Resolved: Sweetest Bonded Pair Need a Home

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Hi Sabrina,
That is too bad that that has happened to your friend. However I think that a situation like this is unusual and does not happen often. Especial with one male and two girls things should be good once they bond.
But if at any time things were to go bad between them, where they would all be singles then I will take one from you. If you do decide to take them (which I hope you do) then i will give you my email and phone number so you can get in touch with me easily (although i usualy go on RO often).
As far as bonding them to Sabrina it might take some time but form my experience it is not as bad as what I have read (although I am sure there are some hard to bond bunnies). My first bunny was Hoppy and she was six years old when I got her a friend, Clover, and they bonded very quickly. Unfortunately Hoppy passed away eight months later (still miss her a lot). Then I got Lilly and she and Clover bonded without problems as well. The difference was that with Hoppy Clover was always very submissive but with Lilly he was dominate at first but now she took charge. Then three months later i added Bindi. For the first week i did not think that they would ever bond because Clover chased her like crazy and was aggressive. Lilly was not as bad but not friendly at all. After about a week things started getting slowly better and after three weeks they moved into one cage and all are good now. Personaly I find that bunnies are happier when living with other bunnies. Bindi was very people friendly and loved attention (still does) but she really wanted to be friends with Clover and Lilly, even though they were beating her up at first. Now that they have accepted her, she seems very happy and i love watching all three of them snuggle. They are also all friendly with me and even Lilly who was very skittish is now much more social.
I msg'd you back Sabrina.

And all I can say to ease you just a little. Is these two bunnies of mine, are the most laid back creatures I've ever had!! Holly has been bonded twice. With NO issues AT ALL! Neither have EVER been aggressive. The only thing that happened during their bond was a little 'mounting' to show who's "boss" lol and that ended after a few days and now they're inseparable.

Anything I can do to help I totally would. I'm not abandoning them. I just want them in a good home!! They deserve it! I think they'd love another Bunny friend.
Hey Gina. NJ isn't that far. I had 2 bunnies brought to me from the Staes a couple of years ago. A bunch of really nice people from RO helped to get them to me. So you see it can be done.

Just a few things that I have wondered...

Besides needing a passport to cross the border does anyone know if you need special papers to bring the bunnies across?

If someone in the states was able to give your bunnies a home would you consider having them flown here?

I sure hope something can be worked out for these bunnies. I have been thinking about these two dolls ever since you posted about them. Checking in daily to see if anyone has grabbed them up.
I have spent all night, practically pleading with my Aunt to let me have these bunnies! I live with my Aunt and Uncle still, so I needed their permission before I could say anything to you, I'd hate to get your hopes up, just to let you down. She still says no..she thinks 3 bunnies is too many. Not for me, though..I know I could take care of 3. But, unfortunately, what she says, goes.

Since I'm unable to take them, I definitely do have my fingers crossed for Sabrina! They're adorable rabbits! It would be terrible for them to have to go to a shelter, I'm hoping that doesn't have to happen!

Good Luck!
luvthempigs wrote:
Just a few things that I have wondered...

Besides needing a passport to cross the border does anyone know if you need special papers to bring the bunnies across?

If someone in the states was able to give your bunnies a home would you consider having them flown here?

I sure hope something can be worked out for these bunnies. I have been thinking about these two dolls ever since you posted about them. Checking in daily to see if anyone has grabbed them up.

You will need a Health Certificate from the vet.Here's more info:
luvthempigs wrote:
Just a few things that I have wondered...

Besides needing a passport to cross the border does anyone know if you need special papers to bring the bunnies across?

If someone in the states was able to give your bunnies a home would you consider having them flown here?

I sure hope something can be worked out for these bunnies.  I have been thinking about these two dolls ever since you posted about them.  Checking in daily to see if anyone has grabbed them up.

Well it's a thought. I don't know if we could afford to fly them somewhere though. Money's tight around here at the moment, with a Wedding to pay for!
I'm not sure if you do need anything for rabbits other than have them look healthy at the border. Rabbits can cross into Canada in a car with no fuss, I'm pretty sure. Airlines will often require a certificate, though.

Here's an excerpt from the site listed above:

As for rabbits, Guinea pigs, hamsters, ferrets, and other pet rodents, there are no CDC or USFWS restrictions or requirements on these animals if brought in as pets.

sas :ponder:
Im so sorry to hear this, Crystal. I know Nadia was thinking about it but it was just too much for her right now (I think shes thinking baby in the near future as well) :)

Getting them across the border is no problem if anyone is interested. I took Winston and Vega to Susan with no hassle. Crystal, have you tried contacting area rabbit rescues? What about posting something at local vet's offices?

Wish there was more I could do to help.
I am beyond frustrated at this point. Please don't show interest in taking them unless you know you can. And I mean no disrespect by that. But please put yourself in my shoes. I've had a couple actually set up a time to come over and meet with me. And then back out last minute. I can't take much more "almost yes'". My babies deserve a wonderful home.

I wish I didn't have to let them go, but unfortunately I do.

I have a couple weeks to find them a bunny loving home or I have to take them to a shelter I guess.
This is awful :( They are so gorgeous! If they could come to Ireland, I'd take them but the cost would be huge :(

I'm hoping someone will come along soon, can anyone just foster or something? Come on guys!
Hey Everyone,

My parents said that I can't adopt them until September because I will be moving for grad school and I will need to make sure that I am able to find a suitable apartment first. there anyone here who can foster them until September?

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