The vet first checked his teeth and found that he had spurs going into his cheek. Second, the vet moved on down the bunny to the bladder area. While being checked, Judah peed sludge on the vets towel. The vet determined that he had quite a lot of sludge build up. Off to the x-ray room. The vet came back and said that Judah was such a handful that he would have to be put under for the x-ray. At the same time, he wanted to trip his spurs. He also talked to us about the possibilty of having to flush his bladder, and wanted to know if we could afford to have this done now if needed. We decided to go ahead and do it all at once.
While doing the flush, the vet thought that he would have to perform emergancy surgery on him because the sludge was so thick and would not come out. Finally it started coming out during the flush. The table ended up lookin like a sandbox. Second x-rays were performed to see if all the sludge came out. He still has some sludge and possibly bladder stones. We came home with subq's that we need to administer for 1 month. We will check after that to see if he still has sludge and stone. The vet also gave us Metacam, Batrim, and Valium to relax the sphinter. He also told us no alfalfa pellets or highly calcium veggies. Funny thing, Judah has been on 1/8 cup timmy pellets and leaf lettuce and cilantro for a few years already. The vet thinks that the sludge may be do to his high EC.