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Well-Known Member
Dec 7, 2008
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wat r u in a religion sort of way? im a roman catholic:biggrin2:

note- no need 2 post. and no people being put down for wat they belive in, but people here are always nice:biggrin2:

We've already had this conversation but I thought I would just post my answer again :)

I live by Christian morals as much as I can, although I do not visit church or even necessarily believe in God. That means I fall into the Sea of Faith aspect of Christianity.
I was raised Jehovas Witness. What do I believe? That is hard I agree with almost everything they preach but I also believe that all religions have the same base line. Goodwill towards mankind, being the best person you can be ete... I don't believe religions are wrong I believe the way people interpret them is wrong.
I am Roman Catholic but do not follow everything that the church does. My children attended Catholic school for a long time (son K to 8 and daughter PreK to 4) and it was fine but they now go to public school and love it!

I converted about 12 years ago. I was raised pretty much un-churched but lived by Christian code/methodist church if we went.

I was raised in an Anglican family, but I don't follow any religion. Guess you'd call me spiritual, rather than religious.

My personal tenet falls closest to something the Dalai Lama once said:

"My religion is simple. My religion is kindness."
I'm agnostic, so I'm not religious but I'm not atheist. I went to a CofE primary school but I'm not christened. None of my family is religious apart from my Uncle who recently 'found God'. Despite the fact he is annoying about it (he was very pushy once he had 'seen the light' and wanted us all to join him and went around telling us we were all condemned to hell) it has done him a lot of good, he met his now wife through church and has calmed down a lot in life.

So yeah, I'm a big nothing really. I'm kinda spiritual (and I hate that term, it makes me sound like I sit around inhaling incense and chanting). I believe in ghosts, I believe in karma, I believe that there could be something out there. Religion explains a lot of things, it also doesn't.

I used to be very uncaring, I just didn't have time to think about religion. Now I think about it a lot. I find the concept of religion very interesting....

Fran :) :hearts :brownbunny
What I like to tell people is I'm a Christian. I attend a Baptist church at this time - but the "label" I want is "Christian" and not "Baptist". I've also attended the Nazarene church and a non-denominational church....

I'm what many would call an "Evangelical Christian" - meaning - I believe the Bible is true - I believe that Jesus Christ came to earth to die and provide a way for us to go to heaven. I have a lot of beliefs....but I think many would say I don't "push" them on others. If they're brought up - I'll talk about them. If I'm asked - I'll answer. But - it is not my place to judge others and tell them "you're wrong". Its my place to live out my faith for my own life.

The only thing I ask of others is that when they talk about Christians - they don't lump us all together. Some are radical and do things I'd never believe in or support.
Peg, that's really how I am. I joined the Catholic church because I had always loved it since I was a teen. John got brownie points for being Catholic when I met him LOL!

I think I like the tradition of the Mass and stuff, but I also think that God doesn't want me to have 10 children and end up in a padded room and they have no mother....... so that's my view on birth control - just an example of how I don't agree with everyting the church says.

I was brought up Roman Catholic, but kind of fell away from it. I always missed the traditions, but each time I tried to go back to church (Catholic), I just felt like it didn't "fit".

We became Episcopalian about 5 year ago. The traditions are the same, but it's not as strict. To me, it was important that gay people and divorced people be able to celebrate with us (I'm not gay, I'm married, but I have quite a few gay friends and it was important to me).
I feel like I fit there.

In the end, I agree that the most important piece of religion, at leat to me,is spirituality and kindness.
I was brought up in a "country church" which means that it was pretty much non-denominational, was convenient to all the local farms and had people from a variety of backgrounds but was definitely "christian." So like Peg, if your asking me to label myself, I prefer "christian" to methodist which is the church I'm currently attending.

My husband and I also acknowledge (not really observe) some of the Jewish holidays like Hanukah because his mother is Jewish. We have only started doing that more recently as the kids were curious about it and wondered why we ate Matzo ball soup and blintzes on holidays like Easter and Christmas (how confusing is that to have a traditional Jewish meal on holidays that celebrate Jesus?:)). Yep, we're a weird family that way. My husband was not brought up practicing the Jewish religion but instead attended a United Church of Christ churchthat seemed fairly non-denominational to me when I went there (very similar to what I experienced growing up). Anyway, my mother-in-law has been wonderful about teaching them, providing age appropriate books, etc.
I'm a non-practising Roman Catholic, I'm baptised and made my communion, confirmation just to please my nana and some other realtions who wouldn't talk to us if we didn't. We don't pray, go to mass or believe in God. Basically atheists but with a catholic title lol.
irishbunny wrote:
I'm a non-practising Roman Catholic, I'm baptised and made my communion, confirmation just to please my nana and some other realtions who wouldn't talk to us if we didn't. We don't pray, go to mass or believe in God. Basically atheists but with a catholic title lol.
See, that's the exact reason I'm not Christened. A lot of people (not my family, but friends etc) couldn't understand when my parents said they weren't going to christen me. A lot of people looked down on my parents because they weren't doing what is 'normal', even from non religious people. It was seen as the 'done thing'. The reason I'm not christened is mainly my Dad. He refused to stand up in a church and say that he believed in God and would bring me to church every Sunday when he knew he wouldn't and it was a lie.

Obviously you are probably fine with it but in my situation I would be so annoyed if I had to go through that. I just couldn't go through all that protocol for something I don't believe in. I just couldn't stand up and say I believed in God when I didn't. I'm so glad my parents feel the same way!

