I read over my old posts and realized I haven't talked about their personalities in a long time. It's been an interesting year, to be sure! I'd never had rabbits before so I've learned a lot.
At first Riley was quite socially aggressive and even bit pancake once. In the last 3 or 4 months, he's humped her once that I've seen but that's it. He's still big and a bit dominant but he's not violent at all and generally chill.
Riley LOVES to cuddle. I love how cuddly he is and I give him cuddles and nose rubs every day. Of all the pets I've had, 2 cats a dog and a hamster (well, those were all when I was a kid), Riley's been the most cuddly. His winter coat makes him so fuzzy, too.
Pancake is less affectionate now than she used to be. I still get bunny kisses every few days, so that's nice. I notice she's happier if I moderate pellet eating time. Riley has a tendency to want to eat Pancake's pellets and she ends up not eating as much. If I'm there I can keep them separated a bit so she can eat. For the most part she's on her own though. And she's not at all afraid to steal treats from Riley. She's much more assertive than she used to be.
I'm a bit sad because Riley is 4 years old or close to it. From what I hear, big rabbits like him don't live as long, maybe 6 or 8 years. So I try to spend extra time with him. Pancake is 2 or close to 2. I've wondered what she'll think when Riley's gone. Will she be lonely? Will she be glad that big oaf isn't around to steal her food? I'm glad I won't have to find out for quite some time.
For now they are happy, healthy bunnies! I'm going to go see what they're up to right now. I bet they want more hay.