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TinysMom wrote:
Oh yeah...thanks...put a lionhead on and then tell me its inNJ...with no warning in the heading....



Seriously though - I'm guessing it is a lionhead or part lionhead....wish you had a better picture...


That is what it is.
His father was an angora/lionhead mix.
His mom was a lop.

His fur really isn't to long...kind of fluffy.

I really hope he's not there when I go tomorrow....but if he is I'll see if I can get a couple better pics.
He's been there since the middle of December.

The owners mother works at an animal hospital, so there could be a possibility for a low cost (maybe free) neutering.
JadeIcing wrote:
If he was fixed and it wasnt such a long drive my mom wouldmore than likely take him. Shoot she said she would.

So your Mom needs another bun????

I'll get right on it!!!!!

I'm sure we could arrange a delivery or drop!!


Honestly ....IMO.....This little guy really needs to get out of the petstore before he's permanently affected. He seems to be getting morelethargic every time I see him.
I've even asked MrsD if we could foster him until he gets a new home, but I really don't have the room.
I just feel so bad for him.:(

"Hi human slaves!!
So, I'm still here at the pet store.:(
I'm feeling a little better and I ran around and did some binkies for my friend when he came to visit today.
I even ate and pooped a bit so he would know I was doing okay!
I had lots of hay, water, and a bowl with pellets in it.
My home is nice and clean, too!!
He took some pictures, but he said they might not come out so good. Myhuman mommy wasn't here so he had to take them through the glass.
My friend nick-named meStevie....and sumthin' 'bout Wonder or Nicks"

"me sitting soooo handsome....."

Jim - you're killing me with these photos. If Icould take him, I'd do so in a hearbeat (and not to breed.....). He'sjust so cute....

I sure hope he gets adopted soon....are you sure you don't need anotherrabbit? Could you foster him until you find him a home? Lionheadsreally can be fun!

TinysMom wrote:
Jim - you're killing me with these photos. If I could takehim, I'd do so in a hearbeat (and not to breed.....). He's just socute....

:what....I wouldn't even think of tempting somebunnie with the cutestbunnie in the whole wide world...not was the otherbunnie-guy. no really. It's ok.

TinysMom wrote:
I sure hope he gets adopted soon....


Jim and I have been working very hard at this to make sure this little guy found a home. He has...with my MOM! Yay! :bunnydance:

Jim is bringing him to me and he will remain here till neutered by my vet. Than once healed he moves to my mothers!
I love your mom (and you and Jim as well)! Great work, guys. I cant wait to see pics of the little guy in his new home.
Good morning!!:sunshine:
It's 7am here in NJ.
It's a little later that I thought.
I got up real early and then went back to bed for a "few minutes" that turned into an hour.:sleep:

No problems, I'm still going to make it up there by 10am or so.:waiting:

I checked the traffic report and it looks good.:bow

It's going to rain today so the ride won't be as nice as it could be.At least it won't be too hot and I won't have to deal with sunglare.:cool:

The little guy is just fine this morning.:bunny5
Poops and pee galore, ate & drank a little.:litterhealthy:
Tossed Woody Pet ALL a good bunnie.
He was perched on top of the carrier looking all comfy when I went down to check on him this morning.

I've just got to have a cup of coffee and a bite to eat....load the bun....and I'm on my way.:caffeine

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