Fran :) :hearts :brownbunny
I've been raised Catholic, went to Catholic Primary School, go to Catholic Grammar school, am made to go to mass every Sunday by my parents. But I have too much doubt to be a good follower. Also, I hate the RC stance on homosexuality and contraception, the role of women in the church... I could go on. When I'm 18 I won't be going any more.

Eta: I do believe in God.
I was raised Catholic , and went to catholic school, at the age of 16 i was sitting in mass and the priest was saying the homily talking about how god loves everyone and all that stuff, then about 10 minutes later he read a note from the Cardnal talking (what i preceived as) hatred about gays and that did it for me. I believe in god but not alot of what the church believes so to me going to the church was wrong for me. So i have been at a cross road for my religion for a while, i have read a little about other religions but have not officially changed my religion so i still get my kids Baptised, and i still consider myself a catholic, but i am a non church practicing catholic.
TinysMom wrote:
I'm what many would call an "Evangelical Christian" - meaning - I believe the Bible is true - I believe that Jesus Christ came to earth to die and provide a way for us to go to heaven. I have a lot of beliefs....but I think many would say I don't "push" them on others. If they're brought up - I'll talk about them. If I'm asked - I'll answer. But - it is not my place to judge others and tell them "you're wrong". Its my place to live out my faith for my own life.

The only thing I ask of others is that when they talk about Christians - they don't lump us all together. Some are radical and do things I'd never believe in or support.

Thanks Peg for stating that so beautifully.

I am Christian and more specifically a Nazarene. Our denomination just celebrated its 100th anniversary of founding. Though we were founded in the Wesleyan tradition, we have some beliefs that are different from other denominations such as entire sanctification and holiness tradition.

Rather than cutting and pasting, I'll give this link which shows what we believe

Attending church is important to me for a variety of reason: to learn more about the Biblethrough Pastor's message and grow in faith, to celebrate Communionwith friends, fellowship/sisterhood with other church members.There is something to do every day at the church or with and for other members. You can participate as much or as little as you want.

Some other things that important to me are the opportunities to put my faith in action through the many service ministries our church supports - making crisis care kits to be distributed in time of need, preparing and serving meals at Salvation Army, working with the children of AIDS patients, visiting and being useful at local nursing homes, helping people who have just been released from hospital - shopping, cooking, feeding, personal care. The list is long and there is some type of service ministry going on every day. We don't, however, believe that you can buy your way into Heaven with good works. We do it because the Bible commands it, because we can and because we enjoy helping others. There are many different ways to minister to someone and share God's love. We now have members who are helping with animal charities, as well as, human charities.

That we can choose right from wrong and we are accountable for our own souls is also very important to me. Ibelieve everything happens for a purpose and everyone has a purpose on this Earth.

Church services aren't solemn or full of ritual. Services are very informal - wear what you want (I have never seen any one judgeed for their clothing). Pastor does not wear robes or vestments and half the time he skips the suit and tie. It makes the service seem more about every day life than just something reserved for Sunday. We sing a lot somuch of the service is worship through song.

Our church uses a jumbotron and some Sunday's we've watched parts of Mr. Bean, parts of Fiddler on the Roof, illustrate a message. The music is a lot of contemporary praise songs. We have a sense of humor! Can you tell I love my Church?

If I haven't totally put you to sleep, you can find the article of faith and more informationhere

pinksalamander wrote:
irishbunny wrote:
I'm a non-practising Roman Catholic, I'm baptised and made my communion, confirmation just to please my nana and some other realtions who wouldn't talk to us if we didn't. We don't pray, go to mass or believe in God. Basically atheists but with a catholic title lol.
See, that's the exact reason I'm not Christened. A lot of people (not my family, but friends etc) couldn't understand when my parents said they weren't going to christen me. A lot of people looked down on my parents because they weren't doing what is 'normal', even from non religious people. It was seen as the 'done thing'. The reason I'm not christened is mainly my Dad. He refused to stand up in a church and say that he believed in God and would bring me to church every Sunday when he knew he wouldn't and it was a lie.

Obviously you are probably fine with it but in my situation I would be so annoyed if I had to go through that. I just couldn't go through all that protocol for something I don't believe in. I just couldn't stand up and say I believed in God when I didn't. I'm so glad my parents feel the same way!

Fran :) :hearts :brownbunny
Ya, I'm not bothered since I got 500 euro for my communion and 600 euro for my confirmation, so I was to say I believed in God for the money lol.
I was baptized Anglican and went to an Anglican church until I was 4, then the family moved to a Presbyterian Church that my Grandparents and one of my Aunts still go to, I loved it there until there were issues with having my youngest sister baptized. My Dad thinks he's Atheist but he's not, he just doesn't believe in the name God (he believes there is a higher power though) and his Parents were Catholic. My Stepdad, who is my little sisters Father is Completely Atheist, so I come from a family with several views. When people ask me what my religion is I tell them I was baptized Anglican, attended a Presbyterian Church, but now follow my own beliefs that I've taken from several religions to make my own. Luckily, although my Grandparents go to Church, they're very open and accepting, as we have a number of gay, divorced family members, and some who aren't married but who have kids, and all of us are treated the same way.

It's nice to be able to find a forum where religion can be discussed without having your head bitten off for not believing what someone else believes in.
I was baptized, raised, and confirmed Lutheran. Don't ask me the kind of Lutheran, 'cause I have no clue. I am an agnostic bordering an atheist. I didn't even want to be confirmed, my mum forced me to. Lot of good that did. :devil

I basically go by the morals of "don't do anything that you wouldn't want people to do to you". I'm the kind of person who still holds doors open for people, gives up their seat for pregnant women or older people on the bus, you know, that stuff. I've been called a heathen or devil spawn before because I don't choose to make religion important in my life.

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