Eck. I am feeling better spriitually. I think I'm to the "acceptance" part, at least it's starting. I have written her Rainbow Bridge, I wrote itthe othernight. I think I'll post it tomorrow, as it will be a week. I just couldn't before now...

I also have to go through some floppies, that was what our first camera took. I have 3 that are labeled "Angel" or "Angel Pics". I have to do those at work as ours is done. I can upload some to bucket at work and I'll add them in to the bridge thread after my initial post;).
AngelnSnuffy wrote:
I can't believe it guys, tomorrow night it will be a WEEK that my baby girl has been gone:(. I can't believe it.

I know how you feel Crystal :(

Many hugs to you :hug1

cheryl wrote:
AngelnSnuffy wrote:
I can't believe it guys, tomorrow night it will be a WEEK that my baby girl has been gone:(. I can't believe it.

I know how you feel Crystal :(

Many hugs to you :hug1


Thank you so much Cheryl.

I wish you the best with poor Pippi too.:hug:

Many hugs to you too, you need them, give some to Pippi from me.;)

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