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Thanks for the TON of info.. and I apologize for coming off like a crazy person but theres so much involved in why I am trying to rehome her. Honestly I dont think chester is going to be a broken up as you think, he likes her but he plays by himself more.. I guess in his own way hes independant. their also in seperate cages just because Bunn likes to chew on his face(dont know why). She can be kinda mean to him sometimes too.. if I give them both treats she litteraly inhales hers and snatches his away from him. Also I'm moving in a few weeks and am setting up complete free roam of the house for chester to do away with the cage stuff since chester basiclly is like a little dog, he sleeps on a little bed doesnt chew ANYTHING thats not in his food bowl. Where as bunn is completly destructive.. she destorys anything and everything she has or can get to. Yes Ive done all the carpet chewing methods possible shes even got every chew toy pretty much in the world but she doesnt like any of them, other than the food ones. I dont find me wanting to rehome her a bad thing, I mean I've tried but I really am just annoyed with dealing with the annoyances.. and the fact that the house we're moving into isnt going to be ready till a month after our current lease ends and we have to stay in a hotel up until then doesnt help with a uncooperative rabbit. Unlike chester, shes not going to make things easy. Still gotta figure out what the heck we're going to do with the saltwater tank the whole month we're gonna be in a hotel. So yes, thats just a tad of the drama going on right now and I feel like I just do not need this extra frustration.
Haley wrote:
When we say "bonded" rabbits we dont just mean that they play together once in a while (as you said she does with your parent's rabbit). A true bonded pair is a pair that lives together 24/7, grooms one another andcares for eachother. I have two bonded pairs and if I took one away the other would be so devastated.

In that case.. they arent bonded?.. they have seperate cages(as I said above) but they are side by side. The only grooming between them is before they mate, chester might lick her ears a bit, but nothing more than that. So from what your saying Im going to think they arent bonded.. in which they should be fine seperated.
Ok so. Why not describe her alittle more. Ok so with people she is iffy.

Does she play with toys?

Does she like to run around?

Does she chew on things she shouldn't?

How is she when feeding?

My last foster was iffy with people but loved to binky and flop. She had amazing litterbox habits.
I only have one bunny, so I am not speaking from experience with bonded bunnies. And, I hope this comes across the right way, but I'm going to speak from rescue experience.

It sounds as if Tracey has her mind made up. We're not living the situation, and I know it can be frustrating. Animals, unfortunately, are not cookie cutters, just like children. Some can be easy to love, some are more difficult. Some are hands on, and some you just have to love from afar.

But, your heart has to be in it. You have to *want* to love them, unconditionally, accepting them for who they are. As GoingBackto Cali said, you might not be the right person for her. As I said,it sounds to me as if you've got your mind made up.
Hopefully it won't affect Chester, but if it does, you've gotten the heads up as it's something you might have to deal with. It is confusing for us, as you first saidshe currently lives(inside) with a neutered male btw.. they litterally fell in love at first sight..
which would lead us to believe they are bonded, but then it migrated into a few licks here and there and they hang out by themselves. It's a little confusing.

Either way, nobody (and nobunny) should have to live in a home where they aren't really wanted - they are really just "being put up with", instead of truly loved for who they are.

Please prepare and plan that once your family starts, Chester will still require a lot of attention and love, especially if you're removing his bunny friend.
Again,I hope this comes across the way I meant it to...

I think this is a good post to END this discussion on.

Tracey's email address is in the top post, hopefully somebody can provide a loving home for her littlebunny.

Sorry this thread got a little heated, but honestly Tracey, nobody was attacking you.

sas :(

PS: I didn't see this come up, but another solution might be to see if a localrescue can 'trade' bunnies with you. They have experiencesocializing rabbits, and at least Chester won't be lonley, andthey might be able to bond your girl with somebunny else. Andthere won't be one less spot open for a homeless bunny in your part of the world.
Something to think about.

sas :clover:

I'm going to say how i feel even though i'm pretty sure i'll get a lot of negative comments on this. but i believe in standing up for what it right. YOu want to start a family. having children literally is a gift from God. holding that infant in your arms that you created in love ..... there is no drug to make you feel the way your own child makes you feel. and you have a responsibility to protect that child. if the behavior with the bun has just started then perhaps wait a little longer just to see if it stops. if it doesn't this just might be a cranky bun. i love my animals but i love my family and i have a responsibility to my family. if i thought that any child was in danger of being hurt by one of my animals i'm sorry that this will offend most ot the people on the foreum, but the animal would have to go. I spent 10 years working with children thru headstart......there is nothing more precious and valuable then life. now i work as a nurse and i've seen children mangled and hurt by animals that parents just couldn't part with. and kids are kids. a 2 year old doesn't know when "fluffY' doesn't want to be petted. i realize that buns don't cause as much damage as say a huge dog but a child can get hurt. i think you'll make a wonderful mom. the fact that you're getting your life situation b/f the baby comes shows that you are responsible. you've obviously put thought into this. i don't doubt that you love your buns but you realize an even greater responsibility.....your children.

as for some of the other commenters on here.....she's looking for help not to be bunny bashed. can we put aside our differences and help her out. and yes i found some of the way people worded their "good intentioned advice" a little forceful. she needs our help and our support. this foreum is yes about bunnies but it's also about the people that take care of all these bunnies. we need to all help take care of each other. it's about support. so lets all really think of what other possibilities there are out there.
I think that everyone has opinions on this but in the end none of them matter. We are here for the rabbits if this bunny needs a home than that is what is important.

So if you could answer the questions I asked aboveit would give a bigger picture. Some people are willing to look past bunnies with attitude. It takes special people for animals like that. No I don't mean it in a bad way against you. I just think some people can reach animals like that. Trust me those are the bunnies I work with in the rescue. I know the ones that will come around fast, the ones that take awhile, and the ones who will need a special home.

Tell us more about her. Give us the good with the bad. Good to be honest but point out her cute things.

Does she like certain foods?

Does she have a fave green or treat?


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