RESOLVED!!!!! My DH is sick

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GoinBackToCali wrote:
Did Bo just make me sound like a lush?

Well, NO! I didn't! I meant that you uhh....... sacrifice a lot for others!!! :D

(for the record, I have no clue how much or how little Zin partakes in the sacrificial beverages! I just like to harass her!)


and Zin you are listening to one of my favorite songs! Many adults and teens think it's hilarious that I like that sort of music..... I don't look the type!
It's just internet stuff like SIL (sister inlaw) I should use SOL tho like Sister Outlaw... I have a lot of outlaws.... :p

So how is the DH today?
He's doing much better, but is really tired of being cooped up on the couch. The swelling is almost gone, and the redness is significantly reduced. We go back to the docs tomorrow a.m., and I think she'll just have him continue with the current treatment, unless things get really weird between now and then. He is really a good patient. You'd have to seriously sedate me to get me to be still for that long. Thanks so much for all of your prayers and good wishes.

Zin, how about a toast to feeling better? I'll drink to that. But then again, right now I'll drink to anything! (I'm not that much of a drinker, actually!...too expensive...and I'm CHEAP)
I'm glad your DH is doing better! I hope he continues to recover well! :hug:

On a lighter note, this thread made me CHUCKLE! To the extent that my Steve, working upstairs, with about 2 doors shut between us, IM'd me to ask why I was laughing so much lo!! :D

Jen xx
APPARENTLY, you can get cellulitis from poison ivy/oak as well..... I had to phone the doc.....

I feel his pain - literally..... :(
Oh, gosh. I'm really sorry, Bo. Make sure you take the meds faithfully and rest, rest, rest. If the oral stuff doesn't work, it's 48 hours in hospital, best case, or 7 days, worst case, on IV antibiotics. Take care of yourself, and let us know how you're doing. Prayers for a speedy recovery.

BTW, and bacteria lurking anywhere can infect the cellulose tissue. The doc told us a bee sting can do it, since the stinger can carry bacteria.

What's really funny is that my diva, Missy Pumpkin, is highly miffed that I've spent so much time and attention on Daddy, and not enough on her! I keep gettin' bunny butt, and lots of throwing the litter and hay pan. When I go to her area to calm her down, she gets all sweet and begging, and gives me kisses. What a pip!
Awww widdle bunner jealousy! LOL!

Thanks for the well wishes. I am on antibiotics, prednisone, and some sort of ointment. My son's poison went away but mine got worse - or so I thought..... but then it turned really hot and red and kinda shiney. I was feeling really sick too...

The poison is on both of my inner legs so when I sleep they were touching and making it worse.... we work in the barn and stuff too so it's hard to tell where I got the bacteria....

I'm supposed to work tomorrow - might not be able to. Everytime I take a step it hurts!
Ihad cellulitis a few years back and it wasn't fun! I had went to the ER and they outlined the cellulitis and after being given meds, over night it grew double it's size. So needless to say I ended up hospitalized over night for a strong dose of meds.Thatone was caused from shaving so I had hair legs for a while after that deal. :(

I had ita second time a few months later that happened to be during my last year as a 4-H exhibitor and missed showmanship to travel to the ER again. That was just from a scratch that I got when I climbed into the back of my truck in prep for fair.That was really hard, let me tell ya! Foot proped up in the rabbit barn when you wanted to be walking around the fair.

Needless to say I too can feel the pain.

Best wishes to your husband and to you Bo too!


I didn't work today but I probably should have.... the day wasn't as easy as planned....

Hope DH is better! updates? or have you locked him in the cellar? :p
He just earned his way back to the living room from the garage!:biggrin2: He's still home, until Monday, at the earliest, but the doc was pleased with his progress. We rented some movies, and I have some good reading material, since he and I don't usually have similar movie tastes. Today was my last day of class for the summer, so I'm pretty excited to be free for a couple of months....

Bo, how're you doing? You've gotta stay off those legs....and yeah, I totally know what you mean about staying home being more stressful that just going to work. Let me know how you're doing.
Glad to hear that your DH is making his way back.. Hopefully your buns will not give you too much grief on top of everything your dealing with..

And know this wasn't meant to be a "funny" thread but y'all gave me a good laugh w/the "back-and-forths".. :D
I'm glad he's doing well! and the doc is happy with how he's progressing!

I am, right now, severely itchy! lol! The poison part bothers me sometimes and then the cellulitis part at others. I have a couple of places that really hurt but it's getting better.

I did lay around in bed yesterday and then went to my mom's for a bit and she got dinner for us. I came home and watched a movie (The Bucket List - I love Morgan Freeman!) and just being off my feet for the day helped.

Unfortunately I am in charge of feeding the horses this weekend (we feed our own now anyhow)...... and the pigs. Now, that's not a huge deal at all but my SIL's horse cut herself really bad the other night (part of why I was on my feet all day THursday!) and has stitches. We need to keep her stall clean and all that..... so I'll have to battle the children to help!

I made the decision NOT to go to a horse show tomorrow. I don't need the heat and all that and we need to work Pokie more before fair so it's fine..... no one really minds except hubby and he's ok once I explained why..... he likes going to shows and hanging out LOL!

Thanks for asking! :)

also, it helps to joke and laugh when things like this happen.... I think I'd go crazy if we couldn't do that!

How is the hubby doing now???

And I always thought DH could stand for many things...

D*mn hubby
Darn hubby
Dear hubby
Darling hubby

and 'Dat Horrible Man...oops....too long!

Loved the iterations of DH! Thanks for that!

He's doing much, much better. We were at the doc's this a.m., and also had an ultrasound to make sure it wasn't a clot....all is clear, and he goes back to work tomorrow!!!! I'll miss him, but at times, it'll be a good miss.

I just wanted to thank everyone for their prayers, good thoughts, and smiles. All of them were greatly appreciated! If one of the mods could add resolved to the title of this one, it'd be great.
