Hehe...I AM SO EXCITED!! Yes, it willtake a lot of coordination to transport Trixie here, but we're willingto go through the trouble (though I don't think either one of us reallyconsiders it "trouble", hehe!).
I have been in love with sweet Trixie bunny since the moment I laideyes on her on Denise's avatar...and am so incredibly thrilled andhonored that she'll be living in our home!
We will be taking Flower in to get spayed within a month from now, andthe plan is to transport Trixie in March. Part of the reasonis to get Flower all healed and ready for company, another part isfinancial, and the third part of the reason is the weather, since,though the cargo portion of the plane is temperature-controlled, theyrecommend not flying animals either in the heat of summer or in theextreme cold of winter.
So, Flower will finally have a buddy! We're both so excited about this!!
And, though I'm not happy that Denise has to rehome her wonderful baby,at the same time, I'm happy that she's going to live in a loving, happyhome.
This is such a wonderful day...and I keep thinking about the moment Isee that sweet loppy bunny face...I had such a hard time sleeping lastnight in the excitement of it all!
:bunnydance::bunnydance: Maisie and Flower do the Happy BunnyDance in the honor of their new friend and sister Trixie...they can'twait to meet her!!
Hugs and love to you all,
P.S. Be prepared for questions from me about spaying,bonding, animal transporting, etc...you know they're coming!!