I had a rabbit years ago as a child and she had aweful diarrhea problems. we took her to the vet, and were told to feed her plain yogurt to help combat the diarrhea. i guess the idea was that the good bacteria in the yogurt would help regulate the bacterias in her digestive system.
has anyone else done this or been perscribed this by a vet? My bun had an episode of diarrhea last week, gave him about a thirs of a teaspoon in a syringe over a 3 hour period, and he seemd to be fine the next day.
has anyone else done this or been perscribed this by a vet? My bun had an episode of diarrhea last week, gave him about a thirs of a teaspoon in a syringe over a 3 hour period, and he seemd to be fine the next day.