TinysMom wrote:
I'm what many would call an "Evangelical Christian" - meaning - I believe the Bible is true - I believe that Jesus Christ came to earth to die and provide a way for us to go to heaven. I have a lot of beliefs....but I think many would say I don't "push" them on others. If they're brought up - I'll talk about them. If I'm asked - I'll answer. But - it is not my place to judge others and tell them "you're wrong". Its my place to live out my faith for my own life.
The only thing I ask of others is that when they talk about Christians - they don't lump us all together. Some are radical and do things I'd never believe in or support.
Thanks Peg for stating that so beautifully.
I am Christian and more specifically a Nazarene. Our denomination just celebrated its 100th anniversary of founding. Though we were founded in the Wesleyan tradition, we have some beliefs that are different from other denominations such as entire sanctification and holiness tradition.
Rather than cutting and pasting, I'll give this link which shows what we believe
Attending church is important to me for a variety of reason: to learn more about the Biblethrough Pastor's message and grow in faith, to celebrate Communionwith friends, fellowship/sisterhood with other church members.There is something to do every day at the church or with and for other members. You can participate as much or as little as you want.
Some other things that important to me are the opportunities to put my faith in action through the many service ministries our church supports - making crisis care kits to be distributed in time of need, preparing and serving meals at Salvation Army, working with the children of AIDS patients, visiting and being useful at local nursing homes, helping people who have just been released from hospital - shopping, cooking, feeding, personal care. The list is long and there is some type of service ministry going on every day. We don't, however, believe that you can buy your way into Heaven with good works. We do it because the Bible commands it, because we can and because we enjoy helping others. There are many different ways to minister to someone and share God's love. We now have members who are helping with animal charities, as well as, human charities.
That we can choose right from wrong and we are accountable for our own souls is also very important to me. Ibelieve everything happens for a purpose and everyone has a purpose on this Earth.
Church services aren't solemn or full of ritual. Services are very informal - wear what you want (I have never seen any one judgeed for their clothing). Pastor does not wear robes or vestments and half the time he skips the suit and tie. It makes the service seem more about every day life than just something reserved for Sunday. We sing a lot somuch of the service is worship through song.
Our church uses a jumbotron and some Sunday's we've watched parts of Mr. Bean, parts of Fiddler on the Roof, etc.to illustrate a message. The music is a lot of contemporary praise songs. We have a sense of humor! Can you tell I love my Church?
If I haven't totally put you to sleep, you can find the article of faith and more informationhere