Renewing our vows next year

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Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2005
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, Texas, USA
The other night Zin and I were talking and she mentioned "Scarby" - a Ren Festival that she goes to. I went to the website and was looking around and noticed that they do weddings and that they were almost sorta affordable for Art & I. (Next year is our 30th wedding annniversary).

Well Zin and I got to talking and she was like, " don't want to do it there - you want to do it here..." and she sent me the link to the Ren Faire near her....

Anyway - Art & I have been talking and I think that this year we're gonna visit the fair and look around - and then next year - we are going to have a ceremony to redo our vows there. We're already looking at costumes - at least three of us will probably want to base them on our characters in the Lord of the Rings Online game (Art is a hunter, I'm a loremaster (I throw the wicked fireballs), Eric is a captain and Robin is a hobbit minstrel - but she may want to go as something else).

I'm so's a link to information about the Ren Faire:

and the link to the page on weddings:

We're going to go with the Knight and Lady package:

and add on the carriage ride to that.

We're already discussing our costumes and Art & I are already starting to make plans to lose weight so we can get into them and look good. Art even talked to his best friend at work and he said that he and his wife would LOVE to come to this.

It will probably be a small ceremony - 10 people at most because we live so far from the Ren Faire and I don't think Art's family will want to fly in and my mom doesn't fly anymore....

oh...and we want to go with the Water Garden at the bottom of this page for where we'll have the wedding:

I'm so excited....but I told Zin....she's created a monster. Actually, after talking to Art today and seeing his excitement too - she might have created TWO monsters..


P.S. Here is Art's favorite of the costumes we've looked at so far..

The second picture on the left shows it's a link:

I know ... I know....I'm babbling like an idiot...

But Art & I only have maybe 15-20 photos of our wedding (taken by family members)....and we've never done anything special like this for us....
That's very cool. It's good to do something like this, especially for such a big anniversary.

I hope it all manages to come off as you want it to, costumes and all.

Very exciting!
Can we please NOT blame Zin... I get blamed for enough stuff.. lol

Besides.. me getting the blame seems to be a theme in my life ANYWAY...

I get in more trouble in abstention ( for some reason I really wanted to type abstensia, but at this early hour, it didn't look right) than I do actually being there.. HA..

I am excited for you too...
Lmao when I saw the title all I could ask was "What has Zin done this time?" :p:pZin, you make things on the forum so interesting, I am glad we can blame you. Lol :hug:

Peg, I think that is a most wonderful idea. It sounds awesome, and I bet you could surely use something done for yourselves. When the kids are gone, and y'all get old, y'all will have each other and it's wonderful that you want to renew your vows and keep that flame lit bright. :hug1

You must promise a tooooooooooooooooooooon of pictures though!!! :biggrin2:
GoinBackToCali wrote:
Can we please NOT blame Zin... I get blamed for enough stuff.. lol

Besides.. me getting the blame seems to be a theme in my life ANYWAY...

I get in more trouble in abstention ( for some reason I really wanted to type abstensia, but at this early hour, it didn't look right) than I do actually being there.. HA..

I am excited for you too...
We just got the packet from the RenFest a bit ago - I'm sitting here crying and laughing and giggling like a school girl.

I can't believe this - but I'm even seriously considering using a wedding photographer (we were gonna ask Zin's husband to do this and probably will do that)....

My mind is going a million miles a minute - and the renewal ceremony is still 18 months away..

It's only 18months away :pLOL. You'll be screaming "It's next month!:shock:" In no time :p

I sit here and giggle because it's someone else, but mine should be coming up eventually, so you'll get your revenge. Lol :p
MsBinky wrote:
It's only 18months away :pLOL. You'll be screaming "It's next month!:shock:" In no time :p

I sit here and giggle because it's someone else, but mine should be coming up eventually, so you'll get your revenge. Lol :p
Part of my problem is.....what to wear.

Let's face it - weddings are often ivory or white....right?

But I've been married for almost 30 years....I'm leaning towards a cranberry colored gown....

Still yet...the idea of getting our pictures done for this - and wearing ivory (I don't do white) .... is um....

Yeah....I really don't know what to do....

I have started thinking of having TWO ivory dress for the ceremony and reception and a cranberry dress for the rest of the day...

I did see one dress I liked that had sort of ivory sleeves and cranberry too.....


Oh wow - what a great idea! This sounds like so much fun :)lol I can't wait to see pictures!

Yes, what to wear. I really can't say since I never had a *real* wedding lol. What ever it is I am sure it will be stunning. Can't wait to see :biggrin2:
I told you.. white or ivory for weddings wasnt widely done until the victorian era..

You could go nekkid and it would be ok...

Well.. mebbie not nekkid... but you get the idea..
GoinBackToCali wrote:
I told you.. white or ivory for weddings wasnt widely done until the victorian era..

You could go nekkid and it would be ok...

Well.. mebbie not nekkid... but you get the idea..
I understand that - I really do....

The thing is - when Art & I got married in 1979....we were really really poor. I RENTED my wedding dress ($50) and veil. His mom bought the wedding cake as a gift. He wore a brown suit (he looks horrid in brown - that's one of my colors) because that was what he could afford when we looked at suits earlier that year while we were in college.

The food? It was brought in by ladies of the church - to "create" a reception for us.

Photos? Art's brother took pictures....along with a couple of other relatives taking pictures....

I have maybe 20 or so pictures .... I don't remember. I never had many to begin with.

So the thought of doing this....and the more I look at bridal photographers (although I really think we'd rather ask your husband to do it and offer to pay him)....the more I think...

"Would I prefer an ivory gown and more traditional type photos - at least for me?"

The gown wouldn't have to be a "wedding" gown per se - it could still be a costume...

