Right on the heels of recovery - Rest in Peace Peanut

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aww poor little peanut. She's obviously tired and it's the right decision. I wish it was different but I'm so proud of you for not making her linger in this.

Rex surely knows his mate is not well. He's such a good boy and has always been such a support for her.

My heart is breaking with yours - I am fighting the tears that are running down my face - she has been a special bunny friend even over the internet. Please tell her that Bo's mommy loves her too.

Bless your heart, m.e. I know it's hard.... I wish I was there to help somehow.

:sad:peanut is a beautiful, brave bunny. She gives me hope for other tilt bunnies to have a wonderful life. I'll be praying that she'll be safe at the bridge and for Rex and your family. She's lucky to have you.

This is just so heartbreaking, as I was jumping up and down to see she had recovered from the tilt. I even showed Latte. But, I think you've made the right decision. :bigtears:

My prayers are with you.:pray:
Thanks again, everyone. Your kind thoughts and prayers have been a source of comfort :group:

We'll be bringing Peanut in at 2:30 EST. Dr G, who saw Peanut through months of illness last summer, will be there at the end along with my brother and myself.

I am so very sad for Peanut, and for Rex. A piece of my heart will go with her today :cry4:
It's a very hard thing to watch - especially when you love them so much. Still, I know you are doing what is best for her now. She's so tired. You can see it in her pictures.

How old is Peanut? btw.

My heart and prayers will be with you today as you set her lovely spirit free to go to the rainbow! I know there will be others there who will greet her with many bunny kisses, binkies and love.
Bo B Bunny wrote:
How old is Peanut? btw.

We estimate that she's around 7. The fifth anniversary of her Gotcha Day was on June 4, and when we adopted her we were told she was 2.
That's pretty good for a bunny! she's had a nice 5 years with you.

Rex is going to probably mourn her pretty hard. I know you'll keep a close eye on him.

This is such a sad day - I just can't tell you how sorry I am for all of you.
She's gone. Thank you for all of your kind thoughts, encouragement and prayers - they mean more to me than you know.
She had a great life and in the end she went to the bridge full of love. I'm really sorry for your loss. Hug your family for me and tell them how great is is to see such supporting people. Keep a hug for you and Rex too. I really am sorry. :hug: