Oh Hampton Court isn't too far away from me then! Other than Pet Doctors and the vet I go to (Cape Vet Clinic) I haven't seen anything nearby-there are loads of Pet Doctors near me though!!
Pet Doctors does look quite good and experienced so on Monday I'll try and give them a call! We did go once as a bit of an emergancy-my first rabbit died suddenly at 8monthes it just happened over night, he got a very runny tummy and we couldn't get him to the vet in time so unfortunatly he died, the next day Daisy got a runny tummy so we called Pet Doctors and being saturday they had to call out an emergancy vet, who did a great job and she was fine but the vet was actually allergic to rabbits! which didn't seem to good but he clearly knew what he was doing.
Pet Doctors does look quite good and experienced so on Monday I'll try and give them a call! We did go once as a bit of an emergancy-my first rabbit died suddenly at 8monthes it just happened over night, he got a very runny tummy and we couldn't get him to the vet in time so unfortunatly he died, the next day Daisy got a runny tummy so we called Pet Doctors and being saturday they had to call out an emergancy vet, who did a great job and she was fine but the vet was actually allergic to rabbits! which didn't seem to good but he clearly knew what he was doing.