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I've also been in contact with Joan although its been rough because I have been extremely sick. I am going to be fostering this bun, thats ofcourse unless the above person decides to adopt him. : )
I emailed Joanna. Seems the other adoptions fell through because she felt Max would not get enough attention. She felt they wanted nothing more than a stuffed toy. She also told me that Max is not neutered.They are willing to help pay for his neuter. We are setting up a time for me to come and pick him up.
I'm glad eveything is going down well. I'd rather see him go to a forever home then me foster him :) If i wasn't so allergic to standard fur I would have adopted him myself in a heartbeat. The least I could do though was foster and cope with it for a little bit lol. YAY!:biggrin2:

Max is home with me. He is very lively. And, we definitely need to be neutered. I'll schedule that this week with the vet we use for the rescue.

Joanna and Todd are great people. They would have kept him if they had the space and could have found an affordable place to have him neutered.

BTW Max, I believe, is a Britainnia Petite(Black Otter). He seems to fit the description of the breed from web site.
I want to give you a hug but can't so hug yourself for me.:biggrin2:Give him a treat and say it's from me. :biggrin2:

ETA: Changed the title to resolved
Max has introduced himself to Pete his next door neighbor. He jumped from the top of his cage into Pete's pen. I had to rearrange the setup in Max's pen. What a character. Some bunny got a life finally after being stuck in a garage and than a basement for more than two years.

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