Well-Known Member
Flurry has ear mites... Again. I knew that they would come back and this time I took further action (at least I think so) This time I used the kitten dose of revolution that we had left over from our dog. As well as mineral oil every other day. Questions; has anyone used revolution? How long did it take to be effective? Should I keep using mineral oil? If the revolution/oil don't work Im going to take her to the vets. I want to use the same vet as we use for our dog since we have had good experiences there. I asked today when we took the dog to the vets about Flurrys mites and she said that (obviously) take her to the vets for medcine and a check-up. The only thing I'm debating is that I don't really want to spend $80 on an unnesisary appointment. Questions; has anyone used this vet for a rabbit before (belbrae animal hospital) I didn't see it on "the list"? What are the average prices for a rabbit checkup/medicine? Is there any other at home remidies for ear mites? Can people contract ear mites (I'm pretty sure th awnser is no but just to be sure )? I think that covers everything an awnser to even just one of my 2386251 questions will be appreciated