Well-Known Member
I'm looking for opinions from other Christianshere, since I haven't been able to find an answer from too many people,and the answers I've gotten were mixed.
I'm getting a new Ipod for christmas. My mother thought it would be anice gift for me since I just started college in the fall. I wasthrilled until I began thinking about it... I cannot afford $20 for aCD, nor can I afford $1 a song to download off Itunes. 50 songs = 50dollars that I don't have. So others, including my mother and an olderChristian friend, told me to just download the songs off of Limewire.No big deal. I went looking on Limewire and sure enough, the songs Iwant are there. Great.
But is this stealing? I have christian friends justifying it, includingmy mother, by saying that it is not stealing if I am just uploading itto an Ipod for my own personal enjoyment. I am not selling it, nor am Imaking a profit from it. I am also not taking credit for the music, oranything of that nature. Just downloading it to listen to. This seemsinnocent in and of itself, but I am doing that as opposed to buyingCD's that I can't afford.
My older christian friend made a statement last night that not allillegal things are wrong and not all wrong things are illegal. (Becausethe bible states that you must obey the law of the land, but the lawshave gotten out of control!) And the law states that downloading musicis illegal, but others justify that it's truly not (or shouldn't be)because the artists are charging people for their voice, which God gavethem for free.
This is all so confusing! I really want to enjoy my new Christmaspresent, but I have litterally lost sleep and have knots in my stomachover this issue. I want to download the music and enjoy it like normalcollege students. But asa Christian, I also don't want to becomitting a sin. And in the end, I really don't KNOW if I am committinga sin.
Anyone want to help me out with this?
I'm getting a new Ipod for christmas. My mother thought it would be anice gift for me since I just started college in the fall. I wasthrilled until I began thinking about it... I cannot afford $20 for aCD, nor can I afford $1 a song to download off Itunes. 50 songs = 50dollars that I don't have. So others, including my mother and an olderChristian friend, told me to just download the songs off of Limewire.No big deal. I went looking on Limewire and sure enough, the songs Iwant are there. Great.
But is this stealing? I have christian friends justifying it, includingmy mother, by saying that it is not stealing if I am just uploading itto an Ipod for my own personal enjoyment. I am not selling it, nor am Imaking a profit from it. I am also not taking credit for the music, oranything of that nature. Just downloading it to listen to. This seemsinnocent in and of itself, but I am doing that as opposed to buyingCD's that I can't afford.
My older christian friend made a statement last night that not allillegal things are wrong and not all wrong things are illegal. (Becausethe bible states that you must obey the law of the land, but the lawshave gotten out of control!) And the law states that downloading musicis illegal, but others justify that it's truly not (or shouldn't be)because the artists are charging people for their voice, which God gavethem for free.
This is all so confusing! I really want to enjoy my new Christmaspresent, but I have litterally lost sleep and have knots in my stomachover this issue. I want to download the music and enjoy it like normalcollege students. But asa Christian, I also don't want to becomitting a sin. And in the end, I really don't KNOW if I am committinga sin.
Anyone want to help me out with this?