Renewing our vows next year

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Actually, I sang that song 3 times a day, Saturday and Sunday for 7 weekends, not counting rehearsals.

It's also my ringer on my celly..

One weekend I was off, and my sons were showing at the livestock show. I have a friend that I would sing it too all the time, and she would spray me with water everytime she heard me sing the first few bars. Not to be defeated.. I hopped on top of the pens.. held on to one of the support poles.. spun all around, waving my hands with great flourishing movements.. and belted out at the top of my lungs *Pop U ler... er... laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar..lalalalalalalalalalala*.. to well over 145 pigs.. 60 or so goats.. 40 or so lambs... and upteen numbers of rednecks...

I was quite the spectacle...
I'm gonna answer inside the post and then some more at the end (I think)...

Hazel wrote:

Neat article - thanks so much. I sent it to Art.

We have a friend who got married at the Ren faire. They LOVED the ceremony. It was really pretty and it was something they'll definitely remember FOREVER.

I think this is the way Art & I feel - we would definitely remember this forever...

I think this sounds like an amazing idea. A wedding is something for YOU and no one else and the fact that you're sooo happy about it tells me that you have to do this!

It does look like we're really doing it. We're going this year on Oct. 18th & 19th to get a feeling for the Ren Faire...and then we'll have the ceremony next year - since our 30th anniversary is August 9, 2009. We'll have to have the ceremony in Oct/Nov though since that is when the faire runs.

Make sure the pics can be downloaded on the interwebs as I know we're all going to want to see pics! :) I'm really happy for you.

I'll have to do that. I was looking at professional wedding photographers but they are $750 and up (especially up) and we didn't even pay that much for our first wedding 30 years ago...

Btw, the cranberry is a GREAT idea. I always wanted to be married in a color(my mom was married in blue! :p) but we'll see... if I marry Ryan it'll have to be white or his Catholic mother would have a heart attack... hahaha :)

I really am torn....ivory or cranberry - but I love the cranberry and Art does too. I think the only thing he would like better is hunter green....but that is just not "me".

EDIT: As for the dresses, my two cents, I <3 the Arwen dress(It's amazing, and the details at the top make it even more impressive and gorgeous) and the one you said you really liked, the one with the skirt, chemise and overdress. They're two very different dresses though, so I guess you'd have to decide what style you wanted. It might help if you and Art chose his clothing too, or got an idea. That way, if you were having trouble deciding, you could use what would work with his clothing. Of course, as the bride, you might just want to choose your dress first and force him to wear something that matched, :) haha!

I really want Art to wear what he wants - and I think that is the hunter's costume complete with CLOAK (not cape :biggrin2:). We found a cloak for him that we really like.

Since we're going this year (and I suspect we'll be going every year after this at least one weekend).....I'm going to get a couple of dresses off Ebay for this year - and they have the skirt/chemise/overdress look. I suspect this will help me possibly go towards the Arwen dress...I'm not sure.

I have a friend who sews and knows fashion and stuff and I'm gonna have her help me figure out which look will be more flattering to me once we get to next April or May and I've lost some weight and then I'll probably make my decision based on that.
I may share some other outfits later that I've found on Ebay and I'm considering ordering for this year's faire. I think getting that out of my system will help.

The worst part about this is I've turned into a "Bride-zilla" of the worst sort. I'm either looking at costumes or dreaming about the wedding (and a practical joke I want to play on Art) or I'm looking at costumes for Art or doing a whole ton of things.

What makes things worse? Art's becoming that way too....we're both like REALLY REALLY wrapped up in this .... together....both very excited about it. We've exchanged like a dozen or so emails every night with pictures and ideas and dreams....

.... and we still have 18 months to go...

Ok - these are the dresses I'm thinking of for this year...they are from Ebay and I could get two of them - with shipping - for just over $100 TOTAL. These are custom made and I've talked to someone who has bought from this person before and they say the sewing is well done.

brown (which I also like)

I can't believe it - but I do like this blue...


peasant_tan_wine_full.jpg we see a pattern? Cranberry/blue

Since Art might be wearing green (as a hunter)

I hate decisions..

This is one I'm toying with for the ceremony next year if I feel I really want to have ivory of some sort....

Here is another one I'm toying with - if I could get it done in cranberry/burgundy...


Here are a couple of cloaks - I think the first one is for a woman (same seller) - the second one is from another seller - is reversible and comes in black/blue, black/green or black/cranberry.



See - I'm becoming so wrapped up in this!!!

Oh well...


I'm so psyched....I bought a dress for this year (one down - one to go).