In some ways - this is the "wedding" we never had - even if we do only have 6-10 people there.....

I hate decisions. I'm sure I'll make this decision about twenty times - always rethinking what I'd decided before. I may have two gowns ready and decide that morning what to wear (ok - I doubt it will be that bad).

But this is the biggest thing we will have done in our lives......

I'm so excited...and a nervous wreck.

Awwwww Peg, that makes it so special for you! I had no idea... :hug2:I say you spoil yourself and get the two dresses if you can afford it! That way, like you said, you will have more traditional pics, and then be out of the ivory for the reception :biggrin2:
Ok - I've been looking at costumes and for the life of me - I can't find the gorgeous one I first liked that Zin showed me - it was a pattern though and had to be handmade.

These are the "premade" dressed I've looked at from various places...

This is a wedding dress I found....I'm not fond of the neckline...but I must admi that it made me realize that if I decided to go the traditional wedding dress route - I could find something (even in my size in 18 months).


They don't show this in burgundy but it comes in burgundy. However - the more I've looked at others I'm going "nope".....but still yet...

I liked the simplicity of this dress - of course I'd wear it with creme/ivory instead of black.....

Once agai - I sort of like the simplicity of this dress....I just have so many mixed feelings...

This is probably one of my favorites. The problem isn't really "me". I mean - I love it and it is gorgeous and I love the work on it - and I think they even had it in my size.

But it doesn't fit the character I play in the game Art & I play and we're sort of dressing up like our in a way - this is almost too formal for me.

I know - sounds crazy...

I saved this one for the colors - but I looked at it again shortly before posting here and went "oh no...I know that one isn't it".

I really like this one - it is a skirt, chemise and overdress - or something like that.

I LOVE LOVE LOVE the color of this dress. I also love the fact that there is fullness there when she holds the skirt out - but it isn't like a "hoop" dress or something.


I like the sleeves and the v-neck on this. I also like the simplicity. I don't care for the model though or the color as much as the dress up above...

For me - this cape is just....awesome. I mean...yeah....I could picture myself in it (in cranberry though).

My character in the game wears a cape kinda like this - and that is sort of what I picture myself in.....kind of a cape with a simple - yet really pretty dress underneath. I could see myself going to the wedding in the cape and walking down the aisle in it - then taking it off for the ceremony...or something like that.


Zin has really been nice about offering to help with sewing and stuff and I know with 18 months to go - we probably won't start on costumes right now....but it is a lot to think about.

I'm hoping to buy a costume for this year because Art has already put in for vacation so we can go (hopefully as a family) October 18th & 19th to the faire and I'd like to have a costume to go in....

I wish I could explain what this means to me - to us. Art is almost 50 - we've never really done anything for ourselves - we never really went on a honeymoon (we went camping for our first anniversary) and we've never done anything for ourselves because we had kids or no money or both kids and no money...and this is something that we want to splure on for ourselves.

In addition to the clothing - I need to pick out the headress....etc.

I'm torn between a circlet with flowers and stuff and this (or something like it)


So as you can see - this is a big big thing for me - actually - for both of us...

It's a CLOAK.. not a CAPE...

and it's a FARTHINGALE not a HOOP....

The headpiece.. nee circlet is the headpiece Arwen wears as the Fellowship leaves Rivendale.. it might only be seen in the extended edition.. I forget..

Can I come as a Dragon Pirate chica...? with the twins? and My handsome Proper Privateer husband and my Saxon Raider son and my Mad monk son?




I promise I have better hair now...
GoinBackToCali wrote:
It's a CLOAK.. not a CAPE...

and it's a FARTHINGALE not a HOOP....



The only rule is - you can't look better than the bride....

I guess that means you can't come???


We have a friend who got married at the Ren faire. They LOVED the ceremony. It was really pretty and it was something they'll definitely remember FOREVER.

I think this sounds like an amazing idea. A wedding is something for YOU and no one else and the fact that you're sooo happy about it tells me that you have to do this!

Make sure the pics can be downloaded on the interwebs as I know we're all going to want to see pics! :) I'm really happy for you.

Btw, the cranberry is a GREAT idea. I always wanted to be married in a color(my mom was married in blue! :p) but we'll see... if I marry Ryan it'll have to be white or his Catholic mother would have a heart attack... hahaha :)

EDIT: As for the dresses, my two cents, I <3 the Arwen dress(It's amazing, and the details at the top make it even more impressive and gorgeous) and the one you said you really liked, the one with the skirt, chemise and overdress. They're two very different dresses though, so I guess you'd have to decide what style you wanted. It might help if you and Art chose his clothing too, or got an idea. That way, if you were having trouble deciding, you could use what would work with his clothing. Of course, as the bride, you might just want to choose your dress first and force him to wear something that matched, :) haha!
GoinBackToCali wrote:
...Oh shutUP...

For those who are wondering.....there is an inside joke here.

I was explaining to Zin how our baby Taylor got his name - from Kristen Chenoweth's song "Taylor, The Latte Boy" (which you can hear here) -


Anyway - I knew of Kristen from the tv show West Wing. Zin knew of Kristen from the Broadway show Wicked (which I so want to see now). So Zin got me hooked on listening to Kristen (who I already loved) by showing me this song "Popular"...


Now its become a running joke between us....especially since Zin loves to sing it.

The thing is.....I'm not so sure that her singing it around me will make that much difference.....after all....I've heard Zin will also sing it to pigs....

(I'm almost thinking of daring her to try pulling it off singing to Art or Robin in front of everyone - but she would do it).

So....that's the story of "Pop u lar"

I want to write more in a bit - but I'm gonna change the title of the thread and take Zin's name out of it. After all - I'd hate for her to think she should be blamed for everything - plus it will be easier for me to find the thread if I change it to "Renewing our Vows" or something...


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