Critter Keeper
I'm having such a lousy day
I don't want to rattle off the list of annoying, worrisome, hurtful, or otherwise unpleasant events of the day because that would make for a bleak and uninteresting entry.
One thing I will say, however, is that I'm SO devastated that after a month of working hard to get access to a suspected hoarder's house - and lovingly preparing a very awesome cage to adopt one of her ninety mice - I was stood up. Thirty minutes of driving, thirty minutes of waiting around outside of a locked house that I'm pretty sure she was inside of, thirty minutes of driving home. I want to be angry about my time and gas being wasted, but I'm mostly just sad about all of those mice, including the little guy I was supposed to adopt today. Looking at the empty cage full of toys, tunnels, great food, and foraging boxes makes me sick right now.
On a more positive note, I ran into an old friend today from my doctor's office. We were both on IV treatments at the same time but I haven't seen him in over a year. He and his daughter - who was also sick back when I lasy saw him - were at Petsmart, where I was picking up dechlorinator. Turns out they found this AWESOME doctor who has just completely reversed their neurological symptoms; this is the first time I've seen this guy in ages without sunglasses from light sensitivity and a wobbling gait. It was incredible and gave me so much joy and hope to see him and his daughter fully recovered. He gave me the doctor's number and I left a message tonight - fingers crossed that she's still accepting patients!
Here's the real kicker though: After our chat he asked "Oh! Do you still do animal rescue?" I said yes and told him about how my fiance and I have plans to go 501(c) within the year. He asked if I wanted another fish. I was confused, and he said they'd just returned a sickly goldfish. The store would probably just flush or freeze it (true according to folks I've known who worked there), and he'd much rather I take it and give it a chance at survival. We tracked down the employee who said the fish hadn't been disposed of yet and happily fetched it from the back. His little girl was so excited; she gave me a big hug and told me to please help "Buddy" out.
So here's hoping I can repay an old friend's favor of helping me with health by helping him with his fish!
Pics of "Buddy" coming soon; the lil bugger is super stressed settling into his hospital tank right now. And yes, I promise this bunny blog will actually have BUNNIES in the next update!
One thing I will say, however, is that I'm SO devastated that after a month of working hard to get access to a suspected hoarder's house - and lovingly preparing a very awesome cage to adopt one of her ninety mice - I was stood up. Thirty minutes of driving, thirty minutes of waiting around outside of a locked house that I'm pretty sure she was inside of, thirty minutes of driving home. I want to be angry about my time and gas being wasted, but I'm mostly just sad about all of those mice, including the little guy I was supposed to adopt today. Looking at the empty cage full of toys, tunnels, great food, and foraging boxes makes me sick right now.
On a more positive note, I ran into an old friend today from my doctor's office. We were both on IV treatments at the same time but I haven't seen him in over a year. He and his daughter - who was also sick back when I lasy saw him - were at Petsmart, where I was picking up dechlorinator. Turns out they found this AWESOME doctor who has just completely reversed their neurological symptoms; this is the first time I've seen this guy in ages without sunglasses from light sensitivity and a wobbling gait. It was incredible and gave me so much joy and hope to see him and his daughter fully recovered. He gave me the doctor's number and I left a message tonight - fingers crossed that she's still accepting patients!
Here's the real kicker though: After our chat he asked "Oh! Do you still do animal rescue?" I said yes and told him about how my fiance and I have plans to go 501(c) within the year. He asked if I wanted another fish. I was confused, and he said they'd just returned a sickly goldfish. The store would probably just flush or freeze it (true according to folks I've known who worked there), and he'd much rather I take it and give it a chance at survival. We tracked down the employee who said the fish hadn't been disposed of yet and happily fetched it from the back. His little girl was so excited; she gave me a big hug and told me to please help "Buddy" out.
So here's hoping I can repay an old friend's favor of helping me with health by helping him with his fish!
Pics of "Buddy" coming soon; the lil bugger is super stressed settling into his hospital tank right now. And yes, I promise this bunny blog will actually have BUNNIES in the next update!