Really worried about bumper....CLOSED

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Yeah I would get him to the vet asap. Theres too many different things going on here but my main concern is his lack of use of his hind legs. Its possible he has some sort of spinal injury, which can be very serious, or maybe a pinched nerve. But this is definitely something a vet needs to look at.

If you dont have the money, many will work on payment plans. Also, Care Credit is available for people on limited incomes. He really needs to be seen asap.
Well, Bumper certainly needs to be examined by a veterinarian, there's really no way around that. Perhaps he has some kind of congenital defect, that is causing a problem in his back legs. He actually seems to be bright eyed, at least in the video I could actually view.

He may have to have a splint or something along those lines to help correct it. There really are a lot of different possibilities for this.

Basically, he needs a veterinarian.
How is Bumper doing now? Did he see a vet yet? I thought about him while I was at work and just now got home!
mouse_chalk wrote:
I'm really worried about Bumper... I'm thinking of you guys and I really hope he'll be ok and that you made it to a vet...

Me, too. I really hope that things worked out for Bumper.The lack of a response at this point has me extra concerned. :pray:
sorry yall, my internet crapped out on me.

Bumper is still the same as yesterday, very curious and has lots of personality, he just can't move his back legs well. I hope that it is something that a splint or something can correct, but who knows. I'm praying that I don't have to make the ultimate decision and that this can all get resolved. I have grown very attatched to this little guy, and am hoping for the best. As soon as I get up and going I'm bringing him to the vet, which is quite a drive away, so wish us luck.
He's such a sweet bunny. He loves to lick me and chew at my necklaces and he used to love to run around the house.
this doesn't look to me like something that a splint will resolve
prayer won't cure his problem unless you take some action

looks neurological ..possibly something cause by a parasite.
I cannot believe that you have not taken him to a vet yet.

I will guess this bunny will die soon and probably an agonizing death if you do not take some action
angieluv wrote:
this doesn't look to me like something that a splint will resolve
prayer won't cure his problem unless you take some action

looks neurological ..possibly something cause by a parasite.
I cannot believe that you have not taken him to a vet yet.

I will guess this bunny will die soon and probably an agonizing death if you do not take some action
OK, I took him to the vet the very second I got a chance, ok? I did at least take him to the vet, which is a whole hell of a lot more than a lot of people out there do. So dont attack me like that, ok? I bought a dadgum rabbit on the side of the road for 10 bucks. What do you think is happening to his siblings, huh? They aren't getting this kind of attention, I'll put money on it. Zin is going to come on later............
Krickette wrote:
OK, I took him to the vet the very second I got a chance, ok? I did at least take him to the vet, which is a whole hell of a lot more than a lot of people out there do. So dont attack me like that, ok? I bought a dadgum rabbit on the side of the road for 10 bucks. What do you think is happening to his siblings, huh? They aren't getting this kind of attention, I'll put money on it. Zin is going to come on later............
Krickette, I'm under the impression that you're new to rabbit ownership. (I kind of am, too, having had my two girls for just one year now.) And if I'm right, then I can understand why angieluv's response has taken you by surprise. But...

What I never realized (until I got thrown into the chaos) is that rabbits are extremely delicate in terms of their health--much more so than dogs and cats. So any unusual symptoms--especially likea bun losing use of its back legs--is viewed as an extreme emergency and generally requires care that same day. Angieluv is looking at the situation from this realization and is worried about Bumper's health.

Speaking of Bumper, what happened at the vet visit?
Jenk wrote:
Krickette wrote:
OK, I took him to the vet the very second I got a chance, ok? I did at least take him to the vet, which is a whole hell of a lot more than a lot of people out there do. So dont attack me like that, ok? I bought a dadgum rabbit on the side of the road for 10 bucks. What do you think is happening to his siblings, huh? They aren't getting this kind of attention, I'll put money on it. Zin is going to come on later............
So any unusual symptoms--especially likea bun losing use of its back legs--is viewed as an extreme emergency and generally requires care that same day. Angieluv is looking at the situation from this realization and is worried about Bumper's health.

Speaking of Bumper, what happened at the vet visit?
I agree- Bumper's symptoms are, in rabbits at least, something that's seen as a real emergency, one that cannot normally wait. I think that Maureen (Angieluv) is just very concerned for Bumper's health, as we all are, as his symptoms seem so serious, and bunnies can deteriorate so quickly...

How did the vet visit go? What did they say about Bumper?
I just read Angieluv's post..I am just seething such a rude and insensitve post was directed towards such a newbie.

This issue has been dealt with.. and I saw to it MYSELF, as did my BF, a VET.. Krickette took our advice and did was best for the bunny..

The bunny is in the hands of a vet, getting the best possible care.. there will be an update later after a discussion is made on the best possible way to handle the sensitive subject..

:shhhh: Stop seething. AngieLuv apologized.

Thanks for stepping in and helping this bunny.:hug1 All is good.

Let's just hope all can be well for Bumper. :pray:

sas :clover:
Well. since PM's apparently are in full force.. I will just lay it all out for you all..

I called and spoke with the vet, as did Rusty. He made payment arrangements, however they were not needed as the vet refused to take payment,(I don't mention this to make him look good, but to show ya'll how impressed I am that thisother Vet refused money, didn't need a payment arrangement.. so it's not always all about MONEY). I had already spoken with Krickette and told her most likely what the problems were based on what my guys assessment was. I also told her what was probably best for the rabbit long term. I called the vet back and we both agreed to talk to her about surrendering the bunny.

Krickette, to my knowledge, is not even up to date on everything, as she is really broken up about this.. she did what she thought was best, and it all went belly up... you can't fault her for being noble. It's more than some other people would have done, and I have seen it myself...culling..

The bunny has been seen, he has a spinal injury, at this point the vet is in touch with a couple of rescues who will work specifically with a special needs bunny to address the issues of urine scalds and poopy butts. This vet has donated his time and services to help this bunny.. he is to be commended.

As for Krickette.. she's a kid, it was an impulse buy, she at least sought us out for help instead of trying to do it half ass. Sure she could have done it in a more expedient fashion.. but what's done is done, and he is being tended to now. So being rude and riding her butt serves no purpose whatsoever. Do you not think she already feels horrible enough? I have talked with her on the phone.. she's in tears. It wasn't the voice of some cold, uncaring kid.. she was really upset..

I would appreciate it if any disparaging words or criticism directed towards her were kept to a dull roar.. or better yet to yourself..

This was an avoidable accident.. sure.. but I did what I could.. my guy did what he could.. and the bunny will be getting the care it needs, by a lovely vet who really seems to have it's needs at heart..
Re. my post, just to say that I wasn't meaning it in a critical way towards Krickette, I was just trying to explain people's concern, so I'm sorry if it came across that way at all...

I'm glad Bumper is getting the help he needs and I really hope he will be ok...