Well-Known Member
Thanks for the TON of info.. and I apologize for coming off like a crazy person but theres so much involved in why I am trying to rehome her. Honestly I dont think chester is going to be a broken up as you think, he likes her but he plays by himself more.. I guess in his own way hes independant. their also in seperate cages just because Bunn likes to chew on his face(dont know why). She can be kinda mean to him sometimes too.. if I give them both treats she litteraly inhales hers and snatches his away from him. Also I'm moving in a few weeks and am setting up complete free roam of the house for chester to do away with the cage stuff since chester basiclly is like a little dog, he sleeps on a little bed doesnt chew ANYTHING thats not in his food bowl. Where as bunn is completly destructive.. she destorys anything and everything she has or can get to. Yes Ive done all the carpet chewing methods possible shes even got every chew toy pretty much in the world but she doesnt like any of them, other than the food ones. I dont find me wanting to rehome her a bad thing, I mean I've tried but I really am just annoyed with dealing with the annoyances.. and the fact that the house we're moving into isnt going to be ready till a month after our current lease ends and we have to stay in a hotel up until then doesnt help with a uncooperative rabbit. Unlike chester, shes not going to make things easy. Still gotta figure out what the heck we're going to do with the saltwater tank the whole month we're gonna be in a hotel. So yes, thats just a tad of the drama going on right now and I feel like I just do not need this extra frustration.