I really really like it though....a if I like it as much as I might - I might save it for the ceremony - I don't know - I almost bought it in green..




And are you ready - I got it for $24.99!!!!!

Those pics don't do it justice.. I actually bought it in this color for a Camelot faire one year..

Same dress.. with a more detailed view of it and the fullness...




And at the waist there is a handy dandy tie to cinch it up to make it more flatterring...


I personally wore mine with this headpiece... don;t ask why it's on a life size Spiderman statue..


While this costume is technically more medieval in really fits in well with the fantasy realm of renaissance faires, like loremasters, bards, druids.

I have offerred to make Peg an Arwen coronation crown.. here is my version.. made from aluminum cans.. various harware wire, some nailpolish,lots of beads, fishing line..and it's supported on this mannequin head by nails pushed into the foam.. I did have abit of a run in with a knight, and we had to do a quick hot glue fix till I could sauter it back together, as shown..



Here is the real one from the costume exhibit so you can check my not exact but pretty good I think..keeping in mind im not a jeweler or a metal worker..



And now for the kicker - I showed Art the picture a few minutes ago...he likes it.

So when the dress comes in - I'll try it on...if its really what I'm wanting for the ceremony....then I'll order it in green (which I also liked) for this year...and then set this one aside and have Zin help me alter it for the few changes I'd like...


To bad you people don't let me run with them..
JadeIcing wrote:
Thank you! I am getting ideas. I want Cranberry or blue or both for my dress.
Well - to help you get more are some stores on Ebay you might want to look at:

I'm sure there are others on Ebay - those are just the ones I have favorited so far....

Edited to add:

Thank you! My thing is I don't do costume but if I have to I want the best.

TinysMom wrote:
JadeIcing wrote:
Thank you! I am getting ideas. I want Cranberry or blue or both for my dress.
Well - to help you get more are some stores on Ebay you might want to look at:

I'm sure there are others on Ebay - those are just the ones I have favorited so far....

Edited to add:
Peeeeg I love love this one for the ceremony! Hihi. :biggrin2:And I will be honest, I don't like the other, the red one you liked that Zin has... I find it too straight. Hihi Okay so maybe I have a thing against straight because I am too curvy, but I am partial to this one so far :p


My honey may shoot me - but I HAVE to share this....

First of all - for those who don't know - Art & I are "religious". We're conservative Christians - not really any particular denomination...although we do attend a Baptist church (but have attended others).

Last night Art was laying in bed but couldn't sleep and came up with this ceremony which he called "The Vows of the Cloak".

First of all - he wants to make me a book I'll have to show y'all later - but this will be in the front of the book.

This is his ROUGH DRAFT - the first copy. I'm sure it will be edited and changed (at least that is what he said) before it is done. He wants to do this along with the ring ceremony (his part of the ring ceremony). Oh...and he is making me the cloak...

"Peg, I have been beside you for over half my life, 30 years this past 8th month.

As our Lord, when called upon, laid down his life for our sake, and freely gives of all else that is His to us in our time of need,

So I till will give of all my earthly treasures to provide for you, for your every need. I will give you comfort in your sorrow, provision in your need, hope in your times of despair and yes, if called upon to do so, I will lay down my life to protect you.

As a symbol of my provision, I give to you this cloak. It will keep you warm in the cold, dry in the rain, sheltered in the wind.

I give you also, this ring, a symbol of our shared hopes and dreams and love. It is a symbol of my faithfulness to you.

Please wear the cloak in need and the ring in love."

Isn't that beautiful?

One of the things that Art & I came to believe over the last few years is that marriage isn't a "commitment" it is a "covenant" which is meant for life. (I'm talking about own personal beliefs - I'm not saying we expect others to agree with us as far as their own beliefs go).

But as such - in scripture - there was the "covenant initiator" (which for the Christian is God) and the "covenant receiver".

Anyway, Art wants the ceremony to be partly about "covenant" because there were certain things that were done in Biblical times during covenant ceremonies. One was the putting of the cloak on another and exchanging identities....

I won't bore y'all with the rest...I just thought that this was so beautiful.

What was also heartwarming - was when a few minutes later, "Mother Theresa" (one of our rabbits) passed away and Art held me while I bawled and bawled and bawled (even though he should be getting ready for work) and then when I apologized he recognized the fact that I had lost a friend and told me to not worry. See - he was with me in my grief.

Ok - I'm tearing up again - I better close this.


That is so beautiful. We should all be so lucky..... Great men are hard to find when we find them we hold on to them not out of need but out of love..... Congrats again and I wish you guys 10,000 more years of love


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