really need help, but no 1 is looking at it

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Well-Known Member
Dec 7, 2008
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i dont want to seem rude, but no 1 is on the asnwering mood 2 day. its in the rabbitry...

i need 2 no wht 2 do soon.. so it is ready"if" she is a mummy bunny.

ps. i seen him "at it..."

so it is not false if she shows signs....

sorry, im just really woried:?
irishlops wrote:
i dont want to seem rude, but no 1 is on the asnwering mood 2 day. its in the rabbitry...

i need 2 no wht 2 do soon.. so it is ready"if" she is a mummy bunny.

ps. i seen him "at it..."

so it is not false if she shows signs....

sorry, im just really woried:?
3 people have replied and you haven't answered.

This is for off topic stuff not about rabbits.

And its becuase not everyone replies straight away, nothing will change with your bunny being preggers (or not) tomorrow so just be patient, and also its getting near Christmas so lots of people are with their families and with parties etc so don't expect a reply staright away
I agree with Emily.

I don't even understand a word you wrote.

Not everyone is going to sit around waiting for someone to post, people have to do stuff.. it is the holidays and it wouldn't hurt you to wait an hour or so.

Did you say you see him mounting her now ?

Why are you sittting there.. get him off her.
Well wow. Not only is it the holidays but the weekend. It is one of the hardest times to get responses. Also not everyone visits the rabbitry. Sometimes you just have to be patient or PM a MOD so they can try and help.
BlueSkyAcresRabbitry wrote:
I agree with everyone else.

Also, can you type normally? And spell correctly? It's hard to understand what you're saying when you can't spell or type properly :?

Ditto, if you speak properly people will more likely reply, it's a forum not msn :)
irishlops wrote:
thanks every 1.

i dont think i will be on here again.
there are lots of info in the reading section of this site. i'm not up to date on breeding since i only have one bun and he's a fixed male. but i'm thinking it's too early to tell and you probably have to wait it out. and from what i understand even palpating can be tricky. emily (blueskysrabbitry) has 2 buns that she thought was pregnant so she's been palpating and she has experience with buns and kits etc....and even she has trouble palpating. so it's best to take the female to the vet.

as for people not answering you right is busy b/c of the holiday. also, where i live we are getting ice storms everyone is stuck home and everyone is online. my internet service is VERY SLOW this weekend since everyone is online and that makes it hard to get back to people on here.

try doing some online research.
There have been many threads in the past about pregnant bunnies and what to do to prepare yourself, so I would do a search on here while your waiting for responses, like "pregnancy" "female rabbit pregnant" etc.

Read this info and read the info from the links given in the below article. That will give you a bunch of info for preparing.

People aren't meaning to be rude. It can be hard to understand what advice you are needing when it is difficult to decipher your posts and when you don't type clearly people think your joking around or not being serious.

The expense things to prepare for are these:

- If you want your rabbit to have a safer pregnancy so she will be most likely to get through it without dangers, have a vet check her 2-3 weeks from now.

Not every Momma bunny survives giving birth and not every baby may survive the birth, so this is something to be aware of.

- Always keep the male completely separate from the female.. even after the babies are born, the female can immediately become pregnant again if the male has access. After the babies are weaned get Mom or the male fixed straight away.

- Rabbits can have up to 8 babies, so if they will be growing up with you, prepare Mommas cage to be big enough for babies too. Once the bunnies are weaned after a few weeks, you will need to stock up on alfalfa pellets for the kiddies.

Also make sure the babies are kept warm, either with hot water bottles placed nearby or blankets to snuggle in. Make sure they have a private quiet place with Mom and make sure Mom is feeding and caring for them properly.

just another thing......a couple of people mentioned about your spelling. and PLEASE don't take this the wrong way BUT if you have trouble with spelling or if english is a second language (i realize you're from ireland and i know they speak english over there but you could be from another country and moved to ireland and have trouble with the english language or spelling) please just let us know. i had a hard time understanding your posts so in all honesty i haven't read many of them. but if spelling is an issue then PLEASE let us know and i'm sure everyone on here will agree with me that we would be more than happy to spend the extra time deciphering what you post. and please don't think that i'm putting you down. one of my good friends is from Turkey and he can speak english fine but when he writes makes me laugh his way of spelling.
i can write ok... but whwn i type i type the way it sounds...

english 1st

Irish is my 2nd laugue.

spanish a 3rd.

i am 100% irish too...;)

i am making a new topic but read the old 1 1st....

:biggrin2:it a matter of bunny mummy? or rainboew bridge, if any thing goes wrong..

(it took me 15mins to type that!lol)
irishlops wrote:
i can write ok... but whwn i type i type the way it sounds...

english 1st

Irish is my 2nd laugue.

spanish a 3rd.

i am 100% irish too...;)

i am making a new topic but read the old 1 1st....

:biggrin2:it a matter of bunny mummy? or rainboew bridge, if any thing goes wrong..

(it took me 15mins to type that!lol)
Maybe install spellchecker type it the way you like and they will fix it so we can understand you. Your kinda not Irish your from the North witch belongs to England.
irishlops wrote:
i can write ok... but whwn i type i type the way it sounds...

english 1st

Irish is my 2nd laugue.

spanish a 3rd.

i am 100% irish too...;)

i am making a new topic but read the old 1 1st....

:biggrin2:it a matter of bunny mummy? or rainboew bridge, if any thing goes wrong..

(it took me 15mins to type that!lol)

If you can write, then please write it how it's actually spelt. If English is your first language, then you should know how to spell....also, Irish is pretty much the same, you don't spell anything least I dont think so :p

lol, Irish is a totally different language :biggrin2:It's not like English at all but we speak alot of English here. For example, dia duit=hello, slan=good bye, conas ata tu=how are you. So you can see it's not the same. :biggrin2:
irishbunny wrote:
lol, Irish is a totally different language :biggrin2:It's not like English at all but we speak alot of English here. For example, dia duit=hello, slan=good bye, conas ata tu=how are you. So you can see it's not the same. :biggrin2:

Oh boy! Okay, don't listen to me on that subject then :plol. I just figured there was an accent and that was bad! :?

well now that we know spelling is hard for you then i think it's fair to say that all of us can take the little extra time to try and figure out what you are saying. we still may not figure it out but we can try.

i think another point to bring up-----to us americans-----is that we are very fortunate to have the education system that we have. and even in ireland where english is a first language to the majority we don't know how it is in rural areas of ireland. I spent a few years living in central pennsylvania where a lost of people drop out of school when they are 15 so they can work on the farms. the school wasn't up to standards b/c education was not considered important. a lot of the girls i went to school with dropped out as early as 13 years old b/c they got pregnant. and that's in america where our lives are supposedly so wonderful.'s one thing to speak the english language and it's another thing to actually spell it. and since this forum is here to help people then lets just try the best we can to help minilops out. and i bet that in time after she's been on the site for awhile she'll start picking up our spelling etc..... and for those that don't have the patience to help then you don't have to. but i think minilops is trying the best she can.

BlueSkyAcresRabbitry wrote:
irishbunny wrote:
lol, Irish is a totally different language :biggrin2:It's not like English at all but we speak alot of English here. For example, dia duit=hello, slan=good bye, conas ata tu=how are you. So you can see it's not the same. :biggrin2:

Oh boy! Okay, don't listen to me on that subject then :plol. I just figured there was an accent and that was bad! :?

lol......i wasn't 100% sure if english was normally a first language in ireland or if.....whatever you call what you speak.....if that was. so don't feel bad emily.....i'm just as clueless

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