Really Scared for Abby

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HI Jen. How are you and Abby? My heartgoes to you both. You are both in my continued prayers. If you needanything, anything at all please just ask ok. I'm worried about youbothSweetie.

Tina and the entire Zoo Crew

jen it sounds like you are doing everything youcan for her right now ... just keep going strong with the methods youare sounds like you caught onto her at pretty much the onsetso that is good :)both Abby and yourself are in my thoughtsand prayers!
When I was on the phone last night withJen Abby was fighting the treatment, running away every chance she gotand grooming herself.

She still hasn't pooped. She is still fighting Jen with thetreatments and running away. Jen is waiting for a call back from thevet. Jen is doing all she can for Abby and they are both fighting sohard.

So please keep all the prayers and good thoughts coming for both Jen and Abby.

dajeti2 wrote:
When I was on the phone last night with Jen Abby wasfighting the treatment, running away every chance she got and groomingherself.

She still hasn't pooped. She is still fighting Jen with thetreatments and running away. Jen is waiting for a call back from thevet. Jen is doing all she can for Abby and they are both fighting sohard.

So please keep all the prayers and good thoughts coming for both Jen and Abby.

S'more fought with us soooo hard. She would be exhausted afterwards. Wefinally opted for the "bunnie burrito". A lot less stressful for thebun and a lot less scratches for us.

Jen, ya gotta be the "Big Kahuna" with Abby and just keep reassuring her that it's all for the best.

Prayers and good thoughts continue.
Abby this is your first mommie talking here.Please take all of the stuff for mommie Jen, you need to get well soyou can come and visit daddy DJ and I. We miss you sweetie and I wouldlike you to meet SweetPea too so you guys can become friends when youmove back to pgh.

Abby I love you and I still miss you. Please be good for mommie Jen.


Mommie Angel , Daddy DJ, and your critter friends.
Jim, I'm sorry. I was a bit tired when I posted this update for Jen and I fear I did a bad job of it, sorry Jen.

Jen is being the Kahuna rabbit and Abby isn't fighting terriblybut she is trying to resist the treatments. As soon as she is done withthe current round of treatment Abby runs to her temporary cage in Jen'sroom and grooms herslf. She then gives Jen the butt in protest.

When I hung up with Jen last night, Abby was laying on the bedresting. I am hopeful. Abby is getting around on her own, she drinks ifJen holds the water bottle for her and she seems to tolerate the slurrypretty good.

Jen and Abby have been all I can think about today. I'm prayingfor both of them. I know that you all will help her the same way youwere able to help me. Thank you.


Glad to hear she is moving around and taking some stuff on her own...contiued thoughts and prayers for her and Jen!
Here's the latest: She just did 1poop. It was so hard. She finally peed.She's had some Tetracycline. I've syringed a bunch of cannedpumpkin into her and some more pellet slurry. She's also hadNutrical.

I'm still so worried. I'm completely exhausted, so I'm goingto try to sleep some soon. I'll feed her again at 11 and thenclean her and try to get some rest.

I can't remember what else to say, except thanks for all the prayersand thoughts. We still need them. A huge thanks toTina for staying up until all hours on the phone with me last night andto Carolyn for calling today.


Oh Jen at least she did one poop and peed. Butstill I would worry some more so there is not blockage or anything.Maybe a nice cool/warm bath would make her comfy. It is supposed to getreally hot and humid tomorrow and I am concern about that as well forAbby and all of our buns who do not have ac. Good luck Jen and get somerest until 11. Hopefully she will have more poops for you.

Jen give Abby this for me :kiss::love:
Thats a start Jen...1 poop is a start....sending more good thoughts/prayers for you both! Hang in there you 2!
Pamnock she is one stubborn girl but such asweetheart. Always want out of the cage or play with her teddy bear.She would never hurt you. If she accidently bite you she gives you alook I didn't mean it. I hope you get to meet her too.


Praying for you Jen and Abby :pray:
One poop is a start... I hope little Abby pullsthrough this... no more bunnies need to go through this... there havebeen too many problems with stasis all ready. I'll be prayingfor Abby.

~ Jamie
woohoo!! one poop down ..a billion to come!!:Dsomething is better than nothing Jen! I am to hear Abby ishaving some progress..just keep it up and i am sure she will be fine!continued thoughts and prayers for you both!
Come on Abby, you can do it! Poop away!!!



Hi Jen, Sorry it took me so long to gethere. I have been busy with my family today outside ofAngel. How's my little girl doing? Any updates forus? I have been praying all day for my little Abby and hopigshe is well. Please tell us something soon.

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