Thanks for helping krickette ,.Cali 
Videos do not look good.
hope all goes well
let us know
Videos do not look good.
hope all goes well
let us know
Me, too. I really hope that things worked out for Bumper.The lack of a response at this point has me extra concerned.I'm really worried about Bumper... I'm thinking of you guys and I really hope he'll be ok and that you made it to a vet...
wow.this doesn't look to me like something that a splint will resolve
prayer won't cure his problem unless you take some action
looks neurological ..possibly something cause by a parasite.
I cannot believe that you have not taken him to a vet yet.
I will guess this bunny will die soon and probably an agonizing death if you do not take some action
Krickette, I'm under the impression that you're new to rabbit ownership. (I kind of am, too, having had my two girls for just one year now.) And if I'm right, then I can understand why angieluv's response has taken you by surprise.
OK, I took him to the vet the very second I got a chance, ok? I did at least take him to the vet, which is a whole hell of a lot more than a lot of people out there do. So dont attack me like that, ok? I bought a dadgum rabbit on the side of the road for 10 bucks. What do you think is happening to his siblings, huh? They aren't getting this kind of attention, I'll put money on it. Zin is going to come on later............
I agree- Bumper's symptoms are, in rabbits at least, something that's seen as a real emergency, one that cannot normally wait. I think that Maureen (Angieluv) is just very concerned for Bumper's health, as we all are, as his symptoms seem so serious, and bunnies can deteriorate so quickly...Krickette wrote:So any unusual symptoms--especially likea bun losing use of its back legs--is viewed as an extreme emergency and generally requires care that same day. Angieluv is looking at the situation from this realization and is worried about Bumper's
OK, I took him to the vet the very second I got a chance, ok? I did at least take him to the vet, which is a whole hell of a lot more than a lot of people out there do. So dont attack me like that, ok? I bought a dadgum rabbit on the side of the road for 10 bucks. What do you think is happening to his siblings, huh? They aren't getting this kind of attention, I'll put money on it. Zin is going to come on later............
Speaking of Bumper, what happened at the vet visit?