There have been many threads in the past about pregnant bunnies and what to do to prepare yourself, so I would do a search on here while your waiting for responses, like "pregnancy" "female rabbit pregnant" etc.
Read this info and read the info from the links given in the below article. That will give you a bunch of info for preparing.
People aren't meaning to be rude. It can be hard to understand what advice you are needing when it is difficult to decipher your posts and when you don't type clearly people think your joking around or not being serious.
The expense things to prepare for are these:
- If you want your rabbit to have a safer pregnancy so she will be most likely to get through it without dangers, have a vet check her 2-3 weeks from now.
Not every Momma bunny survives giving birth and not every baby may survive the birth, so this is something to be aware of.
- Always keep the male completely separate from the female.. even after the babies are born, the female can immediately become pregnant again if the male has access. After the babies are weaned get Mom or the male fixed straight away.
- Rabbits can have up to 8 babies, so if they will be growing up with you, prepare Mommas cage to be big enough for babies too. Once the bunnies are weaned after a few weeks, you will need to stock up on alfalfa pellets for the kiddies.
Also make sure the babies are kept warm, either with hot water bottles placed nearby or blankets to snuggle in. Make sure they have a private quiet place with Mom and make sure Mom is feeding and caring for them properly.