Last night, my girlfriend and I decided to head to dinner. We were going to celebrate an offer letter a company was sending her for an engineering position. As we walked to the car, a small and dark ball of fur hopped towards us. Initially we thought it was a cat. As we knelt down, we found it to be a rabbit. The rabbit was obviously comfortable with people, but was making very feeble attempts to prevent us from picking it up. We finally cornered it and brought it inside. It seems both young and emaciated. Having never held a rabbit before, I'm not sure if it's normal to feel their bones so prominently through their skin.
Our night out turned into a quick drive through Panera Bread and over to Pet Land before it closed. We picked up some supplies (a small cage, food, water bottle, bedding, etc.), a little advice and went back home.
The rabbit seems to be doing fine now. She is passing food and drinking well.
Our cat, however, is not doing well. Having never been with anyone but the two of us, she is obviously a little perturbed by the situation. Their first meeting would have been eventful if I didn't immediately notice the cats tail. The rabbit was in the cage, but it doesn't need to be scared.
Suffice it to say we don't have the time, space or expertise to take care of this animal. And I don't think it's fair to our cat.
If anyone in, around, or within driving distance of Fort Walton Beach could care for this animal, I'd be very happy to do what it takes to get it there this weekend, or even sooner.
She is getting better and has much more energy than last night. We just wanted to make it safe, get it hydrated and fed and off to someone who can really help. My girlfriend and the staff at Pet Land seem to think it was a cute Easter present that got tiresome. People suck.
Please excuse the picture. I grabbed my camera without even so much as looking down at the LCD. I can do better later. You may notice the bedding material caught in her fur. Apparently a short sighted mistake on our part. We should have used something less...messy. It is coming out easily when we bring it out of the cage, and we cut out tangled hair and leaves last night.
If you can help or know someone who can, please send me a message. You can also email me at [email protected] . My iPhone looks at my gmail account, and I can respond quickly while at work. I'd be happy to speak with any of you over the phone as well.
Thank you!
Our night out turned into a quick drive through Panera Bread and over to Pet Land before it closed. We picked up some supplies (a small cage, food, water bottle, bedding, etc.), a little advice and went back home.
The rabbit seems to be doing fine now. She is passing food and drinking well.
Our cat, however, is not doing well. Having never been with anyone but the two of us, she is obviously a little perturbed by the situation. Their first meeting would have been eventful if I didn't immediately notice the cats tail. The rabbit was in the cage, but it doesn't need to be scared.
Suffice it to say we don't have the time, space or expertise to take care of this animal. And I don't think it's fair to our cat.
If anyone in, around, or within driving distance of Fort Walton Beach could care for this animal, I'd be very happy to do what it takes to get it there this weekend, or even sooner.
She is getting better and has much more energy than last night. We just wanted to make it safe, get it hydrated and fed and off to someone who can really help. My girlfriend and the staff at Pet Land seem to think it was a cute Easter present that got tiresome. People suck.
Please excuse the picture. I grabbed my camera without even so much as looking down at the LCD. I can do better later. You may notice the bedding material caught in her fur. Apparently a short sighted mistake on our part. We should have used something less...messy. It is coming out easily when we bring it out of the cage, and we cut out tangled hair and leaves last night.
If you can help or know someone who can, please send me a message. You can also email me at [email protected] . My iPhone looks at my gmail account, and I can respond quickly while at work. I'd be happy to speak with any of you over the phone as well.
Thank you!