Well, everyone, I am BACK. I am sad to say that I lost almost all their bonding progress over Christmas. Everything was hectic, I got and lost a job in the same month, went to Arizona for 4 days, and my car has been in and out of the shop for numerous things.
Overall, the bonding time was sparse to none, and when I took them out to do some practicing, it turned into a full blown bunny tornado. Quinn has become the full aggressor, compared to Skippy's miniscule nips, she has been actively chasing and looking to tear fur. Luckily there have been no injuries, but Quinn has decided that she's not going to tolerate Skippy in her space for more than a few minutes at a time, and I'm very scared to put them together again.
I know it was due to outside circumstances and my own issues, but I'm incredibly upset. Skippy and I have made so much progress with her fears and she really feels like "my rabbit" now. It's far too late to give her up, but I'm afraid that I won't be able to provide the life she needs with Quinn's aggression.